This is pretty wild

avatar for gammanu95
Misterorange's RFKJ discussion led me to a realization about the polarization that our binary party system seems to have staked out.

On the one side, you have the democrat party who hates America, hates our traditions, but likes the status quo and wants nothing to change.

On the other, you have the Republican Party, who love America, cherish our traditions, but are upset with the status quo and want to overhaul our entire government.

This is a simplification, but I am not wrong.


last comment
Democrats are the right. Republicans are off the chart right wing extremists at this point. They're trying to take us back to the 19th century.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
8 days ago
Traditions change over time. But it seems to be a part of human nature to prefer to think that traditions are immutable. The core US traditions, hopefully immutably, are freedom and justice. But it's human nature to backslide a lot on such high goals. Since Nixon, the worst backsliders have been in the Republican Party.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 days ago
Politics makes strange bedfellows, same as ever.
If you would have told me in the 90s that Republicans would be the party of free speech and Democrats would be the party of more wars, I would have looked at you like you have dicks growing out your ears.
"They're trying to take us back to the 19th century." Soooo, you mean 19th Century where the Dems were the party of:
Slavery - human trafficking illegals, child labor, working in sweat shops to pay off their debt to coyotes and cartels for getting them here;

Segregation: well, they are Balkanizing America, and creating "space spaces" based on identity;

Plantations: modern day Plantations are heavy Welfare cities where they gov't provides for all, becomes the "nuclear family" and supporting illegals to pick grapes and blueberries.

This sounds a lot like what the Dems still do and want.
"This is a simplification, but I am not wrong."

You are a simpleton, so your statement is acceptable from you.

Why would you mute this tard? You can't get any closer to his truth than this board.
It's pretty wild that in 2025 the "conservative" party doesn't look very conservative at all
JamesSD, your statement is factually false.

The "liberal" party is very liberal. They want to allow the government to take children away from their parents and feed them chemical castration drugs, human growth hormones, and amputate body parts. They believe that the state (e.g. school districts) should have more control over raising the children than parents should. They believe we should not have borders and the government should just print and give away money and free stuff to anyone who enters the country. They believe they can seize private property and force the owners to board these aliens, regardless of what the owners want. They believe that they can change laws and make up crimes to be used against their political opponents. They believe violent protests and riots in the streets are an acceptable means of achieving political ends. Liberals believe in bullying and harassing media to ban stories and reports exposing the governments' lies. They believe that an elected official can be used as a figurehead while unelected bureaucrats each execute their private agenda (we were never told who was making the decisions while Joe Biden was non compus mentus, we know exactly why Elon was selected by Trump and what his policies are with clearly defined expectations). I can go on for pages explaining every underhanded, criminal, unpatriotic, anti-American activity performed by the democrat party for just the past four years, not even reaching back into Obama's first two terms. But all of this and more are why I hate the democrat party. I do not love the GOP. I wish I did not have to vote straight ticket GOP every election. I must, though, because the democrat party is a more dangerous existential threat to the US than China and Russia combined.
If all you can do is make shitty generalizations about the "other party", I don't care which way you lean, you are part of the fucking problem. Guess what, a society and country exist to allow all citizens to work together to enjoy at least an acceptably decent life. I'm middle of the road, and have plenty issues with both sides.

I've been in both parties. I have a concealed carry permit. I support LGBTQX+ rights but not attempted science denial of biological genders. Could not stand Hillary. Trump is even worse.

The biggest issue I have is while DNC has it's own issues, they try to run the country as a united group, while the Trump cadre - and note I'm NOT referring to all republicans - fucking lies, manipulates, stokes hatred and intolerance, and is working to fuck up our elections so they can unfairly retain power, instead of seeing leadership move back and forth between groups. And, NEVER accepts and responsibility for faults but ALWAYS takes credit for anything they can.

May I suggest that people stop supporting an orwellian, facist, neo-nazi regime and simple work towards having a government that just stays in the middle? Time for some new parties and ranked voting.
"If all you can do is make shitty generalizations about the "other party", I don't care which way you lean, you are part of the fucking problem." You write than anyone who disagrees with you is party of the problem, and then go on to repeat the same tired lies about MAGA and Trump supporters. Hypocrit.
@Flash4 "Guess what, a society and country exist to allow all citizens to work together to enjoy at least an acceptably decent life."

