
Maiden Voyage Part 2

avatar for Cravemybbc

Drank way too much last not! So let's see how this goes lol

HK Walk through:
Headed downstairs to HK to start the day full of action. A (see Maiden Voyage part 1) told me how to access the bar in the South side of HK which also leads to a South alley entrance. Decided to take a peak at that area.

Popped outside, looked around. No policia lol. Just stood and watched a bit. By this time the rain had stopped and chica's were everywhere! Some not my desired taste but I was shocked at how many I would definitely arriba with. Headed back in HK to cruise around.

Did exactly as some of you guys suggested... Walked around the club, up and down. Immediately I was nearly strong armed by two chica's lol. They insisted on arriba. Responded Thank you and declined. Walked across to La Chavelas (?) At first I was confused and didn't realize I was in another club. It made since though remembering how you all described it. Went and got my free drink, took another stroll. Saw some potential but my mind always wonders "What else is waiting". While walking I saw a few chica's I liked, hugged them, grabbed some ass and tipped them. Lovely!

Talked to one chica, tipped her for her time and kept moving.

Cruised around some more and headed back to the south entrance. Headed outside and decided to check out Chicago. I asked one of the cab drivers for directions and headed out.


Now I know some suggested that I just stay put in HK for my first trip, for safety reasons. But I felt comfortable considering it was daytime and I was feeling comfortable after doing some recon.

Walked with purpose headed straight for Chicago until I saw this Chica standing there. She was definitely my type. Talked with her a bit, negotiated. She quoted me $30 for everything fully nude. I told her I would come back around after walking. I was just doing some recon verifying info etc. Was on a mission to Chicago. As I am walking, Policia was driving down the street. I turned around and ducked into this small bar I had just passed. Waived at the bartender and waited for policia to pass.

Headed back out and on to Chicago. Crossed the street and then realized it's much faster and safer to cruise to Chicago from the front entrance, not back. Lesson learned.

A Mesero was standing outside and asked "Chicago" I said yes. I didn't realize he was a Mesero until we got in the club. The dude followed me my entire first trip around the club lol. I told him "I'm o.k. just looking" He departed but would keep coming back. In addition I was literally approached by a half dozen Mesero's in a matter of minutes. They were all aggressive, not my style and very off putting. This did not happen at HK!!! Not once.

I was considering heading out to BT or back to HK when I saw this cute chica in a neon green thong. Her sex appeal was through the roof. Saw another chica that was appealing, got distracted for a second lol. Turned back around and didnt see the first one. Scanned the bar real quick and she was on stage. I decided to take a seat and watch from a distance with every intention of asking for ficha. Just then that annoying Mesro came over and brought another girl. She was cute, my type. She sat down and introduced herself. The first chick I was looking at came over as well. Turns out they were friends. They both sat down. Bought them both beers and started chatting. They were cool, down to earth, young. Not as well versed but I enjoyed their company. Fast forward and negotiations began. I negotiated with them to give me some dances to test them out. Told them it was their audition, if I was pleased we could go ariba.

We agreed on $110 for 40 minutes of dancing (which was the cost of two buckets of beer). If we arriba, 240 total ( 100 for each girl, 40 for room). Originally I was quoted $375 but negotiated them down.

Off to VIP. Dances were good. The green thong chica was very handsy. When her friend would leave to the bathroom, she would put her hand in my pants and go to work lol.

40 minutes turned into 1 hour 18 minutes ( I turned my stop watch on my phone lol). Of course the Mesero's were annoying as ever. The girls asked if I smoked weed. I told them occasionally when traveling ( I should mention all the communication was taking place via google translate). They said let's smoke, and get in jacuzzi. I was ready! Just then the Mesero steps in and began to talk to them. Long story short he tells them I have two options:

  1. take them back to my room at Cascada's ($675 - payout to let them leave, to include $200 a piece to them)
  2. Jacuzzi room upstairs ($ 400 + can't remember exact amount or breakdown)

I told the chica that I was not willing to pay that. We agreed upon $240, I would tip etc. The Mesero kept insisting! Finally we got to the point where he said $200 for just one. I stayed firm on the principle I had already negotiated with the ladies. At this point no one was budging, cut my loses and headed out.

