
Visiting a Dermatologist? Hygiene concerns

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
Owlyoung_ggofvSouthern Libertine

I am having a problem with my body odor. I have been doing everything I can for the past few months to deal with it. I shower twice a day. I wash my clothes weekly. I lotion up daily post-Showering. I footbath that can get out of control without frequent washing.

I am being serious when I have no idea what to do. I don't typically get told I smell bad in my daily interactions. However it's becoming a concern with my partners.

I set up an appointment with a Dermatologist PA in my insurance network. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm hoping I get some type of powerful soap or lotion to apply after my showers.


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Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ twentyfive

A nutritionist? You think it may be dietary. I'll take it into consideration if this current attempt doesn't work out.

Avatar for twentyfive

Nutritionist is cheaper than a dermatologist, and the most likely source of your odor problem. Why don’t you try googling your specific symptoms chances are you’ll get better advice there than from a website like this.

Avatar for sinclair

You are what you eat. Do you eat Indian food by chance? People who eat curry tend to have bad body odor due to the compounds in the spices.

Avatar for ClubFan81077

Is it something that you never really had a problem with in the past, and just suddenly started happening out of the blue? I know that if something new is going on with me, especially that I can't find an explanation for, I usually want to talk to a doctor about it also.

If I had symptoms like you were describing, I guess my debate with myself would be whether I should start with my primary care physician or my dermatologist? If I'm just having some kind of external/skin concern, I usually go straight to my dermatologist. If I'm unsure about whether or not there's something internal going on with me that might require some blood work or lab testing, I might start with my primary care first and then go from there. I'm not sure what would be best in your case, but if it's easier and/or cheaper to see your primary care physician first, you can also factor that into you r decision...

Good luck with getting this resolved! As I get older, my body is always throwing some new curve ball at me all the time!

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ ClubFan81077

The body odor problem has really been an issue since my college days. I just solved it by showering more frequently and large deodorant application. It would occasionally come back through my mid 20s, but the same tactic solved the problem. Then a few years ago "around 2022 to 2023" it was discovered that the apartment I habituated had a washer problem. It wasn't just that they never fixed them, but the water was stale. So my clothes had this stale smell. Naturally I can't live or work like that. I switched to coin laundry from then on (lost about $30 in the process to do this). I started washing my clothes with Scented beads. Obviously I kept using washing liquid because that's the main source of cleaning clothes (ARM and HAMMER).

So with 2 showers a day and Washed Clothes with Scent boosters, I thought I found the pancea to my problem. Unfortunately, these efforts are no longer working. More accurately, they are no longer lasting beyond 10-12 hours.

Avatar for Jascoi

I agree it's probably something that you eat.

Avatar for skibum609

Stop eating meat and use Tide.

Avatar for Icey

It could be anything from stress to diabetes...if you havent had a major change in diet or stress before it started happening. See a dr

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ skibum

Everything is on the table. Why use Tide ? Is there washing liquid any stronger?

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

Forgive my lack of knowledge, but how does food directly effect your body odor?

Avatar for Dolfan

I'd say talk to a general practitioner and see if they recommend a nutritionist, dermatologist, or other specialist. Diet could absolutely play a role, as could an underlying medical condition, or in my completely uneducated yet very scientific wild ass guess it's likely a confluence of contributing factors.

Also keep in mind there is such thing as over-showering. Micro biome's are real, antibiotic soaps can kill off harmless or beneficial microbes and allow other things with unpleasant side effects to fill the void left behind.

At the very least, a medical professional is likely to offer a reasonably scientific and or methodical process to finding answers, vs just haphazardly making changes in your life.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

You're doing the right things, @owl. Good luck.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "Why use Tide ? Is there washing liquid any stronger?"

By a country mile. Arm & Hammer is crap. Tide is a little more expensive than most of the other detergents, but it's well worth paying the extra couple bucks.

Avatar for gammanu95

How often do you launder your shower towels? I recommend changing them weekly. I have three sets.

How often do you change your bedsheets? Never go longer than a month (I do two weeks) and use a washable mattress cover. How old is your mattress?

It may be dietary. Reduce meat, sodium, and junk food. It could also be improperly metabolizing something or allergens.

There is also full body deodorant lotion. Lumea or something? It's marketed towards women but it sounds like you would benefit from it.

See a nutritionist and a dietitian.

Avatar for Evergreen98

It is probably caused by genetics. Try drinking green tea every day. The problem will not go away, but will improve due to the antioxidants in green tea.

Avatar for skibum609

OWL - According to Consumer Reports, there is Tide and there are the rest. Not even close. Also, towels and sheets should always be washed a lot.

Avatar for Rightfield

I have to admit Tide is the best laundry detergent, but it is more than a "little" more expensive than their competitors. They are getting downright greedy. And I am baffled as to how one company could have such superior product in this day and age.

I hope OP just has an issue with the foods they are eating. That would be the simplest solution. I had a problem where I noticed my arm pits never smelled clean, even after a good shower scrubbing. I usually like sent free products, but in this case I had to go to a scented soap like Dial to deal with it.

Also, when you say it's becoming an issue with your partners, do you mean they are mentioning it? Or is it just your perception, or one partner who may be obsessive? Is the odor just from your arm pits, or all over? What about breath?

Avatar for ClubFan81077

@owl Ah, I understand now...

I tend to always start with a medical professional when something is going on with me personally, but that's just me... My primary doctor seems to be pretty good at talking to me about nutrition as well, and he would absolutely like for me to do a better job with my diet, as I tend to eat a lot of the wrong things! As gamma mentioned, I also see plenty of ads on TV for full body deodorant. If you want to rule out the possibility of an underlying medical condition, you can see a physician first, and go from there...

Good luck!!!

