RANT: Getting rid of temporary debit cards was a mistake

avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
I'm so F@@#$ tired of banks getting rid of temporary debit cards. It's almost ruined my plans.

I'm planning a trip to TJ, and then I realized I still haven't gotten my debit card from my bank yet. I call them to confirm and it turns out they sent it to old address AGAIN. This is the 2nd time I've told them in the past two weeks what my actual address is. The bank won't even give me the card number so I can't use the online system to pay for anything.

I can't pay for the flight tickets in cash (and nobody answers the phone for this to be a possibility). I still have to pay for the hotel when I arrive in TJ. I feel unsafe taking that much money to TJ. I only have so many hidden compartments.

The only solution I have found is using Visa gift cards to pay for the hotel and flight. It's still annoying that I have to use non-bank solutions for this problem.


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Just get a prepaid debit card for trips again. Ita easy
I use cash 99% of the time from my regular checking account.
I have a regular debit card that I will use very rarely for ATM.
@ Icey, thanks Visa gift cards are essentially prepaid cards. Mastercard has some too. American Express has cards, but nobody buys them (I think there's a joke about it).

@ Jascoi, why would you carry that much money in TJ. We both know bandits with badges are a problem. I am wearing hidden pockets because of all the discussions I've read on TUSCL and ZonaNorte Reddit.

Did you guys know TJ has a NSFW reddit
I bring my bank in a hidden jock pocket. Then, put the majority in the hotel safe. The jock pocket underwear works pretty good. I also keep my Global card in it, as I need it only for exiting. The only downside is that there is no fly, so you have to dance a little to drain the dragon.

Yes, there is a TJ red light subreddit. However, it is primarily immature wannabes and young egos too lazy to read the fkn forums. Same questions asked over and over.
I've never seen a bank issue a temporary debit card. My bank has always issued temporary ATM cards until your debit card arrives, but it has never issued temporary debit cards.

You could always just use your traditional credit card for your trip and then just pay it off during the billing cycle to avoid the interest.
just open up another bank account at another bank.
Some credit card companies will issue virtual cards to use with Google/Apple pay via their app. I think some banks, though I can't remember which, prints ATM/Debit cards in the store while you wait.

I don't know shit about TJ, but most places I go in the US offer tap to pay.
You cant use gift cards the way you would normal cards though.
No one's mentioned this yet, but if you come armed with only debit cards, you're going to lose like 15-25% of your bankroll in transaction fees exchanging it for dollars in Mexico. Also, most prepaid cards won't work in Mexico. (Look on the back, where it will say "Valid only in the US.")

One alternative is a Charles Swab checking account, where you won't pay foreign transaction fees. There are also ATMs that will take less of a cut (I think HSBC?) downtown in Tijuana.

Or just do what the rest us do: Man up and carry cash across the border.

* Hide it as best you can.
* Keep a small account of cash in your wallet or pocket as a bribe or sacrifice if you do get stopped by corrupt police.
* Be cautious and alert but don't stress about it, you will likely be fine.

It's true that corrupt police will rob people in the Zona Norte, it's happened to prominent members here like @PutaTester and @Jascoi. However, it's still infrequent. PT and Jas have both spent thousands of hours in the Zona, without incident. The vast majority of us have never had a problem. And also I've never heard of a monger having their luggage searched by municipal police, usually they're stopping tourists walking around the streets.

Finally, be careful about what you're reading about this at r/TJRedLightDistrict. I think there's one or more participants there with an axe to grind who are posting bullshit. It seems like mods have been cracking down on this lately, but those mods are also absent most of the time.

It's a real problem, corrupt police, but there's just not that many of them and they can't rob every gringo. So, TLDR: Carry the cash and you'll be fine.
@RonJax2 Thank you for the insight. I wasnt going to use my debit card in TJ (too much of a paper trail and possible target of theirs).

I am only using a debit card to pay for the Airplane ticket and the Hotel Cascadas. The tickets are bought in the US. Based on what you're saying, is it better to just pay for the Hotel in Cash? Thanks for that "only works in the US tip".
Doh, I think I completely misunderstood @owlyoung_ggofv. I think it's ok to use either a debit card or credit card for the airplane ticket and hotel.

I don't think it's better to pay for the hotel in cash. Back in they day I think you could do that and use a fake name to avoid the paper trail. Nowadays, they'll take a copy of your ID at checkin even if you pay with cash, so there's no benefit to paying cash at the hotel.

The bankroll I was talking about is whatever you're bringing to cover club costs, beers, fichas, arribas, etc. Those things you can't put on a Credit Card. And you'll want to bring cash for those things from the US because getting dollars in the Zona is expensive.
@Icey and @Jascoi

I never thought my rant would actually yield some legit advice. Thank you. I had no idea the gift cards don't work in Mexico. I'm eternally grateful I didn't learn a hard and expensive lesson once I got to Mexico.

Side note: Does Cascadas have a modern checkout system (tap to pay). If they do then this whole process is a moot point because I have TAP pay on my phone (the three semicircle lines)
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