TJ clubs or our local clubs, your preference and why?

At first as a beginner ( years ago ), our local clubs/bars ( in California ) seemed to offer more than sufficient fun. I hit ‘em all up, and met many gorgeous women of all ethnicities. Still, I keep in touch with quite a few dancers from our local clubs for ITC as well as OTC hookups.
Then, came the next exciting Episode/Chapter - TIJUANA clubbing. A good friend ( originally from Sinaloa, that knows his whereabouts in Tijuana like the back of his ) introduced me to it. It all started by taking frequent drives across the border to Puerto Nuevo/Rosarito beach area for their mouthwatering seafood at this one in particular restaurant that’s been there for atleast a few decades, along with part-time clubbing which all started at Chicago Club ( and that’s why this club has some sentimental value attachment for me ).
Since I live locally around Los Angeles vicinity, I’ve been spoilt and there hasn’t been any turning back for me. IMO the FUN just seems unmatched and mind blowing, despite doing this for more than a decade + it just keeps getting better each time for me.The value/out-of-pocket, over flow of pretty girls with great attitudes, awesome reasonably priced top-notch restaurants and everything else just keeps bringing me back here over and over again for both ITC and OTC hookups.
I’ve introduced many friends to TJ clubbing scene and now they are all hooked, despite my warning them ahead of time😁What is up with TIJUANA, it just keeps attracting thousands of people from all over despite the frequent travel-warnings to avoid any unnecessary travel especially at nighttime to this so called Mexico’s most dangerous city?
last commentThank for starting this discussion. I wouldn't have known this place (HK TJ etc. ) were it not for @ronjax2, you, and some other folks here.
I’ve frequented clubs around the US -but none compare IMHO to my time spent in TJ! From the beautiful women of every shape and size to the overall quality of experience and dollar value. I have enjoyed both at the club and outside the club experiences that have blown any US experience out of the water. I was warned TJ would ruin US clubs for me and I thought it wasn’t possible but sadly it has. I honestly don’t even bother with US clubs anymore and just plan for my next trips back to TJ. I was planning to write an article comparing my OTC US experience to a recent one in TJ and hope to post it next week.
@Aboutown- you’re welcome, and feel free to message anytime you need further feedback/clarification for your next lined-up trip to TJ.
@Zbott- That’s very true, and same here.I have also frequented many of our local clubs and had some great fun ITC and OTC with beautiful ladies. I still keep our contact going with these dancers, but then always end up making an excuse and landing in Tijuana instead (lol).Especially nowadays, since I started partaking in OTC hookups which takes the FUN to the next level as long as you know what you’re doing. IMO TJ’s OTC is unmatched to our local clubs in all aspects ( Prettier Mexican women, more reasonable out-pocket …etc ). I am simply spoilt beyond recognition but these gorgeous women.Also, in my years of clubbing ( both ITC and OTC ), I haven’t yet experienced anything serious in regards to safety/harassment with the local local authorities because I always like playing it safe and not taking any chances. Safety has always been my No.1 priority at both our local clubs and also TJ clubbing scene, and you get to know the ropes once you are more familiar and comfortable with the area and your whereabouts ( We’ll talk more in detail when you next post your article on OTC experience/s ( comparing local clubs to TJ, IMO it’s unmatched )👍🏻
TJ FUN is so addicting, and despite clubbing out here for years it simply keeps getting better each times ( regardless of the experience/s ITC or OTC ).The overall thrill is simply mind blowing despite all the warnings to avoid any unnecessary traveling to this border town in particular👍🏻
A counterpoint - I went to TJ a few years ago, enjoyed it, wrote a review (/dashboard/reviews/311688), and never went back. It's interesting that upon re-reading the review, I gave Hong Kong more accolades than I remember feeling. I obviously had a great time, and if the opportunity presented itself again, I'd probably go. I just wouldn't make a special trip across the country.
It's no so much American clubs are better. As an obvious Anglo who doesn't speak Spanish, I found the combination of wretched street poverty, begging/panhandling, sketchy police tactics, plus non-English-speaking girls who can't really interpersonally connect, off-putting enough to outweigh the fun.
Since that visit, I also found my time spent with American strip club girls ITC/OTC, plus German FKKs and Toronto Erotic Massage Spas/Escorts, to be more generally appealing. As a bonus, I don't feel like I'm walking around with a target on my back.
To each PL his own. I'm glad I experienced TJ/Hong Kong, and have Tuscl PLs to thank for introducing me and providing tons of useful information. It's just that for my mongering dollar these days, I fine staying north of the border.
Here's how my monger arc has gone:
I got started with clubs in popular bachelor party destinations (New Orleans, Vegas) then patronized the clubs in my local area for a while, where the prices are outrageous and the mileage is dismal.
