This discussion is relative to my review and other discussion topic all from within the last week.
I arrived at a club where they had elaborately armored and uniformed security outside the door. He did the basic pat down and wanting an I walked into the club. Once inside I realized that I needed to go back outside for something. So I walk out of the club no more than 2-3 minutes after entering.
The club and parking lot were both essentially empty. Maybe 3-4 cars in the lot. As I walk outside I see the security guy standing right outside my car 30 yds or so away. I stopped then and watched. He was peering inside the windows with his flashlight. Eventually he walked to the back of the car and looked down at it while writing something down on a pad of paper. When he finished there he began to make his way back to front club door where I was still standing. He was clearly surprised by my presence and as soon as he was within talking distance he muttered something about how he makes rounds in the lot to keep everything safe!
Needless to say I was very suspicious of his motives and intent!