I watched the 1967 Israeli Arab war on Television. The West Bank was part of Jordan, which has a 60% Palestinian population, although there is no independant people called Palestinians. Gaza strip was part of Egypt, who because of the quality of the people living there would not take it back when they were given back the adjacent Sinai desert. Kind of funny that Democrats supported Israel back then and now have the same views of them as members of theirr spiritual kinfolk in the German Workers Socialist Party.
You two should remember to wear a motorcycle helmet when you fly there on a cargo plane with no AC. For when you pass out and your head hits the floor.
“We’ll make sure that it’s done world class,” Trump said. “It’ll be wonderful for the people — Palestinians, Palestinians mostly, we’re talking about.”
Don't be so cynical PT. It truly makes my heart burst with joy, that 5% discount you'll get on a Trump Bible, for being one of the first 100 to MGGA.
Flights have already begun, delivering Trump's used diapers to the Mexican Nation Guard. They will be dropping one every 10 feet on the border. The stench will repel all would be crossers.
Read "Art of the Deal". Gaza is rubble, who would want it? DJT will make a bid for it and call it American Rivera. Better than the Eastern Seaboard's hurricanes & Nor'Easter, and the CA/OR/WA coast is prone to fires, earthquakes, drugs and radical Dems taxes and their lame ass policies. Gaza is a fire sale deal now. Palestinians can work for tax-free tips.
Greenland is a mark, and the Panama Canal will become the American Canal with DOT Secretary Sean Duffy running it.
We all know that liberal, leftists, and democrats are the least intelligent people around. Nonetheless, I am ceaselessly amazed how incapable of learning they are. They keep trying the same old stupid stuff, pushing the same old failed ideas, and cannot learn by rote. Even insects have a better capability to learn by repetition than our liberal friends do.
Trump is not going to literally purchase, manage, and incorporate Gaza into any territorial agreement with the United States. He has said this to send you guys, the MSM, and the radicals Islamists (Iran/Hezbollah/ISIS/Taliban/Hamas, etc) into a mindless frenzy and you didn't disappoint him. This is like when he brought Romney into the White House for meeting in 2017. This is just like when he chatted up Obama in front of Kamala at Carter's funeral. He had no intention of offering a Romney a position. He has no intent of discussing anything relevant with Barry. He just loves to troll the losers. This is how he fucks with people. You guys keep feeding him, though, because it is fun for the rest of us to watch.
I notice Ibb, the progressive with another Nazi comment, despite belonging to the socialist party democrats, who like the nazis, are socialists who want to kill Jews and suck Muslim cock.
skibum will officially become surfbum when he moves into his Gaza beach house. He's going with low maintenance landscaping, due to the risk of unexploded Israeli ordinance.
This is one of the few times Trump might have a better idea, I wouldn’t be as kind to those animals as he is. They don’t deserve human compassion, they should be treated the same way as they treated the Israelis.
We should take over Japan and make everybody leave. The Japanese military did terrible things during WW2. There's plenty of other places with lots of rice, where people don't use silverware. The Japanese would be totally happy and would fit right in. And, talk about getting a fuck ton of beachfront property!
The thing is, countries in the Middle East do NOT want the Palestinians nor do they want to help them. The only way Gaza as it is today can remain is if the threat of a reconstituted Hamas government and Hamas supporters are eradicated, like getting rid of the Nazi government post-WWII. Otherwise it'll be another rinse/lather/repeat. Every tunnel needs to be blown up. With all the sand in Saudi Arabia, even they don't want them as they know what will happen. When this war is declared over, Gaza will just be a pile of rubble.
And not one Palestinian should be allowed to relo to America. We took in a bunch of Somalis into Minnesota, they voted and we got a completely ungrateful lhan Abdullahi Omar who is about as anti-American as it get plus she married her brother to get him residency. Gaza refugees are not our problem. Lots of space in Australia too.
It is NOT America's responsibility to clean it up and rebuild it. And clearly they don't have the money or means to rebuild. Somehow this needs to be rolled into the Abraham Accords. Trump just broke the ice and has people talking about it.
Lots of coping and explaining here by the Trump apologists... just like the crooked right wing media, and Trump's own press secretary, pretending Trump didn't really say what everyone heard him say.
I say level what's left of Palestine and who cares where the survivors go. America had to fight for its freedom, so should they. Or not. They made their choice when they allowed Hamas to rule them.
There are already more Palestinians in Jordan than there are in Gaza: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… . Up until the 1967 war, Gaza was claimed and controlled by Egypt, and the West Bank by Jordan. The Great Replacement isn't a far fetched idea for the Palestinians, it's something that literally happened to their grandparents. They have 1,000 times the reason to resent Israelis as any American has to resent illegal immigrants. Take your indifference to the humanity of illegal immigrants, multiply it by 1,000, and you easily get October 7.
^^Said the bend over for the palestinian animals, using a reference to his favorite historical figure, some socialist guy named Adolph. Hey asshole scum, there were Jews in the area for over 4,500 years before the pigs called Muslims were spawned. Fuck you bitch.
"@ski get back to me when you turn over your house to descendants of the people who lived in that area 500 years ago."
