
How often or ever do you read the clubs discussions boards?

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

I read them for my favorite clubs, Just to see if any of my buddies has any recent input. But generally looking at the clubs in the top 40's most are blank. Founder as I have said before, I would prefer to be able to critique a review. That could start strip club wars. That could start the kind of discussions that we need on here rather than trying to figure out strippers or flaming others with different views.


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Avatar for parodyman-->

I read them when I'm going somewhere new or haven't been in a long time. I'm just looking for straight up info and am not very interested in the reviewer's opinions. I can make up my own mind about things.

Avatar for CarolinaWanderer

I have never seen any discussions on the club discussion boards. I read the reviews of clubs of interest very often.

Avatar for ozymandias

I never even noticed there were club boards until I saw this post.

Glanced at a few faves though and they all either have zero or maybe one or two really old posts. Not a useful resource, it seems.


Avatar for rockie

A couple of years ago the specific club discussion boards were used in the New England area. At that point, I frequently perused that area of this website. There's not much specific club discussion there anymore.

Avatar for SuperDude

Seldom. They are not really valuable.

Avatar for Clubber

I've never seen a discussion at a different club I was going to visit. If I already knew the club, they would serve no purpose to me.

Avatar for JerseyJack

Until reading this post, I didn't even know club-specific boards existed. Seems like a visibility issue -- as far as I can tell, the only way to get to a club's board is to go to the club's page and click the link at the top. Since 99% of the time I'm reading the reviews, I rarely notice anything at the top of the page.

Perhaps a more prominent link to the club boards from the menu on the left would help. Or, an icon next to the club's name in the Recent Reviews list (like the icons next to member names) that would take you directly to the club's board. Anything that makes it easier to get to them will likely make them more popular.

I'm betting that most members are completely unaware that these boards even exist.

Avatar for shadowcat

It used to be called club chat. The posters did not have to be registered with nick names. There were several clubs that were vying for the title of club with most chat posts. 99% of it was just mud slinging. Founder realized this and 2 years or so ago, he changed the format. It has really never taken hold. My buddies are aware of the board for my favorite club but seldom post on there. We mostly communicate by email or PM's. We can keep it private. I do think that there is place for it. A place where guys that do not know each other well but like the same club, can share information of a general nature.

Avatar for BobbyI

The real per club discussions seem to happen on SCL.

Avatar for JerseyJack

If by "discussions" you actually mean "retarded back-and-forth insults and flame-baiting," then you're right.

Other than getting some laughs out of the idiotic posts over there, I think SCL is worthless.

Avatar for casualguy

I don't look at the club discussions too much but I do sometimes. This is the first time I think in the last few days I've checked on the main discussion board. I guess I spent more time on Marketwatch.com this week. Probably not too many care but I actually got the number 1 voted comment on a top story today for Marketwatch. I was surprised.

They let you post comments on the articles there and you can vote up or down on other people's comments. Then they select the one with the most votes to display along with their article from the first comment page. I doubt too many here care that much though. I don't want a thumbs up or down here either.

Avatar for wondergrl5

a little too detailed for me my life isnt THAT involved in sc's

its the same with SCL why waste your life arguing your fav SC?

Don Quixote complex?

Avatar for james2x2

What we really need are city-specific discussion boards. Most of the cross-club comparisons now happen in the club comments, when you really just want to know what's happening across the city.

Avatar for Clubber


Not a bad idea, but there sure are a lot of cities with strip clubs. Perhaps an area specific would be better. Say, S. Florida, S. California, N. Texas, or something on that order. I would think that it would be fairly easy to come up with areas based on club population in an area. States that have hundreds would need to be broken down, and those with a couple, just include those in the larger areas.

Thoughts, Founder?

Avatar for james2x2

clubber -- that's what I meant, just phrased better. a board for the DC/Baltimore region would be a good start for me.

Avatar for Clubber


We have to see what Founder says. Since it was your idea, why not drop him a note, or post a new topic here with that idea and let others put in their $0.02 worth.

Avatar for parodyman-->

"a little too detailed for me my life isnt THAT involved in sc's

its the same with SCL why waste your life arguing your fav SC?

Don Quixote complex?"

Or Shadowcat disease...

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