
Escorts vs OTC

Avatar for basictoken

Out of boredom I signed up for tryst. I saw plenty of attractive options for less than what a lot of strippers are asking for OTC. Any reason why I should keep going to clubs for extras when escorts are available for less?


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Avatar for azdd

With a stripper, you get to see the real deal and assess their personality, and how compatible you might be. With escorts, the photos may be fake or 20 years old. Also, the pricing on tryst and similar sites may be just a starting point for negotiations. If you can get reliable review information like TER or P411 (which you have to pay for), then you can take a lot of risk with escorts off the table and address some of the uncertainty. Personally, I prefer strippers because I can cultivate an ongoing connection in the club which hopefully transfers to a very nice OTC experience.

Avatar for Icey

Hooker communities arent that big. Its usually the same girls on different platforms. Anyways. Just facetime before hand

Avatar for basictoken

Azdd - the last part is what keeps me with strippers

Avatar for CJKent_band


I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your question.

Q: Any reason why I should keep going to clubs for extras when escorts are available for less?

A: No reason, other than each has her place in the Adult Industry Hobby of paying for sex. And that usually you get what you pay for…

I would refer you to Demosthenes (384 – 12 October 322 BC)
~ Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.

  1. We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure.
  2. Concubines for the daily health of our bodies, and
  3. Wives to bear us lawful offspring and be the faithful guardians of our homes

In this list is the Greek view of woman in the classic age.

In today’s world Demosthenes would say:

We have:

  1. High end escorts, centerfolds, actresses, starlets, models, Strippers (ITC OTC) etc that provide PSE/GFE for the sake of pleasure.
  2. Mistresses/Sugar Babies/Concubines; etc, for the daily health of our bodies.
  3. Trophy Girlfriends/Wives/Baby Mamas to bear us lawful offspring, and be the faithful guardians of our homes.
  4. Realistic Sex Dolls/Gynoids/Fembots, and Internet Porn and Instagram/Onlyfans “Models”, for kicks-and-giggles”.
  5. Street walkers and 304s for when you are horny, drunk, high, depressed, bipolar or just plain stupid and crazy, poor and miserable and can’t afford anything else.

It is all about building a good business relationship with women and be willing to invest the time and money to Evaluate and Select the best woman for you

Foster a strong relationship with your chosen provider for long-term success and repeat business if that is your goal,


“In this country, you gotta make the money first.

Then when you get the money, you get the power.

Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface (1983)

if you don’t have the money or you can’t afford it economically, mentally, morally, emotionally, physically, intellectually etc etc etc then don’t buy things you can’t afford…

In any case; Let’s be careful out there there.


Avatar for Meshuggah

i was managing a site for an escort touring around the country, she's pushing 40, so told me (drunk?) she's going to reinvent herself, boobs done again, face lift, tummy tuck and change her name..... Good Luck with that.

Avatar for TCabot

Strippers make it a pain to do OTC.

Avatar for K

with strippers i get to see her, talk to her and take her for a test drive before committing. Escorts typically require a deposit and screening before meeting. The initial meeting with an escort is based on her pictures and not an in-person conversation.

WRT ITC, a guy is going to get a lot less heat if his wife finds out he went to a strip club vs catching him pulling into a hotel parking lot.

escorts charge by the hour and the service. Most strippers charge by the event. Escort staying longer will charge more. In my decades at this, strippers usually stay until both of us are done.

i enjoy lap dances with different women. I like to see women dance on stage. I think itis hot to watch a woman I've had sex with dance on stage. it is even hotter knowing she will be spending the night with me when the club closes

Avatar for Subraman

This article is super dated -- I originally wrote it for the sfredbook stripclub forum, back in like 2012!! -- but captures the jist of my view: /article/44731


Escorts: id/reference check, scheduled for an exact time, rarely as hot as their pictures, pay for every minute and act

Stripper: You know exactly how hot she is and that you like her club personality and that she turns you on like crazy, she will hang out for hours and sometimes even overnight without raising price (functions more like a sugar date PPM than an escort session)

Avatar for shailynn

I’ve done both (escort and OTC) several times, and the escort route has changed so much over the years I don’t even bother anymore.