So which natives rightfully own the land? The ones that whitey kicked out? Or the natives that got kicked out by the other group of natives? Or the ones THEY in turn got kicked out by?
Ski's house is presumably rightfully his, and is under US jurisdiction. The most reasonable, practical resolution is for Israel to have jurisdiction over territory within the 1967 borders. A large-scale right of return for Palestinian Arabs is probably not practical. Minimally, Palestinian Arabs, indigenous peoples of The Americas, descendants of survivors of The Atlantic Slave Trade, and other groups deserve affirmative action and seed capital infusion to offset historic disadvantage. As you pointed out, its not practical to try to adjudicate historic wrongs. Primarily, the world must try to go and sin no more.
^ Ah, I'm hearing sanity now. Go and sin no more, and you have no right to your ancestral grudges. "History" is the chronicle of us enslaving, killing, displacing, and raping each other. Israel wouldn't mind the 1967 borders. Palestinians want it all. I'd put the US/UN in charge of Jersualem. Stop the Ultra-Orthodox from bulldozing Palestinian settlements (Bibi won't because he needs Smotrich and Ben-Gvir). Give the Muslims and Jews their holy ground, and tell them to play nice or we'll MOAB the whole city.
We've had Affirmative Action for 60 years now. If it hasn't worked already, why would another 60 years work? I'm in favor of bringing up the poor wherever they are, not based on race. But it's quite a hustle for the Al Sharptons of the world.
There's no need for UN jurisdiction in Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is part of the West Bank, the rest is part of Israel.
The concept of indigenous peoples is only useful for large units of geography, isolated by seas, deserts, and mountains. I never called the Palestinians indigenous.
To do something badly, then call it a failure, is either stupid or disingenuous. A kid across the country has as much right to my education tax dollar as one across the street. Implementing that would be an example of doing affirmative action properly.
^ I would never put the Jew haters at the UN in charge of anything related to Israel, those cocksuckers embedded HAMAS with aid workers and are working hand in hand with the world court to blame the Israeli government for the self inflicted death and destruction in Gaza. Furthermore Jerusalem is a Jewish city the city of David, which I as a Jew would never cede control of to any other authority. Muslim claims to the contrary they have no rights the, even the Temple Mount the site of Solomon’s Temple, predates Mohammed and Islam, and the Dome on the Rock by thousands of years
@ilb - Both sides dispute who owns what. It's not about who's "right," it's about enforcing that they live in harmony. America is the only power I'd entrust to do that (@25 good point on the UN...almost forgot).
The whole notion of "indigenous" is white guilt. It always seems to mean who held it last before, as Jonah Goldberg called them, the "pale penis people." The Aztecs, the Iroquois, they were killing and displacing neighboring tribes before they first saw a white man.
How was affirmative action done "badly"? At some point, you have to acknowledge that something didn't work and cut bait. I'd favor something to elevate the poor, regardless of ethnicity. The poor son of meth-heads in Appalachia deserves to be privileged over the Obama kids.
^^ Sorry ignoramus but we are Federation of States and each state can decide how to educate the children therein. Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. The terrorists lost their fake claim to it in 1948 when they chose war. Again in 1967 when they chose war. Again in 1973 when they chose war. Again in 2024 when they chose war. How ignorant must one be to claim that is not practical to "adjudicate historical wrongs" and then argue that giving them seed money is the solution, which seems to just be a dumb ass way to say "adjudciate historical wrongs". To put things in perspective, if the Canadians did to us what the terrorists did to Israel last year, based on our respective populations, that would mean 52,000 dead Americans and I would expect nothing less than Canada to suffer 1,000% more casualties. The mistake Israel made was not doing what took them over a year in 3 weeks. No one would recall the word Gaza by now.
@PT duh I anticipated your question and gave an example.
By convention, if someone had ancestors in the Americas before 1492, they are considered to be indigenous to the Americas. It would be simpler if you just accept you have a fetish for having a stick up your ass. No real reason to find all these rationalizations for it.
I agree it's a fruitless exercise to try to sort nations into historically good and bad. Until recent decades, it was generally seen as inevitable that the strong take what they will, and the weak suffer what they must. We can only go and sin no more (at best).
Lots of winners if Trump forces Canada to incorporate Wayne County into Ontario. Canada doesn't let its cities rot the way Detroit has. It would be back to the good old days for Detroit strip clubs.
"By convention, if someone had ancestors in the Americas before 1492, they are considered to be indigenous to the Americas. It would be simpler if you just accept you have a fetish for having a stick up your ass. No real reason to find all these rationalizations for it."
Don't get your ovaries in a twist. We both know that definition is inadequate. I had ancestors in the Americas before 1492, it's a small fraction of my ancestry but I still do. Does that count?
Also don't you think it's patronizing to group all native Americans together? Which tribe do we give it back to? They were killing, hell, they were eating each other before then. They aren't one unit.
It's all white guilt, the perceived need to atone for western civilization and buy moral superiority. Until they give up their houses to the nearest native tribe, it's all virtue signaling bullshit.
