Questions - First Visit

avatar for Assegai12
So after reading all the threads about HK club and spending a ton on legal brothels, I’m ready to experience this. I just have a few questions. Read some of the guide as well.

I plan to fly to SD, uber to the border, taxi to the hotel, and stay maybe one or two nights and only visit HK. I plan to only bring a backpack. I may still have global entry.

1) Do you bring all your money and stash somewhere in your luggage? What amount of dollar bills to bring or will they exchange?

2) What do you tell the border for your visit? Just visiting friends? Does it even matter(mainly for coming back to US.

3) Do you supply protection etc?

4) Best days to visit and month? Missed this week as I’m free and bad weather where I’m located but thinking maybe April/May. Don’t really want to visit in the summer.

5) Regarding STD’s do you generally expect ladies to be clean/anything to do to reduce getting? I haven’t been too worried about this at legal brothels in the US, but after reading how easy HSV is spread I am kinda worried although I understand it’s pay to play.

6) I’m not a heavy drinker I.e a few makes me puke. Is that a big deal when getting VIP? Seems everyone gets a bucket.

7) Any suggestion for a good taco place? Live me some tacos.

TIA. Can’t wait to visit. Hopefully nothing political hits the fan before than.


last comment
avatar for PutaTester
24 days ago
Have considered reading this forum?
avatar for Jascoi
24 days ago
I've been going to Tijuana for over 10 years now and I'm still learning so much as time passes... And I definitely have made some mistakes. And hopefully I'll be going back for more! You have lots of material to read here on this site and certainly take some of it with a grain of salt.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
24 days ago
If you having sex enough u will catch something trust me. Nothing is garaunteed. It’s like being in the streets and expecting never get shot or worse. It’s part of the game.

And if you really did all the research you said you did than 98% of the questions u just asked would have already been answered.
avatar for Rightfield
24 days ago
OP asked several specific questions that I have not seen the answers to when I read the articles. Yes, the articles have a TON of info. But he asked some very specific questions I have not seen the answers to. (And I don't know the answers myself.)
avatar for Cravemybbc
24 days ago
I’m just here for the answer to the taco question lol. Might be the most important question of the day.
avatar for Assegai12
24 days ago
Okay while I realize some questions were subjective I’ve read this forum and maybe the answers are a lot of read between the lines.

This post was the most helpful as far as pricing for future persons.

1) Still wondering about the dollar bills. I guess with an establishment dealing with dollar bills they will have plenty to exchange for $100 but I’ve been in Mexico where a hotel hasn’t been able to exchange $100 US for Pesos. I mean is it stupid to walk over with $300 in dollar bills?

2) okay this question was kinda rhetorical. Seems everyone just says visiting friends not sure why I can’t just say I’m going to party. Or is it the stigma attached? Or this lead to thinking you may have drugs on you? Anyways I know someone will say try it and find out haha. Disregard this question.

3) This is a real question which I haven’t seen answered maybe in a review saying you should bring a Condom to VIP if you wanna FS. All brothels and SC in the US the lady has provided this IME. I mean I am fine walking over with 20 condoms and $5k but obviously then they know what I’m there for.

4) This I agree has been answered. I should have been more specific but I’ll read between the lines and go when I deem the best.

6) This one everyone says to buy a bucket of fichas in VIP. Some say to get the mesero to not come back. I won’t drink really so this seems wasteful. Or is it the cost of going to ViP? Can I just tip the mesero some money to skidaddle?

avatar for RonJax2
24 days ago
Here's how I'd answer these questions:

1. I usually bring all the dollars I plan to spend for the whole trip. Sometimes I'll leave a small reserve in the bank to be withdrawn from the ATM if needed, but getting dollars from the ATMs in the Zona Norte is expensive, you'll pay about 15-20% in fees. And yep, I stash it deep in my luggage, hidden as best as possible. The legal limit of cash you can carry across the border is $10k, so unless you exceed that, you're not doing anything illegal. You won't need Pesos in TJ if just patronizing the Zona. Taxi drivers, the bar, the chicas all take dollars.

As far as what amount to bring? That depends on you my friend. Are you looking for a few quick and cheap sessions? Or are you going to do several longer sessions with VIPs first? I'm a spendier PL, I might budget like 1200 a day because I like VIPs, long arribas, and the occasional threesome. A budget of 400 a day though would still be enough for 2 arribas and quite a few fichas.

2. Sometimes customs asks where I've been (or where I'm going on the Mex side), I just say "Tijuana". Sometimes they ask what for, and I say "a bachelor party" or "vacation for a few days". Sometimes they don't even ask. Just keep it simple and brief, no need to elaborate, they're not looking for complicated answers.