I’ve always felt there’s more of a “connection” with meeting a stripper ITC and doing OTC versus an escort who you meet for the first time and then 5 minutes later she’s blowing you. Sometimes you get lucky and click, a lot of times you don’t and both parties are just going through the motions.

I agree doing OTC is sometimes hard to set up especially if the stripper is coming from an extras friendly club. A lot of them don’t want the hassle of going through OTC if they can achieve the same goal and same $$$ ITC.

I still escort in Toronto and Montreal, as those escort scenes are good, but in the US to me it’s not worth the effort. Also, sugaring has severely hurt the escort scene as well IMO.

Avatar for basictoken

Appreciate the comments all. Subraman, that article and the associates comments were quite good. Sounds like if I want to p4p I'll stick to OTC.

To be honest I've never gone the escort route and only did OTC once. It was $500 plus drinks and hotel room. Maybe 3 hours total. Frankly I was surprised she agreed to do it. Too bad we had a falling out

I have two CFs at a local SC but they want $2500 each for OTC. They swore it would be a great time but I can't imagine, nor can I afford, to shell out that kind of money on sex. It's too bad because we get along really well.

Sounds like it's best for me to stick with clubs. I've had the same concerns as others about escorts - not being able to get to know them, their personality and not knowing if they look like their pictures. Personality counts a lot for me and I need a mental connection even if she's a 10.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

I have done both, and i will tell you some important things to look out for, i can also dm you.

First, some of the other guys are spot on regarding strippers. There are a few advantages to strippers. You can meet them and vet them. They will usually charge for a meeting, not by the hour. And they can be more likely to provide a girlfriend experience, doing things like kissing, daty, bbbj.

But, there are also strippers who have boundaries like no kissing no bbbj no daty. Its not foolproof. I know there are a bunch of strippers from Seattle, vegas, and California who come to the east coast to work as escorts and scam people. They have boyfriend pimps too. If they’re scamming as escorts i imagine they scam when they can as strippers too

Avatar for rickmacrodong

The CFs asking you for $2500 are scammers and you should stop all ITC contact with them too. Dont spend any money or buy any drinks. How did they become your CFs while asking 2500 for otc? Something is seriously wrong in that scenario… they had to have been screwing you in dances, maybe doing aur dances not proper lap dances.

Anyway regarding escorts, at least half those eros and tryst escorts are scammers. You need to stick to either famous well reviewed pornstars, well reviewed independent girls, or latina or asian escort agencies. All those categories will provide you a proper GFE or PSE experience. Yes youll pay by the hour, but theres plenty of options for 300-400 an hour, and if you get to know an agency girl personally you can probably start seeing her for 200 an hour plus hotel or take her to your place

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Its not going to be a great time, $2500 means sex is a very big deal to those girls, which means each aspect of sex is a major deal, they would probably end up doing nothing besides a CBJ once you paid them.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Oh yeah there are a bunch of escorts from dallas texas as well who travel to the east coast for scamming. A lot are strippers back in dallas

Avatar for rickmacrodong

If i was retired i would dole out the good old 1-2s to the traveling scamming escorts

Avatar for basictoken

About the CFa wanting 2500 for otc. I was really shocked at that number. Their dances have been reasonably priced and good. I've taken them to VIP for $1000 each and gotten an hour to and hour and a half. Which is pretty normal I think. One of them I've sat and drank with when it's slow and she never asked for a tip.

Avatar for basictoken

Rick - DMs are open for advice

Avatar for rickmacrodong

What did you get in the 1000 VIP? Any extras or sex or just dancing…? That is a ton to pay if it was just dances… also they dont keep all the money from vip

Avatar for basictoken

I got a blow job and titty sucking.

Avatar for Jascoi

you are desperate I guess...

Avatar for Nixur68

meeting someone in real life to check the vibe is really, really nice

Avatar for Icey

The difference is a hooker you first see vs a hooker you order online

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