I'm not happy with Boeing QA in the past years. I would choose an Airbus over a Boeing any day of the week and twice on Sundays, only because I value my life. However, I do not have all the facts and information about this project and will defer to the DoD.
I really love that Trump named it after himself. That is awesome, genius level trolling.
last commentPretty badass
Hopefully, development will be quicker than the F-35: Conception 1993, operational status 2015. That's a really LONG time. I'm not an avionics engineer or anything, it just seems like a very long time. F-47 - priceless designation.
@gammanu95: whatever people think of DJT (good, bad or ugly) he is a marketing genius like Musk is a technology genius.
The new Air Force one could be called a B7-47.
Good luck selling these to other countries when Trump's "marketing genius" is causing more and more countries to question their future purchases of US military equipment.
Macron to EU colleagues: Stop buying American, buy European
^ Yeah, Macron, now there's someone who made his country respected and powerful on the world stage. Lulz.
Meanwhile Trump is fixing our dire shortage of shipbuilding capacity and getting multinationals to manufacture in America again.
But you'll always find something to complain about.
Macron and France are emerging as the new Leader of the Free World.
It ain't the Putin admirer in the White House selling watches and guitars.
more proof that wld4testes is a low-IQ, low-information voter who thinks the drive-by media is the epitome of deep investigative journalism: he didn't do any research or read the linked article.
The F-47 is replacing the F-22. This is cutting-edge, world-beating technology. It is not, never was, and never will be for export sale. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your seminar talking points.
^ MAGA fool
“Our allies are calling constantly. They want to buy them also, and to certain allies, we’ll be selling them, perhaps toned-down versions.”
"Macron and France are emerging as the new Leader of the Free World."
They're not even the preeminent power on their own continent!
Andrew tate thinks the middle east, specifically MBS will be in charge after America, but after that China will be the most powerful. He thinks MBS is the most powerful guy in the world after Trump/Putin
^ You're an Andrew Tate fan, says a lot. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Im just commenting on what he said. Whats wrong with being a fan of his, anyway?
@wld4testes- "Good luck selling these to other countries when Trump's "marketing genius" is causing more and more countries to question their future purchases of US military equipment."
also @wld4testes - '"“Our allies are calling constantly. They want to buy them also, and to certain allies, we’ll be selling them, perhaps toned-down versions.”'
Which is it? That is called a self-own. In your desperation to be disagreeable and orange-man-bad panic, you have contradicted yourself, AGAIN. While we are on the topic of how stupid you are, "Russia, Russia, Russia" is so 2017. That has been completely disproven. Through inexplicable inaction, Biden has been Putin's staunchest ally. The peoples' democrat party continues to aid Putin by supporting his initiatives through Iran and China (the friend of my enemy...). Then you want to hold up France?! as the model of global leadership? I am sure you believe your own fuzzy logic, but anyone with iota of knowledge knows how ludicrous that is. Just go back to your grandmother's basement and watch your Joy Reid x Don Lemon hentai.
Just along the same topic:
The Chinese next-gen fighter:
The Russian proposed version still has vertical stabilizers:
It’s going to be years before this aircraft hits production. Meanwhile the Chinese are out producing us in warships, we’re going to fall behind them as a maritime power if we don’t get on the ball.
@25 - Agree we're getting pantsed in shipbuilding (as well as other Navy problems like recruitment). Trump has identified this as a problem.
^ He’s part of the problem, his policies are causing tremendous shortage of skilled labor to work in our ship building industry.
g95- Aside from the 737-Max, what's your bugaboo about Boeing ? More specifically, how many recent non-Max accidents/incidents have been attributed to a design flaw in the aircraft ?
If you get too bored with tuscl, try avherald.com which is a global compilation of aircraft accidents/incidents.
Regarding Macron, what did he do to trump in their white house meeting? There was a video titled that he destroyed or dismantled trump in the white house.
@minnow - not only the MAX, but the Starliner failure. Other crashes overseas with unknown causes (Korea), and far too many reputable engineers calling out company leadership which deliberately sacrifices quality and safety for profits. It is not a "design flaw in the aircraft", it is a broken company that I do not trust. Reports are that the entire MAX series may be fundamentally unsafe and their other products are failing as well.
@gammanu95: "The F-47 is replacing the F-22. This is cutting-edge, world-beating technology. It is not, never was, and never will be for export sale."
Trump: “Our allies are calling constantly. They want to buy them also, and to certain allies, we’ll be selling them, perhaps toned-down versions.”
Gammanu got his ass handed to him on this one. Yet it gets better. In his attempt to save face (not really possible on this one), he further reveals he actually believes Trump that other countries are calling constantly to buy the F47. Hilarious LMAO ! What a complete MAGA dupe.
You really are too stupid to learn aren't you? You have to be mentally retarded be so left wing. Take Trump seriously, but don't take him literally.
The Chinese are "outproducing us in warships". Fair enough, but the Spanish Armada had more warships too and that worked out poorly. If you look at China's last naval battles, you wouldn't find any, so I am not sure a lot of inexperienced people floating around in untested weapons systems are as scary as some would make out. China doesn't have a lot of fighting experience and most of their weapons are untested, unlike ours which routinely get tested and proven superior in the Middle East.
Warship counts are not as important as capability, with the exception of drone warfare. Massive numbers of swarming drones can overwhelm virtually any defense. Add in AI which can select and prioritize its own targets, eliminating the need for remote operators and obsoleting jamming defenses, and you have the hellscape of a future war. This is where we need to ensure that China does not outpace us.
^ The Spanish Armada, you’re joking right, that was 600 years ago, the capabilities of a modern warship would blow the entire Spanish Armada apart in seven seconds.
Just one warhead getting past our defenses would be devastating, like they say about a boxing match, the first punch in the opponent’s mouth changes the whole plan
First, that was Mike Tyson that said that. You're already logged into the internet to search who coined the phrase, but too demented to think to check and too lazy to do it if you weren't.
Second, did you really miss the analogy? Your idol Obama used the same fuzzy logic while debating Mitt, but Candy Crowley isn't here to save your ass with bogus fact-checking. Fleet size is immaterial, as I said.
Third, I know you are reading this. You have to, I started the thread. You just had to take me off ignore, just as I said you would. You, like all liberals, just keep handing me Wins.
^ you’re just an ignorant idiot, I didn’t say anything about who said that battle plans only work until they’re in combat, I know the quote you’re referring to but it’s been said many times before Tyson said this, first time I actually heard this was in basic where the instructor would be sure to remind us, that we needed to improvise under fire, which you wouldn’t know anything about as you’re just a self absorbed fool, that likes to pick fights with random people on the internet where you won’t actually get punched in the face.
^Score. I win again. What an angry old loser.
^ What exactly did you win, idiot!
Oh wait the TUSCL award for the most ignores, what a prize you’ve won!
I have proven that you are a bitter, lonely old man who has no life. You follow me around online like demented fool just to learn what I will say next. You're pathetic and jealous, because you know I actually have the success, wealth, and love of friends and family that you only pretend to have. You are old, weak, and sick; but you should try and use the little time you have left to be a better person and clean up your karma.
Lol skibum, our weapons get “tested” in the middle east against shithole countries where the opposing side is probably throwing rocks or using spears.
Also there is no guarantee that american companies are producing superior product. American cars have been inferior to asian, german and Italian cars since forever, and continue to remain inferior.
^^ all you keep proving is that I own and collect rent on that empty space on top of your shoulders, and that you’re a punk kid, that wouldn’t dare say shit to me or anyone else, but as long as you have a firewall that you can hide behind you’ll always be a guttersnipe.