Why do I have a harder time with White dancers?
During my recent ATL trip, I began thinking about the dancers I have had the best sessions with. I am Black 33M for what it's worth.
I realize that overall, I tend to have a harder time with White dancers. I love strippers of all races, but for some reason I can't seem to connect with White strippers in a business manner. I'm not sure if it's the way I dress (I always showered before clubbing and wear clean clothes). It could be that I'm not spending enough money. I can't outspend any upper middle class white guys, especially for mileage I can get at a dance hall.
The Black strippers like me well enough, but I admittedly have to look out for ROB behavior. I haven't had a bad experience from Black Strippers in ATL. I hate to say this as a Black man but I have had to learn how to navigate strippers largely from bad interactions with Black strippers. Most of them are really nice, but I feel like at Black specific clubs, there is a primal jealousy I see in Black women.
The Latina Strippers have been amazing. I am not exaggerating when I say that they are best thing that has happened to since sliced Bread, especially the Cubanas, Venezuelans, and Puerto Ricans. It's not an exaggeration to say that I may marry a Latina one day. We just get along so well, it's like we understand what each other wants despite the language barrier.
I am just at a loss on what to do?
last commentOwlyoung sez => I am Black 33M for what it's worth.
Wait…this rick always thought you were a frickin’ owl. I mean really, it’s right there in your frickin’ name.
You just mean you have dark feathers, right? If you’re actually a hairless ape you should put “(not an actual owl)” after your name. ROAR!!!
ROBs aside, I noticed in college that Black women were much more down to earth than their White counterparts. Now these were girls that already had boyfriends, so there was no attraction dynamic going on. But I am White, and the Black women were just easier to be around.
It seems many White women resent men. Hey, this reminds me of another discussion down below about why 3rd world women have a much different attitude toward sex. And some of it had to do with 3rd world women not being indoctrinated into women's lib. And also, the simple reality of growing up with no resources.
The dancers I can simply smile at from across the room and get them to come over are my favorite. Stuck up ones will look you up and down like they're determining your net worth lol. But it can be hard to strike a balance between dressing like you have money and looking so strait-laced you could be an undercover. A funny hat with a sexual phrase can be a surprisingly good icebreaker.
I think dancers usually pick up my pawg preference. So I have the opposite problem. Black dancers eventually stop approaching me. Maybe some white dancers assume you only like black girls? I've also noticed a lot of white dancers who only go after retired guys. I've definitely been snubbed as a man in his 30s. I guess old dudes with deep pockets who need Cialis to do any extracurriculars are probably a lot less hassle 😂
My advice is simple. Just tip who you're into on stage. Not only will that dancer realize you're into her, other dancers with her body type will notice too. When I tip a pawg on stage, all the thick white girls in the building take notice too lmao
Because many customers prefer white strippers. Higher demand means higher price. You have to be willing to pay more for dances from white strippers, generally speaking, if you want to have as easy a time as you would with a non-white stripper. The Upper Mississippi and Ohio River regions are better for availability of white strippers. Due to economic stagnation, and a higher percentage of the population being white.
To get to the US, immigrant Latina strippers have to endure months of dealing with men who think it's OK to grab them by the pussy. Dealing with strip club customers is relatively easy by comparison. Also, in Caribbean cultures, casual sex seems to be less of a taboo. Easier to do any job, if you haven't been socialized to feel shame for doing it.
@owl - I saw a reel on Facebook where black men claim that black women act more respectfully towards white men than they do towards black men. Do you find this the case, inside or outside of the club?
I've dated a lot of black non-American women who say men from their own countries expect them to treat them like kings and expect nothing in return, and black American men expect them to behave in certain ways (they didn't elaborate).
I'm white/Hispanic but look more white, and never had an ROB experience from a black dancer, only one from a Latina (Brazilian and a well-known ROB at Desire). Only from entitled white women. It's been my experience that white women, particularly upper-middle and upper-class white women, live in a bubble where non-whites are considered dangerous and poor. And if they date/sleep with a black guy, it's some "exotic" thing or rebelling against a controlling daddy.
In any case, I see a hottie of any color at the club, I walk right up to her and introduce myself. Bam, there's our business relationship.
If we're talking areas with economic stagnation and a higher percentage of white dancers West Virginia is great too
I know what you mean about different ethnicities/nationalities and how they tend to interact. As an older white guy, I seem to hit it off with the young, tall, slim, and naturally-breasted black girls. No big-booty stuff for me, which makes me popular with girls the thicc-preference guys ignore.
With few exceptions, white girls have lost their luster. They're not as cute/in good shape, plus carry an entitled vibe. Like I should tip them just for deigning to grace me with their presence for 30 seconds.
The black girls are more real, fun, uninhibited, and IMO, flat out gorgeous.
@PP The Ohio River is the Northwest border of West Virginia.
I have a problem as a middle aged nerdy White guy with the friendliness of Black strippers feeling fake. Of course, all strippers are engaging in a certain amount of fake friendliness but I feel like some of the White strippers would have been interested in me if I was thirty years younger but do not feel the same way with the Black ones.
i like Mexican and Central American girls the best . Light skinned black girls seem to gravitate towards me the most.
I don't deal with Cubans and Im weary of Soutj Americans. Too scammy.
