

A Haitian American, she was the first Black person elected to Congress from Utah, the first Haitian-American elected to Congress, and the first Black woman elected to Congress as a Republican. Not much older than myself, she had brain cancer which stopped responding to treatment.

Love joined the Congressional Black Caucus after taking her seat. While campaigning in 2012, Love had said that if elected, she would "join the Congressional Black Caucus and try to take that thing apart from the inside out." She described the mainly Democratic Caucus as characterized by "demagoguery. They sit there and ignite emotions and ignite racism when there isn't. They use their positions to instill fear. Hope and change is turned into fear and blame. Fear that everybody is going to lose everything and blaming Congress for everything instead of taking responsibility."

Love supported Trump in the 2024 United States presidential election.


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Avatar for skibum609

RIP quality person. The anti-AOC.

Avatar for Studme53

When I first read the headline I thought it was another pornstar death.
Sad. She sounds like good person.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

RIP indeed. She sounded like a real one.
Brain cancer fucking sucks, whether it's her or Ted Kennedy.

Avatar for JamesSD

She was definitely a trailblazer and it's tragic anytime someone dies so young

Avatar for Icey

Brain cancer accounts for her being a republikkkan

Avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor

^ Brain-dead accounts for you being a leftist. The KKK was part of the Democrat party, not the Republican party.

Avatar for skibum609

^^ Get cancer you dirty fuck.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

Icey with the rage bait, guess it's a slow pimping day.
Let us never forget he lost his bottom bitch to a low-level weed dealer.

Avatar for Icey

She made a career as a token mammy figure. It's funny watching some ofnthe most racist people here applauding her to pretend theyre not racist

Avatar for rickmacrodong

KKK was democrat party at the time, but it was also concentrated in the southern states. All those states vote republican now, and the kkk/white supremacists most of the time are voting on the right.

But that doesnt mean the left is better in that regard, because the black supremacists and anti white people tend to vote on the left. People like icey want to annihilate the white race, or they believe whites have less rights than others.. icey for instance believes dancers robbing white men isnt as big as an issue as if they rob other races

Avatar for skibum609

^You are the worst racist on the board little girl. Why is it that democrats think every hard-working, successful, decent African American is a mammy figure, yet they will get down on their knees and spread their lubeless cheeks for Al Sharpton.

Avatar for Icey

Al Sharpton was there next to MLK through out his career and continues his work.

And Im not a Democrat. Im registered with the Green Party

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Anyone who thinks Al Sharpton is anything but a two bit race hustler is delusional, first of all Sharpton wasn’t even 15 years old when Dr. King was assassinated, he was nowhere near MLK for most of his career, if you want to know anything about Sharpton, Google Tawana Brawley, you’ll quickly see he was nothing more than a con man.
As usual idiots like you talk out of the left side of your ass icey

Avatar for Icey

25 thats what bigots called him and MLK when they organized together

Avatar for twentyfive

You’re retarded Sharpton was 14 years old when MLK was assissinated, he was just a kid in Brooklyn, why don’t you do some research you might learn something.
Really MLK organizing with a young teenager, GTFOH

Avatar for Icey


Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ Thought you two blocked each other.

(But Icey, 25 just spanked you and taught you to respect your elders;))

Avatar for twentyfive

I don’t have the moron on ignore, it’s easy to ignore people who say stupid things like icey, just felt the need to correct his intentional misinformation.

Avatar for skibum609

I'm registered with the green party is just another way to say I am the biggest fucking phony on the planet. Kind of funny that the overrated MLK did all of his planning with a fucking moronic 14-year-old street thug like race-baiting con artist criminal Al Sharpton. Way to go Icey, you are the only person whom I call "stupid" and mean it as a compliment.

Avatar for Icey

Puddy tat, you harassed and bullied 25 so bad that I had to put up the elder abuse hotline on here. You dont respect your elders. Taunting a geriatric senile alcoholic is low

Avatar for Icey

Sharpton is the biggest civil rights leader in the US

Avatar for Icey

Stick to promoting neonazi replacement theory bs skibitch

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

^ 25 still beat you down. 14 year old organizing with MLK, LOL!

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