
Comments by Kyle1111 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    I specifically said *some* strippers. Just like *some* prostitutes actually enjoy sex with some customers some of the time. (BTW, my best friend's girlfriend got super pissed by the idea that a prostitute ever enjoys sex with a customer. She was yapping about how stupid I was etc. etc. She was the expert because was in the business etc. etc. She only shut-up when her boyfriend told her that I was right. She was stunned to say the least. She wanted to hire the hookers, for herself, that I was getting service from. :) ) So, for example, my former employee (I owned a used book store) had NO problem having sex with just about any white male who wasn't married. She thought marriage was very important for who knows what reason. Anyway, she would NOT have sex for $$$ even after she became a dancer. I asked her why the hell NOT because she was damn eager for sex and was proud of her ability and conquests and she got plenty of offers. She said it was because her mom was a prostitute . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Perhaps it wasn't a couple years back. Maybe just a year back. I dunno I lose track of time. The *some* stripper I was specifically thinking about when writing the post is the one who sold me the best sex that I've ever had. She made several comments about sex being NO big deal and how she had lots of experience, but that she believed her skill was just natural--NOT something learned. Anyhow, she also said there is sex and there is love. Sex could be with almost anyone who is ok looking and disease free. It is a release that people need. Sex is good. Love on the other hand is THE BIG DEAL. She claimed that I was confusing the two. And, that is where the problem seemed to start. I told her that I was seeking a fantasy relationship. I liked her because she was fantastic looking and fantastic in bed and cool to talk with. But, that I had NO interest in real love or a real relationship--just the fantasy. At that point she said she wasn't going to sell me love--in her view that is earned over time with the right person. I said fine because I wasn't trying to buy love. At this point I thought things were clear . . . I don't know what it was, but, that girl was beyond perfect. Chemistry, looks, personality, skill. Just super WOW!!! :) Way too much. Why the hell did she have to such a pest . . . make some $$$ make me happy . . . life sucks.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    MisterBliss are you getting dances where there is frottage or roaming/helping hands? If so that sure seems like a form of prostitution. In fact depending on the jurisdiction I believe it probably is defined as prostitution. Some strippers express anger to me that so and so is offering full service or half service or whatever. The anger is because they believe it makes it harder for them to say NO and still make a decent income. I'm NOT sure they are correct . . . if NO contact was allowed I would NOT go to strip clubs. Because I tip ALL the dancers that is a loss of income to the strippers. If minimal contact was allowed, then again I would NOT be spending money at the strip clubs. So the point is if all the girls were NO contact allowed type girls would the customers still be coming? Maybe may be NOT. A similar problem is the super hot dancer. Other dancers often believe she is taking their customers. Perhaps or perhaps NOT. I go looking for the super hot and will often settle to be sociable. However, unless there is a reasonable expectation of finding super hot, then I will NOT go at all. Super hot dancers, where I'm concerned, actually help the less attractive dancers make money. They don't realize that I will NOT come and spend $$$ unless I have a reasonable chance of finding a super hot dancer. There are so many times I've spent $$$ on so so looking dancers because the super hot didn't show . . . So you dancers who are pissed because you think more $$$ would be yours if the other dancers weren't such sluts or so hot or whatever ***STOP AND THINK*** -- the other girls might actually be making you $$$ by being there. Yes, I realize that is NOT always the case . . . and it is difficult to quantify . . . BTW, a dancer who gets angry merely because the customer asks to do more business with her??? That is one sensitive dancer . . . she wouldn't last a night at the clubs I go to because the other dancers would eat her alive-- NOT to mention the poor customer who wants to spend more $$$ on her. If a customer wants to spend more $$$ on a service you don't wish to provide, then simply graciously decline and be happy he thinks so much of you that he wants MORE OF YOU!