Comments by mark94 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    This is how big wars start. WWI began with an assassination that quickly triggered escalation after escalation. No one wanted a world war but they couldn’t stop themselves by reacting to each others provocation. If Russia captures territory, will we send even more deadly weapons ? Advisors ? Would we allow missile attacks on Russian territory ? How would Putin respond ?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    Sir Maejor, an ethnically black actor and model tweeted Monday that “I am being told that Tyre Nichols was in a relationship with and worked at a Memphis @FedEx with #MemphisPolice Demetrius Halys’s ex-girlfriend & baby mama.” Not only that, but “After the beating Officer Halys took a pictures of #TyreNichols face and sent it to his babymama.”
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    2 years ago
    Valuable Asteroid
    We have now developed small, safe, easily transportable, nuclear reactors that offer the prospect of nearly free energy. If we ever figure out practical nuclear fission, the story is even better. Between that, and unlimited metal from space, our prosperity would increase tenfold.
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    2 years ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Drunk dancers?
    A drunk dancer can become an angry dancer in the blink of an eye. Then, your experience can get ugly.
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    2 years ago
    Lots more indications that Russian is planning a renewed invasion of Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of new conscripts. Will they succeed ? Will the US escalate our involvement ?
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    2 years ago
    WTF? Adult young daughters lives are a trainwreck?
    Life was simple in the 1950s. The sexual revolution hadn’t started. Most people married in their early twenties. Single parent households were rare. Most people were actively involved in an organized religion. All of this was true for all races. There was no social media making people feel like failures. There was no shame in a wife who chose to stay home to raise a family. If you had a job, you could afford a small house, one car, one TV, food, and an annual vacation. For most people, that felt like prosperity. Masculinity was a virtue. There were two genders. No one worried about climate change. We locked up criminals. We respected the police. For most people, life made sense and there was a clear path to happiness. Get an education. Get a job. Marry. Buy a 3 bedroom house in the suburbs. Raise a family. Get involved in the community. Stay out of trouble. Stay connected to your extended family. Now, we are told masculinity is toxic, single parents are to be admired, criminals need compassion, all whites are racist, and the key to happiness is to live like the Kardashians. How’s that working out ?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many strippers file income tax returns?
    The smart move is to file with a declared income just high enough to explain their documented expenses.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    WTF? Adult young daughters lives are a trainwreck?
    All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Hometown clubs versus traveling to new clubs
    Ideally, there’s a local club with several favorite dancers. You have variety without having to constantly hunt for someone who meets your needs. Unfortunately, it’s been a few years since I had that. Too much turnover among dancers and a lack of suitable new candidates.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Mongering now vs. Yesteryear
    It used to be, strippers were very clandestine about their profession. They were people who made bad choices in life. It was not something to be discussed in polite company. Now, strippers are open about what they do for a living. Well, many are. And, they represent, at least among the young, an acceptable career choice. there is little stigma about the profession.
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    2 years ago
    Who would have guessed twenty years ago that Republicans would be a multi ethnic party of the working class while Democrats were the party of Wall Street Billionaires and the Defense Industry.
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    2 years ago
    The idea that we’re going to send in tanks to Ukraine, that’s called WWIII. Joe Biden March 2022 Today, I am announcing that the United States will be sending Abram tanks to Ukraine Joe Biden January 2023
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    2 years ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    Baby strippers
    If she’s been there a couple days, she understands what is allowed and expected in the club. Her dance style is a choice on her part.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Second chance for a dancer
    I will often announce how many dances I plan on. “ Let’s start with three”. Helps reduce confusion.
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    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    Along with rumors that 2 of the 5 are associated with the Vice Lords gang, there were claims that radio traffic indicated they were looking for Tyre before the traffic incident. I have no idea whether any of that is true. Hopefully, we find out.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Mongering now vs. Yesteryear
    I remember a bush-clad dancer at a club. Another dancer yelled out that she should “ get a weed wacker for that thing”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    Meanwhile, in London, diversity goals are causing the hiring of police officers who can’t read English. At least they have the right skin colour.
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    2 years ago
    Mongering now vs. Yesteryear
    In the old days, a club could be hidden away and the general public would be unaware. Now, the internet reveals all to public do gooders and politicians wanting to virtue signal.
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    2 years ago
    In February, we defined our mission as defending Ukraine. Now, it is defined as defeating Russia. Big difference. Mission creep. However, rather than neocons pushing this agenda, it’s liberals. Go figure.
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    2 years ago
    25 said “guess what happens if either China or Russia and even Iran and North Korea falls apart they’ll become existential threats to every country on this planet including the USA. So how’s about stopping the political propaganda and face the facts, we cannot allow the Russians to accomplish what they’re trying to do, and if we all pull together this will be over quicker and you can go back to your partisan politics and conspiracies.”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can anyone spot the flaw in the argument being made by some Russia’s nuclear weapons are a threat to our existence Therefore, we should throw every weapon we have to defeat them in Ukraine
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    2 years ago
    “China is at least a peer adversary“ That’s what they said about the Soviet Union. It was only after the Berlin Wall came down that we realized it was a Potemkin Village. One US destroyer positioned between India and the Middle East could shut down the flow of oil to China. Their Navy is really just a Coast Guard without the range to operate more than 1,000 miles from its border. China knows that and we know it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    They beat him to death after he was handcuffed. I agree we should comply with police but it is also clear these cops were out of control.
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    2 years ago
    Nuclear weapons aren’t a weapon of conquest or invasion, they represent mutually assured destruction. They will only be used as a final act of madness if Russia or China believes their demise is inevitable and imminent. The last thing we should be doing is threatening Russia’s survival by sending F-16s and Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Incidentally, Russia’s nuclear force is 40 years old at this point. We really don’t know what its capability is after 4 decades of deferred maintenance.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    AntiFa and BLM want us to believe all cops are evil. They aren’t, but there will always be a small number of bad cops out there. It appears that Memphis PD, through mismanagement, has more than a small number of bad cops. They’ve hired felons, possibly including gang members. That puts everyone at risk, even those who follow the rules.