Back to HK:
Arrived back to HK, took the short cut this time lol. Headed in. It is hopping at this point!!! Way more chica's than first time around. I cruise around, set my eyes on this one chica. Missed out on her as she was headed to the stage. As soon as she came off stage another dude swooped in.

Walked upstairs and as I was about to head down I saw one chica sitting alone. We caught eyes, she smiled. I was drawn in. Introduced myself sat down and we began talking. She had a little handle on english but not much. Her vibe was refreshing! We talked for maybe two hours... The whole time laughing, caressing, dancing and just chillin. I was in no rush! Here's where I ended up drinking too much, this guy was walking around blowing a whistle pouring tequila shots in peoples mouth. I declined, he insisted and she insisted. FUCK!!!! i took the shot, 1st of four rounds throughout the 2 hour encounter lol. Eventually we talked about ariba, She quoted me $150, I countered with $120. She obliged. Off we went!

Ariba 1:
We got back to the room. She turned the water on in the hot tub. We both freshened up. Poured a couple drinks and began playing around. She put some music on TV. Somehow while trying to turn it up she turned it off. When she turned the tv back on, first channel that pops up is porn. She starts imitating the chicks on the screen in a sarcastic way. I imitated the men in kind. We laughed so hard about this, my side started hurting. We spent some time in the jacuzzi, eventually moved to the bed under the sheets. She was great! Funny thing is, the whole night she kept telling me my dick was too big for her. I kept saying "I'm told it is the [perfect size!" When it came down to ariba, she struggled a bit at first but was very accommodating and ensured I was pleased.

She showered and was getting ready to head out. I hopped out of bed to shower, she said no! And pointed to bed and told me to lay down. She tucked me in lol. I was determined to get up and get some food as I had not ate since breakfast and it was about 10ish (I think lol). No bueno! I was out for the count. Slept like a baby and now I'm up ready to attack day two.


last comment
avatar for RonJax2
5 hrs ago

Man, great post. Sounds like you are right in the think of an epic Zona Norte bender.

Enjoy and thanks for sharing your story with us!

avatar for PAFBABS
5 hrs ago

Cravemybbc - Now this is what I call an excellent update on the ‘Maiden Voyage’.You are playing it safe while still maximizing the FUN. HK usually stays busy/consistent in chica traffic throughout the day, but CC mainly gains the real partying momentum late evening time/nighttime. Bar Tropical ( across from HK ) is another decent joint for chilling and it offers a relaxed vibe. Both CC and BT are much calmer than HK, but you can still find some gorgeous women here if you are patient while chit-chatting and having drinks with the chicas. Try them out, you might run into a gem for a comparatively reasonable out-of-pocket 👍🏻

avatar for OPIllini96
4 hrs ago

Agree w/@PAFBABS. I'd go to Tropical, good, chill place and most of the ladies there are friendly and down-to-earth. Also I'd go to Gold Palace and La Carreta - IMO they're the best of the alley clubs. Those spots don't nearly have the amount of girls as HK, CC, or Tropical, but they are very nice and welcoming - definitely fun can be had at GP and LC.

avatar for OPIllini96
4 hrs ago

One more thing @Crave: when you go to Chicago, Gold Palace, or La Carreta, if you see a cute waitress (mesara), she's just like the dancers in that she can have fichas with you and is available for arriba. I've had a few mesaras for arriba and they were great.

avatar for PAFBABS
3 hrs ago

@Crave: when you go to Chicago, Gold Palace, or La Carreta, if you see a cute waitress (mesara), she's just like the dancers in that she can have fichas with you and is available for arriba. I've had a few mesaras for arriba and they were great.

OPlllini96 - Really? I remember you mentioning this before, and I’ll need to check this out for sure. Many a times I’ve come across a few young/pretty waitresses at a few bars, but it skipped my mind that they are available too for arribas. I am sure it’ll be Fun and something different to try out 👍🏻

avatar for Zbott
53 mins ago

@crave great updates! Sounds like you are having an epic maiden voyage! Got another 2 meses (months) until I’m back and these posts really help scratch the itch! Have a great remainder of your trip and safe travels Back

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