
Comments by twboyhouston (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Shower Shows 🚿🧽
    The St. James cabaret just north of the Houston airport has a shower stage above the main stage. It is very far away from the audience so you really can't see that much. It is not necessarily used every night. It is never used in the daytime. It gets used either because some girls like it or a dancer is getting punished. Some of the dancers at the St. James like stage dancing and get most of their tips on-stage. These are usually some of the hotter looking model types. They will usually do a shower show with a girlfriend. Then, they will come down with wet hair and little makeup and rotate among the 4 stages and hope to collect lots of stage tips. However, most dancers don't like the shower stage because it messes up their hair and makeup which probably took an hour to put on. These other girls only go on when the manager or DJ is punishing them, usually because they missed a stage turn or violated some policy during that night. I think it's good once in a while as a novelty but I wouldn't miss it if they removed it. In most parts of Canada there are only stage shows and no private dances. In those clubs, they often do a set with a giant clear champagne glass where you can see the nude dancer splashing away. For a dancer, it's a lot easier to not mess up their hair or makeup in what is basically a large bathtub rather than a shower.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Club Onyx in Houston loses latest court case
    You are right. Bucks Wild can have dancers but they must be fully clothed and wear masks and gloves. There will be stage dancing but no lap dances. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/courts/2020/05/06/deal-with-fort-worth-allows-adult-venue-to-reopen-amid-coronavirus-closures/
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Club Onyx in Houston loses latest court case
    Agreed, Club Onyx is not one of the better clubs in Houston. However, it is notable because it was the first to try and re-open, and it was trying to do so by creating a new legal loophole. If it had worked, it would have been quite likely that at least a few clubs would have tried to follow their lead. The real issue is that there is no end in site for the closing of clubs in Texas. In the last couple of days, the governor has done two things that has cast even more doubt on club reopenings. One, he said he has not set a reopening date for any bars or clubs because he cannot figure out how bars and clubs can operate under social distancing rules. Two, he explicitly added sexually oriented businesses (strip clubs, massage parlors, etc) to the list of businesses that will be indefinitely closed. That is why clubs here in Texas are looking for any loopholes. Buck's Wild club in Fort Worth was just allowed to re-open but as a restaurant (it's a BYOB place anyways) but with no dancers, even clothed ones. I don't know what the attraction will be for any customers, but we'll see what they can do.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    I haven't been for a few years. But at least they used to have an upstairs. It is a lot smaller than the main floor. More like a loft. They may have closed it off. They didn't open it except on busy nights.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    Club Onyx has a capacity on its first floor for about 200 people so 25% capacity would be 50 people at a time. This does not count the VIP areas of which there is one downstairs. The entire upstairs is a VIP area so I don't know if that was open. I don't believe that the dancers were charged tip-out. The club owner said he is not making any profit. He is re-opening to allow at least some of his employees to make some income. As for hours, in Houston, restaurants can be open 24 hours if they like. I heard Club Onyx was open until 4 am. As for the other clubs, county commissioner Hildalgo has just stated that other businesses like hair salons can reopen on May 20th, but bars will still remain closed. No date was given for bars. We'll have to see if any other clubs will try the Club Onyx approach.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Filth-a-delphia, PA
    Texas Clubs Open ?
    Club Onyx was successful in re-opening. They got a judge to rule in their favor. They were able to re-open because they claim they are a restaurant now. That means you can't order liquor without ordering food first. Also, they are enforcing social distancing which means all employees must stay at least 6 feet away and wear face masks. The stages have been cordoned off. You can leave your tip at a location next to the stage, but you are not allowed to approach the dancer on the stage. There are no lap dances. They are getting a lot of scrutiny from law enforcement so you can be sure they are extra careful not to break any rules. They said they had about 110 customers on Saturday night. I think when other clubs reopen later in the month, they may have similar rules.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Volunteer Needed for Recon Mission (Houston)
    It just opened on Wednesday. It's called Sunset Strip and used to be a steak house. I believe it is a topless club, and not a nude club. It's a pretty small building and parking lot. I've driven by and noticed a very full parking lot, but haven't been inside yet. I will recon soon.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Nice chill time with beautiful dancer in a revamped and more expensive club
    I’m sorry if we don’t play in the same economic league. Maybe that makes you the loser.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Lots of sexy girls, laid back atmosphere
    The info about the VIP rooms is wrong. They are always open for business day or night. The ones on the main floor cost $125. The ones on second floor behind the bar cost $250. The rooms to the side on the second floor cost $650. This fee is a one time nightly fee, and comes with a bottle of champagne or wine. The dancer does not get any of this, so dances or dancer time is extra. The manager also expects a tip.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Ritz is located in southeast Houston,...
    The area behind the main stage is not a VIP area. It is a sports bar open to all. The cmampagne room is near the front behind the public lap dance area. The upstairs is reserved for VIP members who have a lifetime membership.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Gold Cup is a pretty good...
    The VIP room upstairs has been closed for about 2 years now.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Gold cup is actually one of...
    This review seems to be old. They stopped using pasties about 6 months ago.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I apologize in advance for the...
    The status and action in these clubs change very dramatically over time. For example, the new strip club laws in Houston have completely changed how many clubs operate both for good and bad. The fact that this review was written about a visit made nea
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    This is the same club just...
    Doesn't sound like he is reviewing the right club. The Ritz has been in the same building and parking lot for 20 years. Also, on a Thursday night, there will be a lot more girls.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    A very expensive club but not much talent
    In reply, the rooms are big enough to hold about 10 people, but when you pay for the VIP, it is your own room and nobody else can use it. Thus, it could be you and your party of ten or it could be just you and the dancer(s), but there won't be any others.