FWIW my younger coworkers say no one uses Tinder anymore, they all use Hinge. And a lot of the girls don't like messaging first so they don't use Bumble.
Bumble sucks; women don't want to make the first move. I have an uncle who swears by it but he's dating women in their 50s and 60s, I'm dating women 25-40 and they'll rarely message first.
Tinder is better for short-term flings but it's been overtaken with scammers. Usually attractive but overly photoshopped Asians.
Hinge is more of a relationship app but you'll find some flings there.
@25@misterorange Even though breaking up via email might not sound like the best, I’ve heard of people just being ghosted, which sounds like a truly awful thing to be on the receiving end of. I can’t even imagine how that must feel, although maybe there’s been cases where things ended via mutual ghosting???
last commentHinge is for older people or relationships. Otherwise it’s Bumble or Tinder.
FWIW my younger coworkers say no one uses Tinder anymore, they all use Hinge. And a lot of the girls don't like messaging first so they don't use Bumble.
I had to wait for a couple of comments before I understood the question. Lol
Man I’m out of touch, I thought it was an ED medication/supplement before I read the comments.
Yeah Hinge has a reputation of being a more relationship minded app. Not really what guys around here are probably after.
The apps have gone to shit.
Bumble sucks; women don't want to make the first move. I have an uncle who swears by it but he's dating women in their 50s and 60s, I'm dating women 25-40 and they'll rarely message first.
Tinder is better for short-term flings but it's been overtaken with scammers. Usually attractive but overly photoshopped Asians.
Hinge is more of a relationship app but you'll find some flings there.
I don't do the sugar nonsense.
Jeez man, damn. Is our society that socially inept that we need computers to find dates? WTF with this horseshit.
More than half of couples today meet online. Pretty wild.
^ I read someplace that 73% of couples that met on line end via e-mail.
It used to be considered rude to break up over the phone rather than in-person. Now you can just send an email and have AI write it for you. Lol
@25 @misterorange Even though breaking up via email might not sound like the best, I’ve heard of people just being ghosted, which sounds like a truly awful thing to be on the receiving end of. I can’t even imagine how that must feel, although maybe there’s been cases where things ended via mutual ghosting???
If you meet as a stranger, there’s no problem ghosting someone you have no social connection to.
Young women on the whole don't want to be approached in public.