
Comments by atxz28guy

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    1k to spend 1 night
    I do pay for membership. As I've said...I don't visit clubs as often as I'd like to...but I'm not gonna stand for this--I've paid for information. I agree that I haven't posted as many reviews as I should have, but after being accused of not paying...I'm gonna ignore Rick.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    1k to spend 1 night
    valid comments guys. As I said....I'm sorry. I've been to just 3-5 clubs in the last 3-4 years. And no...not LE. Far from it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    1k to spend 1 night
    I apologize. I never reviewed as many as I should have, but then again..I'm not a regular (not out of choice). I've been visiting may be 1 club per year for the last 3 years. So when I do get an opportunity, I try to make the best of it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    lol...thanks for the tips. Extras are not mandatory...just "nice to have"---but I keep my expectations low. I have been to about 35-40 clubs, but 0 in the last 22 months. just figured I'd enjoy a good night out by myself when I have the opportunity. So for the first night, I have zeroed in on Akron. Read reviews of the Akron clubs...but any more advice will be greatly appreciated. Sucks that it's gonna have to be a sat night--sat nights are more fun when I go with friends, not alone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    extras at sc's
    damn...am I missing something? I've been to close to 40 clubs in my life. OTC was offered once...ITC..once. Still kicking myself for not taking up that OTC offer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Raliegh/Durham for a night...any recommendations?
    yup..I am the "last run" guy....and NO, this is not the "last run"...this is just an unexpected trip. For some reason, I really do not want to go into the whole escort thing...never done it before and don't dare to--its more risk than i'm willing to take (with LE etc). I'll give out one of the durham clubs a shot..and update you guys :) Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    Thanks a lot guys. I decided to stay put for this weekend--figured Labor day would be too busy at all clubs. After some research, I figured I'll go with Detroit. I remember the one time I went to the Flight Club (or may be the other one close to the airport)..but I had a great time there..spent only 45 minutes and always wanted to go back. So unless something changes between now and then, I guess its gonna be Detroit one of these weekends.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    Thanks for the replies guys... Steve>>what induced me to commit so rash a course of action?--well..I have no idea....just figured if I can tolerate someone for the rest of my life, without a doubt its her. harrydave>>Thats not a bad idea..I never thought of it that way. Detroit sounds like a good option, but what do you mean by "lot of cash"...how much are we talking about? (appologise in advance if that sounds like a stupid Q). Also..how safe is Detroit airport-area?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    If it was your last time..where would you go?
    Oh..and NO PP in Columbia, SC. Went there a few months ago, and it was littered with all these girls from FL, and it just sucked.