Okay then, YOU try working with these people:…
^^^The last paragraph makes everything you said about being middle of the road appear either untrue or delusional.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Republicans are trying to turn the country into a total oligarchy. The conflict of interest in Musk getting millions in government contracts while claiming to look for government waste is just ridiculous. Don't forget taking money from numerous programs for the poor and middle class to give tax cuts to the super wealthy.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ More nonsense cope lines. Musk has no official power, and transparency puts it all out there, including what he's getting.
Ronald Reagan would hate Trump and Musk (and Putin)
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
From the guy who says Republicans are the party of free speech. Which party is trying to ban books? So you like the billionaires getting tax cuts while doing everything possible to cut Medicaid, Medicare, social security etc. That helps how?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ More factless talking points. Not putting a book in a school library is not banning it. Parents can still buy their kids books depicting man-boy blowjobs off Amazon if they choose.

Democrats are the party of censorship at the regime's behest. You abandoned free speech a long time ago.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Again tax cuts for billionaires while cutting money to veterans, farmers and numerous social programs helps our country how?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
Again, applause lines.
How many tax cuts for billionaires has Trump passed in the last month?
Go out and get some pussy; all that anger is taking its toll.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Read the current Republican tax proposal. When you're obviously wrong I have anger problems instead of addressing the obvious of the Republicans current tax proposal which benefits only the rich. What is your justification for this proposal?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
Proposals and $2 get you a cup of Dunkin'. They get modified and negotiated over and over again until they get passed.
You're just coping.
You still gonna fly out to Boston? I'll buy you a nice BBBJ at Desire. That might stop you from griping for a few minutes.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
You're always insulting those damn libs Puddy. You could just admit that the Republican tax proposal benefits nobody but the super rich and hurts everyone else.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ And you're threatening to beat people up over the internet because pickup basketball or something.
You haven't cited a single fact, just applause lines, without facts or logic.
You're just coping.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
What about the tax plan?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ Link to it, f you're so passionate about it.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Just admit it sucks
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ Yawwwn.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Your lack of response means you know it sucks. Who does it benefit?! Why would you support that?
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago after googling Republican tax plan gives the info. This topic is avoided like the plague from all of the Republicans on here. Wonder why the subject is always changed and no actual response for this topic is given?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
^ CBPP, bless your heart. Anywhere objective?
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
You can point out what isn't correct in there.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 days ago
Or you can get out of your bubble.
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
Avoiding like the plague. Does the Republican tax plan help anyone but the super rich? Yes or no
You don't mute this. This is how this guy shapes his reality. It's how he thinks!

"They want to allow the government to take children away from their parents and feed them chemical castration drugs, human growth hormones, and amputate body parts. They believe that the state (e.g. school districts) should have more control over raising the children than parents should"
avatar for dustyj
7 days ago
What isn't included in the Trump tax plan is no taxes on tips, overtime or social security. Remember that Trump kept saying he was going cut all of these while he was running and people voted for him based on that. Trump once again had zero intention of ever keeping those promises.
Dusty has only posted links from the most radical left, extremist, democrat party fat cat sites which will lose millions in government subsidies from DOGE oversight. No wonder he is so misinformed. Get out of your echo chamber. Or is the truth too scary for you?
avatar for dustyj
5 days ago
The truth gammanu? Who is a bigger liar than Trump? Nobody. What is scary is that you think that Trump or Musk or any billionaire gives a fuck about you. They are in power to make themselves richer and more powerful and that's it. They don't give a flying fuck about you or anybody who isn't rich. Maybe you can buy some Trump trading cards or bibles or shoes. That's why we elect presidents right for their own selfish greedy personal financial gain.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 days ago
^ Speaking of selfish greedy personal financial gain, look at the net worth of the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens before and after their first term.

