RIP: Marty Callner

motorheadFat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Marty Callner passed away last week and you might be saying “who’s he”, but if you were alive in the 1980’s and watched even a minute of MTV, you knew his work.
Perhaps the most famous music video he directed was Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” starring Tawny Kitean, whom I’m sure was the object of many a schoolboy’s masturbatory fantasies.
But his body of work includes some of the most iconic videos ever shown on MTV, including videos by Twisted Sister, Heart, Poison, Aerosmith (including the one with Alicia Silverstone)
Ha ha - it’s problematic splicing in little snippets of stroke-worthy hot chicks a young dude might start spanking it to in with with snippets of some pretty-boy singer with long hair. I think they were trying to make the young horny teenage viewers gay.