The white strippers I see in clubs are usually junkies. Weird alt girls or they think theyre black. Most dont take the best care of themselves.
At more expensive gentlemans clubs its rail thin white girls with zero basic social skills.
What ive heard from black men about black women is that they put on an act with non black men. Try to be more feminine nice etc.
@docsavage - I'm 83 and white and my 2 favorite dancers are both black. One of them told me that black dancers do not know how to talk to white guys. So they sometimes just avoid them. Give them time.
I'll jump on that bandwagon, I generally match best with the slim, natural black girls in their mid to late 20's. After that, it's the Cuban chicks of the same type. Often times the two overlap. Around here, the percentage of American white girls in clubs is pretty small. The percentage of them that fit my physical preferences is even smaller. It's rare that I find a good one, and when I do they usually don't last long.
I don't find a lot of correlation between race or nationality and ROB behaviors or entitlement issues. When I encounter those issues with a white girl, it tends to stand out a bit as a bigger disappointment. But I think that's just because they're so rare and I still get my hopes up, thinking I've found the unicorn every time I see one. Percentage wise, I don't think they are much different.
Some element is also probably just miscommunication. I think a lot of people find the Cuban chicks to be mercenary, scammy, or ROB's while someone else might see the same chick and find her passionate and eager to please. I think a lot of it is just cultural variance making it hard to read each other. Years ago, when they were the minority in clubs around here I avoided them too. But, I think I've learned to read them more accurately and am throwing out a lot less of them due to misunderstandings.
You may be having a similar issue, you may be used to reading the type of girls you've been the most successful. Girls with different backgrounds present differently. You may recognize a black girl's overcompensation for her insecurities for what it is, but see the same behavior in a white girl and read it as entitlement. A simple misunderstanding like that can quickly sour a relationship.
No. I can read cubans very well.thats the problem....
I've always gotten on well with black women inside and outside of the club. Even in elementary-middle school I remember black girls thinking I was cute while I was just barely getting into girls, period.
I'm one of the few people here (both on the board and whom I've chatted with over PMs) who has never had problems with a Cuban. Yeah, if it's crowded, it's a lot of "wanna dance" but I've never had one try to lie or rip me off. If it's a slower club, I've even had some good conversations with them (I can muster enough Spanish to).
I don't know why some say "mercenary" like it's an unspeakable thing; they want to make money, you want your dick sucked while not giving away too much money. We're all mercenaries here. ROB isn't a woman who'll suck the next guy's dick but not yours, nor someone who asks for an inflated amount, nor someone who asked for an expensive shot when you were drunk...an ROB is someone who says she'll do something at a given cost, then doesn't deliver, tries to upcharge, or lies about song count.
Actually, I almost never run into ROBs because I'm clear about what I'm paying and what I'm getting before I go to the back.
I'm a 74 white dude and I have much better luck with beautiful Latinas and black hotties than white girls.
This is a hobby, not life itself.
At my age... it is life itself.
My biggest problem with cubans. They look like this https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFkC5E1RdHb/?igsh=c3p5aWxyN2E1Nnhk https://www.instagram.com/p/C73EB5zuxiI/?igsh=emI2OHlkM2lvajVl Theyre great at picking pockets
I think it's a cultural and socioeconomic class thing. I find lower (exo6) class white girls have a similar vibe to black and latina women. It's the middle class white girl who is an "entertainer" who is hard to relate to.
I would also suspect that your race is a factor. Either because of stereotypes or bad experiences that they associate with race. We are a pattern recognition driven species, even if the pattern isn't real.
No. From what Ive seen middle class white girls. Often Jewish. Pretend to be from the trenches and act ghetto af in the clubs.
Just relax and enjoy the dancers who interact best with you. Trying to fight/change/ overanalyze sociological norms/customs is like banging your head against the wall. Now if you enjoy banging your head against the wall...........
Your head is going to a bad place, when you get torqued at somebody for not wanting to be touched in the way you want to touch them. That's not being a ROB. There are clubs where it's prohibited to do more than air dancing or one-way contact. It's not legal for a strip club to refuse to hire dancers who don't do extras. If it were, the club would be called a brothel, and the entertainers would not be called strippers. The government is who you should blame, for having to deal with just plain strippers in strip clubs.
I guess not everyone has muted some of the posters I have. Makes the reading a little choppy, but I don't get agitated by the agitators.
Gordieboy most people grow out of concrete thinking in early childhood
^ignorant bigot.
The thing that’s most obvious to me is how much the supposedly woke younger people here seem to be so obsessed with labels, they claim that they’re anti racist yet they’re so quick to be make assumptions about what people are thinking based on what race they appear to look like. Personally I’m partial to slim athletic women, skin tone is never an issue to me.
^ perfect. Thank you. Feel the same.
https://www.instagram.com/p/DBUqRE_uwcx/?igsh=MXhmZnV6eTd5dTVkYw== https://www.instagram.com/p/DCc3YuHsVh6/?igsh=MThjN24xd3Z5dml2NA==
Why im not into white strippers...
"Personally I’m partial to slim athletic women, skin tone is never an issue to me. "
100% this, but that doesn't mean I don't notice trends.
^^Racist bigot.
@ Icey
What's wrong with Little Darlings strippers. Isn't that the place you mentioned that has a ROB problem.