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    My uncle was gay (he died of Aids) and he had NO interest at all in sexual relations with women. To him it wasn't a choice. There was just NO interest. Still well meaning people kept trying fix him up with one nice girl after the other . . . They were convinced that he just hadn't met the right girl or perhaps he just needed a little sexual experience with the right girl or he needed stronger religious convictions, etc. It always shocks me that so many people think it is a choice. And, I've learned that for some people it merely is a choice. Anyway, I have well meaning people trying to convince me that I'm interested in women my own age. I just need to meet the right woman, etc. The fact is that for me it is NOT a choice anymore than it would be a choice to start dating men. Like my uncle use to tell me "If I could choose to like women instead of men, then I sure as hell would because life would be so much easier." He couldn't imagine anyone choosing to be gay. If I could choose to like women my own age, then I sure as hell would. The fact is I have a lot more in common with a lady my age than a lady 20 years younger. Another problem well meaning people have is that overwhelmingly they don't like the idea of me paying for sex. I don't really get great explanations. One lady my age says its against the law, well, she should talk given her law breaking exploits. She explains that that is different because she breaks the law for $$$. So I ask her about her drug use. She answers that everyone is doing it. So I ask if everyone was buying sexual services it would be OK? She says YES. :) Another friend, a male my age, explains it is wrong because sex should be free. So I ask if health care should be free? He says definitely. So I explain to him that he should NO longer pay his doctor or drug retailers since by his way of thinking that would be wrong. Just take it for free. :) Another friend says I'm too good to pay for that. Well, I'm old and out of shape. I'm not part of the mainstream culture. My income is erratic and based on most of my friend's and family's wealth/income pitifully low. The point is it is hard for me to imagine NOT paying for the service and quality I need. Why would I want a real relationship with someone who is still growing and may very well be a totally diferent person in a short time. Why would I want a real relationship with someone who is travelling in the fast lane of life and I prefer relative safety. I just don't see why a need for quality sex should equal a real realtionship. Yes, there are a few hotties giving it away for "free" and that is supposed to be better? I just don't see it. A young hottie wants to give an old out of shape man free sex. Yes, there is a possiblity. But, really it seems like begging for trouble. I knew a hottie, like that, good girl, but damn I'd rather pay her any day of the week. She had too many real problems. Still, she was hot young and "free." I'll choose paid everytime. "Free" scares the living hell out of me. I like the strip clubs for finding a nice attractive prostitute.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Well your travels to China do sound a lot more exciting. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Somebody besides me on this board must like rebuses?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Tight Ship
    Almost Forgot. Picture the flag of the United States fluttering in wind with happy faced people saluting smartly. :) You know, I'm NOT that much o a flag waver unless I got a gun or legislation pointed at me head or there's $$$ in it. BUT, I really liked the original American flag with the Black coiled viper and the Don't Tread on Me motto. Hey its corny and outdated but, I'm like retro as long as its copacetic (sp?) with de powers dat be. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Tight Ship
    I'm all for illegal immigration especially if it translates into discount dancers. Hell, why should Walmart shoppers get all the beneifts that cheap overseas labor can supply? Let's bring the cheap overseas labor to America if it is hot and young and eager to please old men! :) Here in Miami I would kill for some cheap asian dancers with the beautiful smiles and personalities. I'd be tempted to give these people full legal rights, but then they'd start paying taxes which means even more government . . . also, if you have a lot of illegals it helps to keep the police from getting too bored and we need people to pick our tomatoes here in South Florida. I LOVE heirloom tomatoes, but DANCERS RULE!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    PLP Peace sign + Heart + Kitty Kat
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    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Too much of a stretch? . . . slip pils