3. Yes, bring your own condoms and lube! They sell them at the club but they are ridiculously expensive compared to bringing your own. Don't count on chicas to provide, they will have you buy them from the club/hotel.

4. April/May will be great months to visit. The weather will be very comfortable then, 60s at night, 70s during the day, lots of sun. (Same with the summer too - it doesn't get hot in TJ, which has the same pacific climate as San Diego and LA.) As far as days of the week: Mon-Tue there are less girls, less patrons, girls are more willing to cut you deals, and there's very steep discounts on the room, so overall those days are cheapest. Fri-Sat are a much more crowded party vibe, but a lot more chicas to choose from, so you are more likely to find your perfect dime. Sun, Weds, Thu are mix between the two. You'll have a blast any day of the week here, so I won't steer you one way or the other. If you want cheaper, go Mon/Tues, if you want to see the full spectrum of chicas on offer, go Fri/Sat.

5. I've opined on the topic of sanitariness before. My take is that the Zona is much cleaner and more hygienic than any American alternative. First, chicas can shower before and after sessions, in your room or the short term room. Second, to work at HK, every girl needs a state issued health id card, and to maintain it they get tested every month. It's not a perfect system, but it's pretty safe. Use protection, and I don't think STDs should be a significant risk.

6. Lots of PLs go to the Zona and don't drink. In VIP, those are her drinks the mesero is bringing, she's not going to pressure you to drink if you don't want to.

7. There's a street taco stand right outside of HK club, the tacos taste amazing there. My CF tells me they are made of dog meat, but I don't care, dog meat or not those street tacos are delish. The spicy shrimp tacos in Azul restaurant are pretty good too. Outside the Zona Norte there are tons of good food options, including tacos, TJ is kind of foodie town.

I hope that helps. I totally understand that there is a metric fuck ton of information on TJ here on TUSCL, it's hard to digest it all even if you've carefully read the fucking forum. I had a lot of noob questions when I first visited TJ in 2022, and I'm happy to return the favor by helping a monger make their maiden voyage to this mecca!

avatar for RonJax2
24 days ago
And OP, I was typing my response while you were typing your last comment.

To your new questions:

> I’ve been in Mexico where a hotel hasn’t been able to exchange $100 US for Pesos. I mean is it stupid to walk over with $300 in dollar bills?

You will have no problem changing $100s in Hong Kong club. If you ask a mesero to change a big bill, make a mental note of his name and mesero number, prominently displayed on his ID badge. They aren't very likely to rip you off, but they do get busy and scatterbrained.

> I mean I am fine walking over with 20 condoms and $5k but obviously then they know what I’m there for.

No one will care if they do discover them, but they're not going to. You'll see, security is pretty lax going into Mex. You'll get your FMM stamped, and then you'll put your baggage through a scanner, where no one is paying attention.

> This one everyone says to buy a bucket of fichas in VIP.

Here's the deal with VIP: the rooms are nice and private, some of them offering sweeping views of the club, which is baller. These rooms cost $110 / hour to rent, and come with 10 fichas "for the lady." You'll need to tip the mesero for setting you up in the room and bringing the fichas (~$10), and then you'll also need to tip the chica for her time. (If you're just getting warm up lap dances, $80-100 will work.) So the VIP room is like $200ish all in. Of the top 10 lap lap dances I've gotten in my life, about 8 of them were VIP sessions in TJ. I think the VIP room is an amazingly sexy way to warm up for an arriba. Some dudes feel like for that price, just take her arriba. I think it depends on how much you value lap dances.

I don't think you'll have any luck trying to negotiate the room without the drinks, I wouldn't even bother with that.

Note that there's also a new $50 for 12 minute privado dance you can do, if you just wanted a few dances to warmup for cheaper.
avatar for Assegai12
24 days ago
Thanks Ron! Much of the info I have gathered was from your posts.
avatar for RonJax2
24 days ago
Happy to help, and always happy to hear my posts have been useful to others. Let us know what other questions you have.
avatar for apbtfb27
23 days ago
Always great info! Thank you to all the brothers out there! I make my maiden voyage Wednesday! I have a lot of nervous excitement!!!
avatar for Cravemybbc
23 days ago
@Assegai12, RonJax2 is a wealth of knowledge and always helpful! Totally agree! I am making my maiden voyage in March and will definitely share my experience.