Then after participating here, I visited Houston, Detroit, and FLL, and realized how much of waste my dollars in my local club had been, and how much more fun I could be having.
Then I visited Tijuana for the first time, and was absolutely fucking blown away by the experience. That first trip to TJ culminated in a spectacular GFE trio with two gorgeous spinners. On the flight back home I thought: "why would I ever go to a US club again? I should spend all my mongering dollars in TJ."
I will be back to TJ soon, but I am taking a short detour this spring and doing a weekend OTC adventure in CDMX with an ATF (whom I met in TJ). I hear the mongering is not great in Mexico City, but fortunately ATF is very spicy and fun.
In any case, I suspect many a TUSCLer now and in the future will follow a similar arc. It's inevitable if you participate here that you'll be curious about TJ, and then once you've been, it's impossible not to go back.
Personally, my mongering travels have taken me to way sketchier neighborhoods in the US, like the Block for example. I was once stranded in the Detroit winter without an Lyft home in Romulous. Mongering takes us to some sketchy places. You have a point on this, but the benefits outweigh the risks, IMHO.
@Rod, to me the interpersonal connection is very important. And in my experience there's much more of it in TJ than any US club.
My few trips I spoke no Spanish. Early on, I connected with one chica who was fluent, then subsequently another ATF who had solidly conversational English. There are plenty out there, especially at Hong Kong, you just have to look for them.
Since my first trip 2 years ago, I've spent time learning Spanish, which has definitely payed off. It's not that you can't have fun in TJ without Spanish, it just widens the playing field if you do speak it.
RonJax2- I myself couldn’t have put across the message as well as you’ve done on ‘Tijuana Mongering’👍🏻 Everything you’ve mentioned is spot on, the overall FUN clubbing in TJ simply outweighs the risks.
Personally, in my years of clubbing out in TJ not once have I encountered a situation which left a bad enough taste to quit coming out here for good. Mostly everyone out here is hospitable and courteous unless you act like dick and attract unwanted attention on yourself. Then in that case, you’re better off not coming to TJ at all.
Despite my Spanish being elementary-level or even lower, these gorgeous Mexican women that I’ve been meeting are just mind blowing when it comes to making you feel as their king while they are with you. I cannot describe the treatment in words that I get from these beautiful women and especially in our OTC hookups, that too at a very reasonable out-of-pocket for their company. Even though it all may very well seem a fantasy, but it’ll remain on your memory bank for years to come coz now you’re hooked to this FUN like nothing else similar to it. You’ll just keep coming back for more coz each time it just keeps getting better👍🏻
Flying down tomorrow. Meeting up with a CC girl on her day off OTC for TLN. Fluent in English and great fun to be with. Used to hook up with a hot blonde stripper in Sacramento OTC for a few hours. Same price.
That’s awesome, PT! That’s exactly my point here, the opportunities out in TJ are unlimited in both ITC or OTC and that too at a fraction of the price compared to our locals clubs. There are no ties attached, besides mind blowing FUN to be had TLN with these gorgeous Mexican women 👌🏻
I still visit a few US clubs occasionally... But I admit I'm spoiled... Especially by TJ.
For people who have not been to TJ before, I can totally understand their degree of apprehension. Mexico/TJ have earned some well-deserved fear. But, to echo others, I have never experienced any danger or threats. You have to be as mindful as you would in any US city. I have been to LA, NY, DC, Chicago, Miami, DFW and more. LA and Chicago both had me more concerned than TJ ever has. Be smart and you will be fine. In my experience, TJ has been easy to enter and exit, has great food and nice hotels (if you wish to stay outside the HK/CC district.
As for what keeps bringing me back, it's just the sheer quantity and quality of women - 95% of which have the desire to please. While I do visit US clubs when I travel for business, I spend less now. I look at the big picture and prefer now to budget my dollars more in TJ. I was literally in a US club last Friday and spent about $100 on cover, two beers and three so-so lap dances. All I could think was what $100 would've gotten me in TJ. Once you experience the demeanor and beauty of chicas latinas, you really feel the hustle, force and BS with the ladies in the states. I really have a low tolerance for that stuff now. In fact, a chica I met in HK a few weeks ago said something that was spot on. Her image of US women was "Beth" from Yellowstone. I laughed, but see the truth in her generality. The pace, the work, the careers, and the pursuit of equality all yield a fiercely independent woman. Again, we speak in generalities, but within them is much truth.
As a hobby or an obsession, mongering can take us all over the world. While locations and $'s differ, the goal is the same: exciting, steamy, passionate experiences with beautiful women. We all have different viewpoints and attitudes on what's beautiful, what's worth our dollars, where to go - I'm just glad that for now, I have access to TJ.. Life is short! Play hard!
