
Comments by mark94 (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Electric Vehicles – thoughts?
    Google has an AI that answers questions. Tesla has an AI that models human action then trains a machine how to do it. He also has robots. I have ( literally ) put my money down on which I think will be more valuable in 5 or 10 years.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strip club permissiveness
    “God has gifted us a Pats game in Frankfurt in November” I know where Robert Kraft will be.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Electric Vehicles – thoughts?
    Interesting guy. Driven. Super genius. Doesn’t suffer fools. Openly on the Autism Spectrum. Between Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Satellite Communication, Energy, Transportation, and Media, there are an infinite number of ways he could change the world. Automated factories ? Robots in space ? Cheap, sustainable energy ? As Elon said yesterday, he has no lack of ideas. It’s all in the execution. For over a year, he slept under his desk on the plant floor so the hourly workers would see his feet sticking out and know he wasn’t “ drinking Mai Tais on the beach”.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    The stock market is up today on a hint from Joe Biden that he might be willing to negotiate with the House on the budget and deficit. The House passed a budget that would cut spending by $4Trillion. If Biden were willing to sign that, well, a whole boatload of good things would happen with inflation, interest rates, and the overall economy. He won’t, of course, for reasons known only to him ( or his handlers ).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    There’s a learning curve. I would have saved money early on if someone explained that a stripper saying we would “ have a lot of fun in VIP” didn’t mean what I thought it did.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    We now know the CIA vastly exaggerated the Soviet Union’s economy, technology, and military during the Cold War. After the Wall fell, it was immediately clear that the CIA had lied to the President, Congress, and the American people for 40 years. Why did they do this ? Who benefited ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    As the Roman Empire declined, the Praetorian guard became the power behind the throne. They assassinated and installed emperors. They controlled the Senate through intimidation and blackmail. Now, look at what the CIA and FBI have become. I think the Durham report just begins to reveal their power and misdeeds going back decades.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    State of the Strip Club
    The answer can be pretty club specific. Even in a town as large as Phoenix ( or Atlanta, or Dallas, or Detroit ), the Golden Age was really 1-3 clubs that exceeded expectations. One or two LE raids, or change in ownership changes everything. It can take 2-4 years before a community, or LE, notices a club is providing too much fun. It’s like whack-a-mole.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    From RFK Jr “ Yesterday, President Biden announced Dr. Monica Bertagnolli as his intended nominee for Director of the NIH. Guess what? From 2015-2021, Bertagnolli received more than 116 grants from Pfizer, totaling $290.8 million. This amount made up 89% of all her. research grants. ” The corruption continues.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    To fix the problem, we’ve got to understand the problem. Democrats aren’t making mistakes. In the last 2 years, they have accomplished exactly what they wanted to accomplish. All this chaos and destruction of the economy and institutions is exactly what they wanted. Open Borders. Racial Divide. Lockdowns. The deficit. Spying on citizens. This all moves them toward their goal of power and control of the people.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    There is another hope. The Supreme Court. For 150 years ( until FDR and the depression ), the Court prevented unconstitutional government over reach. In the last 100 years, the Court has allowed government to grow in ways not allowed by the Constitution. Trump managed to get a majority of SC Justices who are willing to support the Constitution and rein in government. Will they ?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    BMW, Volvo & Subaru
    There is something weird going on with new car sales. Manufacturers are selling fewer cars, especially of more affordable makes and trims. This, in spite of the fact that the “ chip shortage” is behind us. I think we’ve begun the transition to EV sales. Demand for ICE vehicles is declining and will soon shrink. Manufacturers are getting ahead of this trend and maximizing the profit they make from each car. Average sales price is well into the $40s. Before CoVid, $25-30k was the sweet spot.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    For those old enough to remember Donald Rumsfeld, a big part of what made him a successful SecDef was that everyone knew he was a crazy fucker capable of anything.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    Found on Twitter • The Russia collusion probe: Election Interference. • The Mueller investigation: Election Interference. • Trump impeachment 1: Election Interference. • The Covid lockdowns: Election Interference. • Unlawful mail-in ballot changes: Election Interference. • Hunter Biden laptop story censorship: Election Interference. • 51 Intel Officials sign Russia disinfo letter: Election Interference. • Big Tech censorship: Election Interference. • Trump impeachment 2: Election Interference. • FBI Mar-a-Lago raid: Election Interference. • Civil suit judgment: Election Interference. • Criminal indictment: Election Interference. • Judge's Trump gag order: Election Interference.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
    BMW, Volvo & Subaru
    I’m in a similar spot. I’ve been careful with my money all my life, including cars. I’m now in a position where I could easily afford any, with the possible exception of million dollar super cars. I’m trying to train myself to loosen the purse strings. Old dog, new tricks.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    I agree…..about Brexit.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    It turns out, the great unwashed, right leaning, blue collar, tin foil hat, conspiracy theorists were right about everything. The 1%, Ivy League, highly credentialed, smartest people in academia, government, and media were lying all along.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    Trump has talked about a conversation he had with Putin saying there would severe consequences if he invaded Ukraine and implying Moscow would be hit with missiles. Was that an insane conversation to have with a nuclear power ? Maybe. Probably. But, it is not a “case of timing” or coincidence that the invasion didn’t take place until Biden.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    The suspicious activity reports about the millions funneled to the Bidens have been known to the Treasury Department since at least 2015. Yet, they have still not been made public. Congressional staff is only allowed to view them in the basement of the Treasury office. They are not allowed to take them or copy them. These are documents proving the sitting President has been bribed by our enemies and the American people are not allowed to see the documents.
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    a year ago
    Durham Report
    The Oversight Committee published a 30 page memo that details the millions funneled to the Biden Crime Family. Yet, the meme repeated by the media is “ they have no evidence” “ they’ve lost their witness”. No evidence ? That’s one of the biggest lies ever told.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    The information in this report is devastating. Liberal media has already decided that the best talking point to refute it is “ no convictions, no harm”. That talking point is being parroted in this thread. It’s the best they have. The DOJ and FBI conspired with the media to lie to the public and fix an election. Then, the DOJ covered this up and buried evidence. Then, the defense is “ no convictions”. Weak tea.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    Londonguy: Every news source available to the UK, especially about American politics, is 100% dominated by the global elite. Nigel Farage has tried to break through but I have a sense that hasn’t worked. I was excited about Brexit when it happened but the elite in government and media has made sure that has gone nowhere. The only way to learn what is really happening in the US is to read and view alternative media. You could start with GETTR or Citizen Free Press.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    “Trump could not have done a thing to stop Russia. What makes you think otherwise?” Because Putin took no action for the 4 years that Trump was President. It wasn’t until Biden that he believed he could get away with it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    “Durham himself is recommending no additional action be taken. Any reason you left that out of your summary?” I said in the first paragraph that I expected no legal action. The powers in DC only allowed this report to be released when they knew it was too late to use it. Three years too late.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Durham Report
    The level of corruption amongst the government employees is beyond anyone’s imagination. If Trump manages to get re-elected, he should fire the highest paid 10.000 employees in the federal government on day one.