[OT]: “”Unbelievable” TV Series

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
If you’re like me, I’m always struggling to find a great new TV series to watch. I have pretty high standards (like I do for strippers) and the well is running dry.
Quite by accident I discovered the Netflix series “Unbelievable”. It’s about 5 years old but it was off my radar. It’s short. I think only 6 episodes. I binged it in just 2 days.
It’s actually based upon a true story of how the police (especially male detectives) handle cases of rape and sexual abuse. I don’t want to give away too much but I highly recommend it. Great story. Great acting.
last commentI’ll have to check it out. Buddy of mine worked security at Borgata Casino. He said for the first few years they were open they had the police there for reported rapes in the hotel every weekend. He also said the place was crawling with whores and they were the ones mostly reporting rape. He said when the cracked down and keep the whores away the rapes went away.
I think I saw a documentary aboout the real life case "Unbelievable" was based on. It was called the "Kavanaugh Hearings", but the people who played the accusers and democrats in the reenactments were terrible. Raspberry awards for all. At least it had a happy ending.
On topic, and seriously, there is a series on Netflix called Tidelands. It stars some world class hotties with plenty of nude scenes. Sadly, Elsa Pataky does not, but she has no bra and headlights on in every scene she is in. It was cancelled after one season, which is a damned shame. 10/10 I would have watched more.
If you’re looking for short series and a humorous drama, try “No Good Deed” on Netflix with Ray Romano and Lisa Kudrow. I like how Luke Wilson’s character is in this, too. My buddies are too funny in this……