I'm sure they just invested their $400,000/year presidential salaries wisely...right?


avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 days ago
^ Vs. look at Trump's.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
Do you buy Trump's shit Puddy Tat? Trump has never done an unselfish thing in his life. Who would you trust to pay you in a business deal Trump or Obama? Trump stiffed everyone he ever did business with. He's never had any integrity or empathy for anyone ever. When has Trump ever taken responsibility for anything? Would you trust Obama to babysit your 13 year old daughter? Yes. Would you trust Trump? FUCK NO!!
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
^ More coping. Man, at least some of us deal in objective facts, some get frustrated and start threatening to kick someone's ass because basketball or something.

Again, do you think the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens made their fortune via legit means and not monetizing their office? Really, that's a hell of an investment track record, enough to make Stevie Cohen or Warren Buffett seize up. Trump's net worth is a matter of record.

I'd trust Obama around my 13 year old daughter more than my 13 year old son ;)
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
Coping? Obama has integrity. Obama is likely actually faithful to his wife. Trump has cheated on every wife he's ever had. His entire life is just lying cheating and stealing.The difference is so stark it's ridiculous. We are the laughing stock of the world right now because of Trump. Other countries hate us now more than ever because of Trump. They boycott buying American products and don't want to do business with us? Does that seem to bode well for our future to have numerous countries hate us more than ever now because of Trump?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
^ Yes, coping, and asking all the wrong questions. JFK, FDR, Bill Clinton all screwed around on their wives. Will you condemn them, or is it OK when it's a Democrat that does that? I'm not voting for a babysitter or a priest. If they're effective leaders, I'll leave cheating to them and their religious authorities or gods. Are you married or in a relationship, dusty? It's a laugher to see a lot of guys here talk about the virtues of sexual restraint.

Somehow, I don't see negative consequences of "other countries hating us." We're seeing in retrospect that Trump 45's foreign policy was wise. The quietest Middle East in 20 years, before Biden continued Obama's tradition of licking Iran's nuts. A Russia that didn't expand. Standing up to China. Meanwhile Obama and Biden saw every major hotspot in the world get worse under their watch. Panama, Canada, Colombia, and Mexico might not like us, but they're playing ball because of Trump's threats. I'll take being respected over being liked any day.
Obama is a war criminal who dangled the promise of universal healthcare over people for votes then fucked us over. I remember him being asked his biggest regret. It wasnt not enacting universal healthcare or getting rid of student debt. It was not invading Syria coz the American people didn't have the stomach for it.

Both parties are two sides of the same coin
Why are liberals so obsessed with politicians "caring" about them? This seems to have begun during the Obama administration when delusional leftists thought that Obama would personally know them and "take care of me if I take care of him." Republicans are much more pragmatic and altruistic in our approach to politics. We do not expect our leaders to know us or care about us individually. We can take care of ourselves and our own if the government gets the hell out of the way and worries about the constitutionally outlined responsibilities for immigration, defense, commerce, and light governance.

It outlines how small minded and unable to imagine worldviews beyond their own they are. This is why the "they not like us" line which seems so effective to them leaves us completely unfazed. This is why they think "weird" and "weirdo" is a damaging label, but intelligent voters can ignore it. It is also very telling of their middle school mindset that they put being liked over being respected and influential.

All of this bodes very well for the Republican governance of this nation. As long as voters can remember how dishonest and untrustworthy the MSM is and look at the results delivered by politician instead of their empty speeches, Republicans can look forward to a long series of wins at the federal and state levels.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
@gamma - It also helps when the happily married religious man with a hot, loving wife and 3 beautiful kids is "weird" and the one who put tampons in boys bathrooms and constantly lied about everything and said bizarre shit is "not weird." To say nothing of their radical freak followers. It shows how out of touch with America they are.

I don't want someone who "cares about me." I have enough friends. I want a leader.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
Cares about means Trump doesn't care whether you live or die. Trump eliminated the pandemic response department right before the pandemic and then repeatedly lied and downplayed the pandemic helping to spread misinformation which caused thousands of people to needlessly die. Did Trump apologize, take responsibility or care at all that he caused people to die. Nope. He also caused people to die on January 6th with his election fraud lies. Did he care. Not one bit. He really could care less if you die. He's shown it repeatedly.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
^ Trump didn't cover himself in glory but the Dems were too busy calling him racist and telling people to attend crowded Lunar New Year celebrations.

