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  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you care how much she weighs?
    Kyle1111 - I`m just curious - where in the world have you been that you`ve seen a 300 or 400 lb dancer?? Seriously, you must be overestimating weight. I`ve been dancing 10 years at everything from a "gentleman`s club" to a corner neighborhood bar and I have NEVER seen a dancer even approaching that weight.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Is anyone interested in an actual stripper's opinion here? I don`t see how someone who isn`t a stripper can be so positive of what strippers think or perceive, anyway. I`ve been dancing for 11 years and I work at one of the top-rated clubs on this site. Never that I can recall in all that time - myself or another stripper thinking of a guy as a "loser" or weird or anything SOLELY on the fact that the guy was in the club alone. I like it when guys are by themselves!! They are more approachable - it`s easier to strike up a conversation. I don`t like groups, especially mixed male/female groups.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    You`re welcome, Yoda! I`ve been lurking around here for awhile and enjoy reading the threads and if you guys don`t mind I will jump in once in awhile and give my opinion/thoughts/whatever. Not that I claim to speak for all strippers of course, but I`ve got quite a bit of time invested in the biz, so I think I know a little and may shed some insight here and there, perhaps.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do Strippers Simply Ignore Guys who Never Spend Money?
    There are a few of these guys in EVERY club. The type that comes in several times a week - hangs around with the managers, bouncers, etc - never tips, buys dances, etc. Acts like he works there - but doesn`t. Eh, they become such a fixture that everyone usually justs gets used to `em. I may say hello and such and chit-chat for a minute or 2, but if I have real tipping customers at the bar I`m not going to generally devote too much time to this type of guy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    davids - I`m going to try to answer your question, but it seems like we are straying away from the orginal point of the thread here, a bit - which was about guys coming into strip bars alone - which I think is totally fine. If we`re going to be throwing the word "loser" around - then, well I`m sure we both have different agendas and different interpretations of who is a "loser". But yes, a guy who comes in on a regular basis and tips, (my club is a BYOB - so buying drinks is not really an issue), and buys lap dances would be more of a prefered customer to me then some guy who comes in once in a blue moon with a mixed group of guys and girls. I feel much more uncomfortable in that type of situation - I never know which girl is which guy`s boyfriend, or whatever and who is cool with what - most times it seems like it`s just a place to hang and drink for these types of groups (in my club anyway). I see many familiar faces of guys that come into my club on a regular basis - some may be there to see a certain girl, that is ok with me! As long as they are polite and tell me that - I don`t mind.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do Strippers Simply Ignore Guys who Never Spend Money?
    I believe anyone that can scrape up the cover charge is allowed to be in there, whether they tip or buy dances or not. It does bother me when guys who do this take up seats when other guys who do have money to spend have to be uncomfortable and stand, while the non-tippers have a seat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    davids - Look, I already answered your question, and I don`t know what you`re trying to get me to say here. A guy who comes in alone on a regular basis and buys dances is someone I would be alot more likely to have interaction with then a guy who comes in once in blue moon in a mixed group. I might never even speak to the mixed group guy. Sometimes in groups, the group members are talking, socializing, drinking, etc amongst themselves and don`t seem to paying much attention to dancers. A guy sitting by himself is more likely to want to have a little conversation then a guy who is already talking to a bunch of other people. It doesn`t make one or the other a loser it`s just 2 different situations. Another thing about groups - especially the younger guys - the guys tend to get a little louder and rowdier then if they were alone, I think. Like maybe showing off a bit for their friends, you know? Well, I hope I`ve answered your question, and this is just my personal opinion and I`m not speaking for all strippers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do Strippers Simply Ignore Guys who Never Spend Money?
    That all seems kind of silly to me. Guys who come in all the time and spend nothing aren`t going to get alot of attention from anyone. Unless the club is really dead or something, I`m not going to spend alot of time talking it up with a non-tipper. I think the club doesn`t really like it either, but there isn`t much that can be done about it. They have raised the cover charge and I think that helped a bit. We also used to have a pool table which they also removed. (some guys would just mill around the pool table to avoid tipping)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    davids - ok, I see this is going nowhere and I`m just going to say this. If you can go into a club and spend nothing and still have a good time, well good for you! I`m done with this conversation.