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    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Strip club palindromes: tit boob lap pal Picture a pal sitting on a lap . . . slap pals Picture a girl slapping her pals . . . OK guys and girls I know there is a zillion more strip club palindromes that you creative people can add. Together we can create an all time all world palindrome list . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    I'm already getting premium quality lap dances for $5. :) Still if I could be a local war lord, hmmm. Miami has to be the heaven capital of the world when it comes to strip clubs. Picture some angels and harps and clouds + $$$ + the globe. The only negative is the black guys like their women to be like offensive linemen only bigger and fatter and more aggressive. The upside is that when the rare beauty appears she don't got NO attitude and is happy to work, work, work, with a smile. :) Hell sometimes the sweet dancer will throw in free dances in appreciation of the work.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Of all places my neighbors insist that I should move to Haiti for freedom and hapiness. Initially I thought they were joking or insane. Anyway, they know many white Americans who have settled in Haiti to live the good life and who would NOT dream of returning. My neighbors wish to return to Haiti, but there is something far more important than freedom and hapiness, and that is those lovely colored Federal Reserve Notes. :) Supposedly I could have a harem of young women-- A strip show every night. :) Life is full of tradeoffs--if I work then I get those lovely colored Federal Reserve Notes, but then I don't have as much time for the important things in life e.g. strip clubs. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    I'm sad to hear that. I dream of leaving my homeland if I ever get my financial act together. A buddy says if I ever did get $$$ my life would be unchanged because I like the simple life. Well yes and no. I love the simple life. But, I love being left alone even more. The foreigners who visit Miami tell me good stories. I'd like to see for myself. I was hoping to hear that China was really a paradise of freedom and happiness.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Tight Ship
    Perhaps the new American flag could show a stripper with a chastity belt and pasties. The motto could be Illegal Immigrants Save, Serve, and Strip for The American People. :) All honey bunnies aboard this uptight ship . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Tight Ship
    I just had a wonderful thought. We could have America's finest female soldiers instruct the hot illegal in how to strip naked and build a beautiful fleshy nude pyramid. Accessories would include dog collars and black boots and toothy K-9s just to get point across. :) After a few dog bites I'm sure these strippers won't mind a customer's timid request for full service . . . Once properly trained these hot illegals could be sent to America's top tourist destination: MIAMI, FLORIDA. Damn, I can feel my patriotism rising by the minute. Perhaps American flags could be required at strip clubs. :) After all the strip clubs should show their appreciation for these American trained hot illegal strippers. Vote George W. Bush for President of the United States of the World . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    SC Owners/Managers should consult clubgoers
    I like it relatively quiet. Both music and dancers. When I walk in I like it to be relatively cold, (I'm in Miami), softly playing old rock. Don't need or care to much about being greeted especially if I'm new. The girls should be small and healthy. Relaxed attire. Not into fancy costumes. I like the girl next door look. Bikinis are ok. High heels are over done. The dancer's butt should naturally jut outward, if not she needs to exercise. I can't stress health strongly enough. There should be a NO bother area with pool tables or the like. A cover charge is a real turn-off because I like to go to the club day after day. It doesn't take too many visits where the girls don't show or are ugly for this to seem like a waste of money so I stop coming by (except on busy nights) to see if there is a dancer worth spending money on. The furniture need to be the right height. At this one bar, The Trap, the table friction dances seem so comfortable while at another club the girl is just at an awkward level. Perhaps those old fashioned adjustable stools. Dark areas and lighter areas are nice . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Photos on chat
    I appreciate a detailed review. I'd like to feel that I'm actually visiting the club. In my reviews I really don't do that because I generally focus on my likes and dislikes. It is easy to ignore the interior decoration because it so low on the list of desires for a good strip club experience. Someone else may be impressed by a high class or low class interior or might get focused on large v. small interior. I get tunnel vision with 1) the look of the girl, 2) price, and 3) noise. So the more I ignore things which just don't register with me like whether they serve food (that has to be very bottom priority, you want food go to 7-11) the less valuable my review is to others. SO WRITE DETAILED REVIEWS. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Photos on chat
