David Johansen RIP

avatar for rickthelion
Are any of you perverts hip to the New York Dolls? Or maybe you were into his Buster Poindexter persona. Now, he was no Princess Tay Tay, but this lion appreciates any cray-cray musical performances and he gave a lot of those. RIP and ROAR!!!


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He also dabbled a bit in acting. I wasn’t really into his type of music so was probably more aware of acting roles.

He was in the movie version of “Car 54, Where are You”. Unless you’re an old fuck like me, you probably have never watched the original early 60’s TV version. It starred pre-Herman Munster Fred Gwynne ( or for you younger guys, Judge Chamberlain Haller).

But I digress. RIP
avatar for IRman
2 days ago
Yes, knew and saw him perform in his BP persona, most entertaining! RIP
Sold my NYD album (the first one decades ago), should have kept it a little longer.
Was he Scarlett’s dad? Sorry, jk…..
Yeah, they opened for Motley Crue on the last tour with Mick Mars still playing. They were cool.
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