I will give a dated perspective that in San Francisco had clubs before 2010 and I'm sure for decades before that honestly could rival most of the clubs in HK. Market Street Cinema was basically an old movie theater. There were girls walking and sitting around. You could go with a hottie to one of the movie chairs and talk, lap dance, rub over pants, etc to the dj'd music. The girls overall were pretty hot with a lot of variety. You paid additional entrance to the backstage area where they had private booths that gave similar experiences to current MVP rooms in TJ with the exception of no alcohol was allowed. The pricing was not even that bad. Crazy seedy place.
The famous Mitchell Brothers offered a more upscale environment and even better shows in public rooms but was way more expensive especially for private fun. Like MSC, the private booths all could be had.
Those places closed due to the city not wanting to allow brothels run in strip clubs so there were constant inspections and once the strip clubs stopped brothel back room services, the end was near for them.
Vegas has some of the biggest (lady count) strip clubs in the country but holy cow they are expensive.
Now, I don't go to any US strip clubs mainly due to pricing and services after going to TJ. I feel "ripped off" knowing what experiencesi could get for the same in TJ. To me in my local area, even getting an escort can be cheaper and more value than a US strip club but it really is one hour and the experience is over. It is very transactional. Strip clubs allow for more interaction and the "hunt" which is something I like.
Clubs in TJ, you can spend hours inside, seeing 100s of beauties for hours on end. Drinking, talking (even using Google translate works well), sexy club fun for the price just can't be beaten in the US. I haven't gone back to a US club in over 5 years. I do still read reviews of US clubs and they are getting pricier for less so even less desire to go.
JayhawkJohn- Thankyou very much for your excellent feedback on this subject. IMO ALL you have said is spot on, I am glad seeing you maximizing your fun in Tijuana and it’ll simply just keep getting for you each time👍🏻
As I’ve mentioned before, Tijuana FUN is unmatched.Personally, I’ve been clubbing in TJ for years and I have made lots of friends in this town and the reason for that is I respect the locals and don’t behave like a dick in their country. As such , despite occasionally running into the wrong crowd/people I walk out effortlessly. IMO Mexican people in general ( especially the women ) are very giving by nature, just treat them nicely and they’ll bend backwards to accommodating your needs likewise.
justinyoo- Thankyou for your feedback, it’s greatly appreciated 👍🏻
My perspective on our local US SC’s is very similar to yours. Ever since I got introduced to Tijuana clubbing scene by my Sinaloan friend ( years ago ), there’s been no turning back for me. The overall value is simply unmatched to our local US clubs, besides the mind blowing FUN too. The best part being, I’ve been coming to TJ for years but still each time that I return back I feel even more excited all over again like a kid visiting a candy store 😁
Jascoi- Me too my friend, these pretty Mexican women know quite well how to spoil us and keep us hooked 😁
test 101
well that didn’t work. now another attempt to post a pic from my ipad. test 102. add media
I started clubbing primarily in Las Vegas (which was a financial mistake)... Had a lot of fun but finally in my experience in a few Los Angeles area clubs I was introduced to bonedin. I made a number of friends online and interacted with a number of them in clubbing primarily in LA. Little by Little started hearing about TJ and one of the forum
members invited me to come with him to Tijuana back in May of 2014. I drove to his house and parked my car and jumped into his car and we drove down to San Ysidro. Walked across into Mexico and then taxied to Zona Norte... The taxi stopping first at Adelitas. Went in there and had a beer checked it out and after finishing the beer I said let's go to your club. We walked down to Hong Kong and was greeted at the door and we passed through the curtains and my mind was absolutely blown away by the sight... So many girls. Dancing on the stage in the bar tops and the many stage and everywhere Absolutely stunning some of them were! We sat in his favorite area and the Mesero's brought us our tequila...
Over the next few hours I must have gone Arriba a half a dozen times! Oh my God what a place! So many women and and so many of them being just what I like... I didn't speak a word of Spanish but I was still able to communicate most delightfully with these pretty girls!
I still visit a US club occasionally but I tell you what... I've been spoiled. Now I've been to Thailand recently and am making plans of Europe and elsewhere around the world. But Tijuana and especially Hong Kong Club are really special to me.
(Please note that this particular post should have preceded the last two postings...)
Even though I'm a SoCal native I was naive about what was around even when I was in the Navy stationed in San Diego. I was raised in church and definitely had blinders on and a tight rein on my activity. Even when I went around the Pacific Rim and visited the Philippines, Japan, Guam, HK China and Singapore... I looked but I didn't touch.
Then after being married for quite a while with ever-increasing bad experiences with my ex I finally split from her.
These three last posts were an attempt at an article which was rejected.
So now I'm posting it here because I got to get it out (even if I don't get the VIP privilege for 4 weeks.)
another attempt to post a test photo that I like.