Lol. Jan 6. You tried running on that and it went over like a fart in church.

Again, do you care that Democrat president's cheated on their wives? Or does it only matter if it's Trump?
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
Trump caused numerous people to needlessly die in the pandemic and on January 6th. Your candidate winning isn't winning if he could give two shits whether you live or die. What is more important than the fact that if he caused you to die he wouldn't care at all? He'd watch a riot that he caused with glee on TV with you dying in it while doing absolutely nothing to stop it.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
There was an angry mob chanting to hang Mike Pence because he wouldn't go along with Trump's lies. If they had actually caught and killed Pence do you think Trump would've care? Absolutely not. The only thing Trump would care about is how that would affect him.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
You still won't answer, why is cheating on your wife such a sin for Trump when Clinton, JFK, and FDR don't earn such disdain from you?

Jan 6 is a tempest in a teapot. No one cares anymore, Dusty. Yet Biden devoted thousands of law enforcement officers to it. Only one person died, a rioter. But I guess it was better than the Harris "joy" lead balloon.

Perhaps you should worry about fixing your own fucked up party, you're illustrating once more how out of step you are with America. Then again, hysteria doubles as a leftist virtue signal and mating call these days.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
So no concern that Trump has caused thousands of people to die and doesn't care at all. "Cares about" means just that. He doesn't give a fuck if you die. So no mention of Trump's botched pandemic response causing thousands of people to needlessly die.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
^ Already addressed. IDGAF if someone "cares." Get a dog if being cared for is so important to you.

You still won't answer, why is cheating on your wife such a sin for Trump when Clinton, JFK, and FDR don't earn such disdain from you?

Perhaps you should be asking yourself why, if Trump was so bad, he spanked you in November, despite all the shit you mentioned being out there? Say whatever about Trump, but I'll append "but he beat you" to each one.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
You're avoiding this topic like the plague. It doesn't concern you that your candidate fucked up the pandemic response and clearly showed that he didn't care at all that thousands of people died because of him. Hitler won too. That doesn't mean he was good.
avatar for dustyj
4 days ago
As far as my fucked up party I really don't care about a party that much. I would be much less concerned if McCain or Romney was president right now. They actually had integrity. Trump literally caused thousands of people to die and didn't care or take responsibility at all.
Dusty, you are living a lie. You are stuck on the democrat party plantation, grateful for whatever kool-aid they give you to drink and it is impossible to understand how unwilling you are to see the truth beyond those blinders.

Trump wanted to slow the spread of the Wuhan virus (let's call it what it is), by limiting travel from Wuhan, China. The democrats called him racist and encouraged people to celebrate with the most heavily infected populations. Trump launched the "Warp Speed" vaccine development program, and the democrats encouraged people to refuse to take the vaccine. Trump wanted to increase research into treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxycholorquine as treatments, but the democrat party chose to ridicule proponents and force people to stay home because they knew it would wreck the economy and his chances for re-election along with it. The democrat party was clearly actively working to blunt an effective federal response strictly to progress their partisan election plans.

What would you have had Trump do differently? What do you think he didn't do that the democrat party were not fighting against? Do you even believe the bullshit partisan propaganda that you are spewing?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 days ago
Carefully, @gammanu95, or @dustyj is going to bring his 6'2" 235 lb mountain of manly muscle down to Florida and destroy you in 10 seconds...of basketball!

Meanwhile, DOGE is racking up wins like that. Things that any president who really cared, Republican or Democrat, would have done years ago. And in the DC areas, the following searches are trending:
"BleachBit", "wipe hard drive", "lawyer", "offshore banking"

And we just caught the Biden administration shipping $20 billion off the NGOs after Trump's victory.…

What does the left have against this? After all, they love to keep telling us how much they're subsidizing red states--so if it's your money, why are you so incurious about where it's going?

Man, my dick gets hard just typing this.
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