@apbtfb27 Enjoy man! Cant wait to hear about your experience
avatar for Jascoi
23 days ago
I recommend Hong Kong Club for the best experience overall. It's not as good as it used to be because of all the micromanaging and rules that management has put into place but still is hard to find any place anywhere better than HK.
And it does make it simpler because they function primarily on the US dollar as well as their hotels Cascada and Rizo.

And utilize the Zona shuttle for transportation from and return to the border. This greatly reduces the risk of encountering the bandits with badges...
Enjoy your visit!
avatar for Jascoi
23 days ago
and purchase the HK VIP card. Even though it costs $70 and only last 3 months now it's still worth it for the hotel discount, free drinks and other perks.
avatar for Zbott
23 days ago
I think the forum is a great resource for any first timer chalked full of tons of useful info! I would echo what’s already been said and reference Ronjax articles on useful Spanish words and phrases as well as OPs 2025 mongering guide at….
Also would echo sentiments on the zona shuttle and only carrying the money you intend to spend that day/outing on your person and keeping the rest in your hotel if staying overnight. I’ve also invested in a travel belt off Amazon for $15 in case you want to keep some bigger bills out of your pockets in cased stopped by bandits with badges. The vip card is also a good investment for 20% off food at azuls if eating anywhere other than the taco trucks. I am by no means an expert as I only had my maiden voyage to TJ 5 months ago. I am now only a week away from my third trip and can attest to the usefulness of the advice provided in this forum. Good luck and have a great time in La Zona!
avatar for PutaTester
22 days ago
FYI the HK VIP card also provides a discount at Senda Norte. Service there sucks, but the food is good.
avatar for tbot1102
22 days ago
I second Zbott’s comment. Also those from the experienced members like Robjax, Putatester (a name that I will never forget, Jascoi et al. My recommendation is to read all the reviews, articles and comments written by those experienced members and take your own notes. And at some point, just enjoy the adventures. That’s where the fun is. Don’t script and plan everything . Take care of your basic safety (amount of money and where it’s stashed, navigating the club and its vicinity if you intend to visit nearby places, how you interact with the people in the club……this includes other patrons and club employees). Also may be you can plan to meet up with someone from this forum in person while in Tijuana. Good luck and keep us posted.
avatar for tbot1102
22 days ago
Sorry I meant “Ronjax”………not “Robjax”
avatar for Jascoi
22 days ago
I do prefer eating at Senda Norte... but yes their service of bringing you the bill can be slow. i now usually walk up to the register when i finish the meal with my hk vip card in hand.
avatar for RonJax2
22 days ago
Robjax is my stripper name.
avatar for RonJax2
22 days ago
And hey, don't knock the slow service at Senda. It is slow there definitely slower than Azul, but if you're taking a chica there for dinner, that's a positive not a negative.!
avatar for Jascoi
22 days ago
Good point!
avatar for Knightsfan1
17 days ago
1) I try to bring a lot of my money with me, I have a money belt I hide it in, as a couple of my rooms safes have been broken. Worked for me so far, you can take money out at an atm in the hotel but foreign exchange is a ripoff. I bring it all in 20s or larger, they will exchange for the rest.

2) border I just tell them leisure trip in tj.

3) protection I bring my own but they sell it onsite or cheaper across the street at oxo as well

4) April and may will be fine. I’ll tell you, you at least want to be there for some part of Thursday, Friday or Saturday at least one of those days as the Miami section is open, strangely the hottest girls in hk tend to hang out there but also have more luck in there finding those hotties being willing to take 100, where as in hk they now tend to want 120, if you don’t know Miami is a part of Hong Kong so you are in just an extended part of Hong Kong so everything else is the same.

5) stds, wrap it up is a requirement and that’s about all you can do.

6) I get the vio card, never did anything else called vip there, the discount on the room and free drink a day make it worth it but just barely. As for drinking I’ve only ever got a bucket the one time I wanted to watch the ufc card otherwise it’s a few beers and some waters for me. If you don’t handle your alcohol well I’d be extra careful not to get drunk it can put you in bad places out of the country.

7) there is a decent and cheap Mexican place caticorner to hk don’t remember the name off the top of my head, but I prefer to go to revolucion and restaurante 58 because it’s a little better imo.

Have a good time, I do recommend checking out Chicago club if hk gets a bit crowded for your liking, always worth it for the hot tub shows.

Oh and get your Hong Kong face ready if you’ve only been to legal brothels in the states, it’s a whole other world, I’ve been there when it’s like walking into a Spanish version of the Las Vegas sapphire club but a lot cheaper and they took the top 10 girls there and multiplied the number of them by 10 lol.

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