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ Clubfan and Gamma

I already use full body deodorant. I forgot to specify that in my OP. I originally used Lume, but then I switched to Native this past December. It is more a matter of cost. Both of them are overpriced.

Actually all of my shower products are NATIVE now. I don't really think that's the problem since I got the same complaints pre-switch. You both brought up bedsheets, and I will try to focus more on those. But here's the kicker: I actually don't sleep on bed sheets for at least 80% of the year. I have sheets, but I prefer to sleep on blankets and have a comforter. Now I could definitely wash the comforter more, so it's a great start.

@ Rightfield, the complaints are coming from a few women I'm seeing. I would say for every 5 women I frick, 1 will have a complaint. The issue though is that I'm now in a serious relationship (topic for another day) and she isn't a fan of my smell. She says I'm tolerable most of the time, but those bad times are really bad. I just want a solution.

Avatar for sfrsox

go on a 3 day detox, where all you eat is 6 slices (daily) italian/french white bread, and borscht with lemon juice and dill or parsley, and all you drink is half a gallon (daily) of water and 16oz (daily) of Arnold Palmer.

Shower only once a day, and use a new towel each day. Change socks mid-day.

After detox, stop Indian and any spicy foods. Moderate amounts of cooked (no raw) garlic/onion/ginger is ok.

If you're still having issues a week after the detox, find out where the smell is coming from and then see a specialist. If you can't find out where the smell is coming from, ask your lady friend.

Avatar for sfrsox

Also, how the F are you getting women to willingly sleep with you if you smell bad?

Avatar for IRman

In my professional experience the most likely cause may be deep seated fungal infections. These could involve any area of your body. But they are most commonly skin infections of the crotch, armpits or feet (between the toes usually). They seem to be chronic for some unfortunate men. Even after treating them successfully with either oral or topical medications or both they can return with a vengeance once the meds are discontinued. I hope you are seeing a good experienced dermatologist as they may be able to help you. I know this sounds strange bu when you see them abstain from bathing or showering for at least 24-36 hrs prior to appt. Quick couple of related questions; general nature of your occupation, how often do you work out and what part of the country are you in?

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ sfrsox

It's simple. I don't smell bad ALL THE TIME. My job requires that's I work in office with people. I have a standard hygiene routine. The incidents with my smell occur randomly. If I'm going clubbing or know I have a hot date, I'm going to take a shower beforehand. It's a habit that I always use.

And as I already explained, it could partially be my clothing as well. Some clothes (my business attire) gets washed and ironed more frequently than my casual dress (tshirts, shorts). But everything I wear during the week gets washed. I also replace underwear whenever it gets worn out.

I have typical hygiene practices, they just haven't solved everything.

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

" But they are most commonly skin infections of the crotch, armpits or feet (between the toes usually). They seem to be chronic for some unfortunate men. Even after treating them successfully with either oral or topical medications or both they can return with a vengeance once the meds are discontinued. "

what you described is basically the blueprint. I personally think my armpits get enough attention, but they get revisited everytime I'm out for a reason.

What your saying could be the case. I'm going to mention it to the PA. Thank you.

Avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv

@ IRman

Quick couple of related questions; general nature of your occupation, how often do you work out and what part of the country are you in?

My occupation is an engineer. I work inside an office. I never workout (unfortunately). I live in the Southeast US, Deep South.

Avatar for Rightfield

I thought of something else that may help. Contrary to what I was led to believe, cotton next to your skin is not ideal. I have switched to moisture wicking synthetic underwear and socks. Materials like polypropylene, and, counterintuitively, polyester. I have not tried bamboo.

Until I did that, I often had rashes. Apparently, high moisture cotton allows bacteria and fungus to thrive in the areas that don't get ventilation.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@rightfield the moisture wicking synthetics have the opposite effect for me. I’m recalling about workout clothes where I sweat in them. I don’t smell bad, even when sweating, but my wife does the laundry and says it’s a lot harder to get the funk out of synthetic workout shorts and shirts than it is the cotton and I trust her on this. We use tide and sometimes the washer crystals along with it and then downy dryer sheets. Clothes are fresh and so am I. Also, I switched from aluminum based deodorant years ago to Degree and it’s done wonders to prevent armpit stains/funk in my shirts.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Sinclair you might be correct, but maybe they are not showering or not wearing perfume, also the yoi are what you can eat, isnt relevant in most cases.

For instance eating a lot of beef or meat, drinking a lot of milk, eating salt sugar or lots of oranges, doesnt make you smell like any of those things, fresh nor raw.

As far as even the indian spices and compounds, it wont be a 1:1. They wont literally smell like the spices, from my understanding. Or maybe there are some foods where you will smell like the food you ate. But it doesnt seem applicable to most foods

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Dont use tide at all. Dont use scented detergent either. You dont want to be using scented anything, other than perfume. You want to get to the root of tbe problem.

Tide and most detergents have a bunch of harmful compounds that can linger around in the clothes, and affect the functioning of your testicles. It may not be a big deal if youre washing shirt or sweats in detergent but with boxers you need to be even more careful.

What you want to get is kirklands free & clear detergent, its hypoallergenic, scent free, dye free, has much less synthetic stuff than tide or other scented colored detergents. Its a clear liquid.

You also dont need deodorant, its masking the problem. It is diet related or environment related. You can get perfume to wear

Avatar for Jascoi

I guess I've been lucky in my 74 years. And I haven't used Tide since splitting from my wife 13 years ago. I just shower regular everyday and use old spice original formula stick deodorant.

Avatar for Jascoi

I don't take any meds other than vitamins.
And I am trying to eat more healthy now and cut back on the high fructose corn syrup and other shit.

Avatar for Jascoi

And that double double animal style burger I just had at in n out sure tasted fine.

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