Progressive Politicians Stealing

Mayor Michelle "shame on you" Wu is the epitome of a progressive. From her racist singling out ofItalian restaurants for fees charged to no one else, to her no whites allowed Christmas party I thought we had seen the worst from this despicable POS. Nope. Self-important piece of shit had to testify before Congress, to justify her breaking the law and catering to illegals.
Due to the fact she is a liar, stupid and a bigot she felt compelled to hire a law firm at $950.00 fucking dollars an hour to prep her for her lying before Congress. Total bill to the taxpayers? For her ignorant grandstanding? $650,000.00. Yeah, Democrats care about the poor here, as long as they sneak in illegally, collect welfare, sell drugs and commit crimes, but never if they have to work their asses off to pay the tax bill.
last commentHey but I saw all the online articles saying she did a great job standing up to congress? Of course it was WaPo ha. She’s a bought and sold corrupt politician and Pocahontas was her mentor. Total trash of a mayor that’s ignoring federal law to stay in power with net illegal voters.
Yeah I really hate when politicians steal
Residents who elect progressive mayors over and over again deserve what they get.
Meanwhile at the White House…
Where’s Rick the Lion when you need him to tell another poster to post this shit in the politics room? A literal bag of shit at that….
Looks like Mayor Wu is doing a few things right
Americans Rate Dallas and Boston Safest of 16 U.S. Cities
Boston is second happiest city in the U.S., according to new survey
^ Happiest alongside Minneapolis and Baltimore...ROFLMAO!!!
Boston would have been the happiest, but skibum single-handedly pulled the score down.
Proof from the Gallup article that the results are completely inaccurate: "In addition to the nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults who think Dallas (74%) and Boston (72%) are safe, majorities ranging from 52% to 63% rate nine other cities as safe. These include Seattle, Las Vegas, Miami, Minneapolis, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, San Francisco and Washington, D.C" New Orleans and San Francisco, really?!
The CBS news poll proves that liberal cities are full of happy retards. Give them something shiny, tell them they're special, and they will smile all day.
wld4tatas: lolhaha
CBS is of course the "news outlet" that cut up Kanala's interview and changed it around just tom ke her like stupid, instead of an abject moron. Kind of funny that all the wah we hate racism lefties here were not able to comment on her blatant racism. Oh yeah, and as far as free speech goes, you cannot protest outside her house. It's the "law".
Skibum only goes to Boston to fly out of Logan. I avoid it like the plague and won't even go to court there, or Cambridge.