Oh dang! It's working now!
Jascoi- Thanks for sharing your feedback/experiences, it seems like you’ve been around to quite a few countries👍🏻
Likewise, I too have done a good share of traveling primarily to Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, HK, Bangkok and Malaysia. I’ve also done some major mongering in Dubai ( Yes, you heard me right ). I’m not into European countries mongering scene, coz my preference in women has always been Asian and Mexican. IMO both are very caring hearted, besides having gorgeous skin tone.
Mongering in Singapore and especially Dubai was mind blowing, but compared to TJ even though the girls are equally gorgeous but they are super expensive. On the other hand the FUN in TJ is very reasonable for both both ITC and OTC hookups. These Mexican women besides being gorgeous, they are also very much fun to hang out with and they love to party while only expecting normal courtesy in return ( paying for their drinks/meals, cab rides and a reasonable well deserving tip at the end of the day for their time ). It’s an unbeatable interaction/s with these pretty ladies ( with great attitudes) and for an unmatched low-cost compared to the GPS crew at our local US clubs ( with maybe a few exceptions, but thar still doesn’t beat the very reasonable out-of-expense that TJ offers ). No wonder, mostly everyone that is introduced to TJ’s mongering scene gets hooked to it and keeps coming back for more coz the FUN just keeps better each time 😁
PAFBABS...I need to expand more into the realm of TLNs and escorts... It's just that I like the big selection of new pretty girls literally on every visit to Tijuana... Seeing them in the flesh and up close and personal face to face is a huge attraction for me. the HK and tropical bar and even Chicago bar (as well the other bars in Zona Norte) is a treasure hunt for me. And up until a year and a half ago I never had a problem with the Policia... Bandits with badges... Now I stay much more alert because you can't run away from them. olé!
Jascoi- Unfortunately ‘Bandits with badges’ reality will always remain in Mexico and as you correctly mentioned that we can’t run away from it, But staying alert of your surroundings will definitely reduce your chances of running into these bandits. I usually avoid wandering around carefree in the Zona area besides mostly staying put in one particular club per visit ( when I am in TJ for just ITC fun ). As far as my OTC hookups are concerned, they always happen outside the Zona area in their more safer locations like Zona Rio, Playas….. etc. We must play it safe at all times in Tijuana, and never let our guard down becoming more vulnerable unnecessarily.
Personally, I don’t partake in TLN’s and escort services. My fun in TJ typically begins at daytime and ends by nighttime, it’s just very convenient for me this way unless I have other plans lined up with friends to driving down by Puerto Nuevo,Rosarito and Ensenada areas (and this doesn’t happen too often).But, if I were to to do TLN’s (per frequent incoming requests from the girls I hang out with)then I’ll still be staying at a hotel outside the Zona area (somewhere in Zona Rio vicinity, coz it’s safer).In the meantime, the mind blowing selection of pretty girls at HK,BT and CC are more than sufficient in keeping me well entertained at both ITC and OTC hookups 😁
Thinking of having my first TJ experience in June - going to be in San Diego for an IT Conference and am planning out my days - a few for golf and a few for TJ. I may even attend a conference for a day or two ha ha. I suspect I won’t be the only IT monger climbing on board the trolley for the ride to the border.
Jacks4thson- That’s awesome, and I am sure you’ll have a fantastic time in your first trip to TJ👍🏻
FYI Jacks, you can legally play golf most anywhere in the USA. You cannot monger legally. Consider making TJ your first stop and your golf game might have to suffer.
Yeah, I agree with @PutaTester, @Jacks4thson. If you hit the Zona for a night, then go golf in SAN the next day, you're going to spend the whole round of golf wishing you were back in TJ.
Much rather play a round of golf and get topless lap dances than arriba. Not even close.
Some of us need to arrange a newbie trip across the border in April May or June. I’m in just about anytime but absolutely am a little scared to do it alone.
@silverton3, I totally understand being intimidated by a trip to TJ. I was definitely in knots before my first trip. Would I feel safe? Comfortable? Would crossing the border be easy? Would I get by there without speaking Spanish? Would the chicas be as amazing as everyone says?
I think after you've been, you realize the answers to all these questions is a resounding "YES".
But anyway, what specifically do you find intimidating about your first trip to TJ?
I’m a 62 year old 6’ blond white guy. Would I stick out like a “sore thumb” in Mexico? Possibly making me a target for some unsavory individuals with or without badges? I just thought safety in numbers and maybe some experience in the group. I’m up for a newbie’s trip if anyone else is.
silverton3, You’ll do just fine, traveling solo in Mexico. IMO you’ll have less chances of being harassed as compared to the local Mexicans, coz in my experience the language barrier can sometimes work in your favor😁