    One thing I feel militates against nice long detailed posts is that the system times you out too fast. Of course one could use a word processing program and then just paste the review. Lazyness probably makes that an unattractive option. It is so much easier to just type a short thought and post instead of worrying about timing out or fooling around with a word processing program and then pasting. You can't underestimate potential laziness. More than a few times I've walked away from sums of $$$ that many people would like to earn in a year. And, I'm definitely NOT wealthy. It is just my health is failing a little and I just don't like go go go. I like slow and relaxed. So I make excuses for NOT going the extra few steps. My favorite excuse is physical pain. It works so well cause when my body gives out, then I become very dependant on other people. Very depressing. Depressing enough to avoid a short walk if there is even a little pain. Can't risk becoming dependant. Of course, I'm more agressive if it means a trip to the strip club . . . :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Photos on chat
    So what is the problem with posting pictures on chat. I'd like to think there is a good reason. I'm more than a little surprised that the reason wasn't thrust into the face of the complainer.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    It is funny I was looking for bargains at the County store and came across old grand jury reports from the 1950's and 1960's. Prostitution was in the club scene and the concern of the grand jury was the extortion racket some police were engaging in i.e. threatening to shut the clubs down unless payoffs were made. The same deal is alive and well in 2004. This very sweet dancer (my fav at the time) got busted for prostitution. I asked her why in hell wouldn't you sell to me!? She answered that she didn't sell to anyone and if she was going to do that I'd be at the top of list because I treat her right. The police were just pressuring the club for $$$. Once the $$$ was paid, then the girls were free to do whatever. It is just a sleazy little game. Fake outrage to extort some cash. Of course, my fav got off relatively easy--the court just wanted $$$ also. The only real concern she had was how the conviction would affect her in the future. I assume she can pay more $$$ to a lawyer and that little problem will disappear as well. At one time I was very conservative when it came to theft. I just had very little sympathy for those who steal, if they could work. Now, seeing how the court system and government is I feel ashamed that these little two bit thieves are being jailed. My father had his new car stolen. He didn't want to call the police and only reluctantly called after I explained that he might held liable if the thief crash the car
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Sexual Hangups of Strippers and Prostitutes . . .
    Hi SmutVillain, The first girl I wrote about said the worst part of being a prostitute or stripper was men who would fall in love with her. She felt sad for those customers who were looking to find a real girlfriend in a strip club. Yes, it can happen but it is far more likely the customer will be spend a lot of money and be very disappointed and hurt in the end. She was convinced many of the customers just needed to be more assertive with regular girls and they would have NO problem finding nice good looking girlfriends. Others would definitely have to pay . . . I'd say her views were fairly complex. The second girl, I really can't say for sure. She didn't want to see me and the information was second hand. The third girl was an Angel. She really liked her customers if they treated her like a person. She had low self-esteem when entering the business and seemed to blossom. It was amazing how relatively little she asked for whether it be $$$ or being treated nicely and how much she would give in return. Definitely a wonderful person. Her top priority was finding love. Sort of sad because she had so much love to give and was getting very little in return. She would give people the shirt off her back if they needed it . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Sexual Hangups of Strippers and Prostitutes . . .
    Hi Shadowcat, if it is NOT already a guideline (100 words or less) than perhaps it should be? I dunno. Even 1000 words should take very little time reading if there is only mild interest and if the interest is keen the more verbose within reasin the better.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Sexual Hangups of Strippers and Prostitutes . . .
    BTW, the third girl said she would prefer to leave the club scene if she found love because she wanted to be faithful to her man. If she got married, which she was definitely her ideal, then her working days were over even if she and her husband starved. To her marriage was very important and a girl had to be 100% faithful to her man without exception. As far as the man was concerned he was expected to roam, but she would prefer that he kept his roaming commercial. IOW, it is fine for the man to play, but just make sure it is play and nothing serious . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Photos on chat
    Well that's an excellent reason. I wouldn't want to get tangled in the copyright legislation NO matter how remote or if the legislation was absolutely on my side. Any possible solutions like simple removing offending material immediately?