@PT Yes you are partially indigenous. But not all ancestry is of equal importance. Since you don't live on lands set aside for indigenous nations, speak an indigenous language, are not perceived generally as indigenous, your indigenous ancestry is largely moot.
last commentUnless a greater power like the US comes in and imposes its will, it will continue to be a miserable place.
Round of golf at Mar a Gazo anybody?
Should work out, just ask the Navajo Nation.
Lib cope squad in the HIZZZOUSE!!!
More criminals captured, more DEI ended, more fentanyl stopped, more transparency in government spending. Now THAT is jackoff material!
Flights have already begun, delivering Trump's used diapers to the Mexican Nation Guard. They will be dropping one every 10 feet on the border. The stench will repel all would be crossers.
Greenland is a mark, and the Panama Canal will become the American Canal with DOT Secretary Sean Duffy running it.
Trump is a real estate guy. What did you expect?
If you have a copy without any sticky pages, I’ll keep it in my bathroom.
Poor Marco Rubio, I wonder how long he lasts.
Trump is not going to literally purchase, manage, and incorporate Gaza into any territorial agreement with the United States. He has said this to send you guys, the MSM, and the radicals Islamists (Iran/Hezbollah/ISIS/Taliban/Hamas, etc) into a mindless frenzy and you didn't disappoint him. This is like when he brought Romney into the White House for meeting in 2017. This is just like when he chatted up Obama in front of Kamala at Carter's funeral. He had no intention of offering a Romney a position. He has no intent of discussing anything relevant with Barry. He just loves to troll the losers. This is how he fucks with people. You guys keep feeding him, though, because it is fun for the rest of us to watch.
If you think they're so awesome, then move there. Pick up a rifle and join the Intifada.
But I guess bitching on the internet is as far as they'll go. Fuck, I got a new computer, where's that Tears of Impotent Rage graphic when I need it.
And not one Palestinian should be allowed to relo to America. We took in a bunch of Somalis into Minnesota, they voted and we got a completely ungrateful lhan Abdullahi Omar who is about as anti-American as it get plus she married her brother to get him residency. Gaza refugees are not our problem. Lots of space in Australia too.
It is NOT America's responsibility to clean it up and rebuild it. And clearly they don't have the money or means to rebuild. Somehow this needs to be rolled into the Abraham Accords. Trump just broke the ice and has people talking about it.
So which natives rightfully own the land? The ones that whitey kicked out? Or the natives that got kicked out by the other group of natives? Or the ones THEY in turn got kicked out by?
God I loathe progressive white people.
We've had Affirmative Action for 60 years now. If it hasn't worked already, why would another 60 years work? I'm in favor of bringing up the poor wherever they are, not based on race. But it's quite a hustle for the Al Sharptons of the world.
The concept of indigenous peoples is only useful for large units of geography, isolated by seas, deserts, and mountains. I never called the Palestinians indigenous.
Furthermore Jerusalem is a Jewish city the city of David, which I as a Jew would never cede control of to any other authority.
Muslim claims to the contrary they have no rights the, even the Temple Mount the site of Solomon’s Temple, predates Mohammed and Islam, and the Dome on the Rock by thousands of years
The whole notion of "indigenous" is white guilt. It always seems to mean who held it last before, as Jonah Goldberg called them, the "pale penis people." The Aztecs, the Iroquois, they were killing and displacing neighboring tribes before they first saw a white man.
How was affirmative action done "badly"? At some point, you have to acknowledge that something didn't work and cut bait. I'd favor something to elevate the poor, regardless of ethnicity. The poor son of meth-heads in Appalachia deserves to be privileged over the Obama kids.
How ignorant must one be to claim that is not practical to "adjudicate historical wrongs" and then argue that giving them seed money is the solution, which seems to just be a dumb ass way to say "adjudciate historical wrongs".
To put things in perspective, if the Canadians did to us what the terrorists did to Israel last year, based on our respective populations, that would mean 52,000 dead Americans and I would expect nothing less than Canada to suffer 1,000% more casualties. The mistake Israel made was not doing what took them over a year in 3 weeks. No one would recall the word Gaza by now.
If Canada invaded Buffalo or Detroit like Gaza did, there wouldn't be a Canada. No humanitarian crisis because their would be no humans.
By convention, if someone had ancestors in the Americas before 1492, they are considered to be indigenous to the Americas. It would be simpler if you just accept you have a fetish for having a stick up your ass. No real reason to find all these rationalizations for it.
I agree it's a fruitless exercise to try to sort nations into historically good and bad. Until recent decades, it was generally seen as inevitable that the strong take what they will, and the weak suffer what they must. We can only go and sin no more (at best).
Don't get your ovaries in a twist. We both know that definition is inadequate. I had ancestors in the Americas before 1492, it's a small fraction of my ancestry but I still do. Does that count?
Also don't you think it's patronizing to group all native Americans together? Which tribe do we give it back to? They were killing, hell, they were eating each other before then. They aren't one unit.
It's all white guilt, the perceived need to atone for western civilization and buy moral superiority. Until they give up their houses to the nearest native tribe, it's all virtue signaling bullshit.
I won't get into your: