Trump's blatant corruption

avatar for dustyj


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avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 days ago

Unfortunately it's another case where what's new is primarily the scale of it. The trading by Pelosi and others in stocks affected by proposed legislation is an example.

avatar for dustyj
3 days ago

He's gone beyond what anyone else has done on steroids multiplied by 10. Trump has zero interest in every day people. Literally everything he does is to enrich himself.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 days ago

It's not clear the scale of corruption from raising tens or hundreds of millions in campaign money is different than seeking to enrich oneself personally. The unique danger of Trump is the indications he's going to ignore the Constitutional requirement that he "take care that the Laws be faithfully executed". Or, that the President, not the Supreme Court, has the final say about what the Law requires.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 days ago

Lib cope squad in the HIZZZOUSE!!!!

Cute to watch Dusty post things (and in one thread, inadvertently dox himself) to feel like he's striking a righteous blow against Trump.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 days ago

Puddy you act like libs are subhuman, inferior, deranged, etc. theyre your fellow American citizens. And they are actually more correct on some things, maybe even many things, than the right. I would say one thing to consider is that liberals believe everyone, everywhere has rights, whereas conservatives more often believe rights are given by the government. So a native american living in a random village before Americas existence, would have zero rights according to many on the right, since there was no official government or nation state established. Whereas many on the left would say the native person has rights by default

avatar for dustyj
2 days ago

If you can't see the blatantly obvious that Trump could absolutely care less whether any of us live or die and literally all that he cares about is himself and the super rich I really don't value your opinion. It's not even about parties. It's about a narcissist who clearly doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. He'll cut funding for anyone and anything if you don't support him and kiss his ass.

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