Real Men of Genius

avatar for skibum609
The death of Bob Ueker, which to my surprse upset me more than the others I grew up with who have passed made me watch all of the old Miller Lite commercials. Brought me back to a time when being a guy was the top rung on the ladder and humor was real. So, I ended up going back in time, because somewhere I recalled that Trans Bud Lite, used to be a beer for blue collar guys and actually had hysterically funny commercials. Here's a few. You will note that very similar commercials are called either "real men of genius", or "real american heroes". Why? Real men of genius are post 9/11.………………
This is my favorite bud lite commercial of all time…


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avatar for ancientlurker
2 months ago…
But there's another scene I remember distinctly that isn't shown, and I can't find it. Frustrating.
avatar for gammanu95
2 months ago
Bud Light always had the funniest commercial. It's a shame that their product is foul, foamy, ricey, swill.
avatar for Manuellabore
2 months ago
Never was a fan of Bud Light (or AB products generally) and never will be, but continuing allusions to the trans controversy seems akin to continuing to refer to French Fries as Freedom Fries. AB InBev bailed on that shit pretty fast
avatar for TheeOSU
2 months ago
I recall many of those commercials, might have even posted some here many moons ago, lol
avatar for whodey
2 months ago
Miller Lite always had a great marketing department, to bad the beer was never as good as the ads.
avatar for mogul1985
2 months ago
Bob Ueker: "I must be in the front rooow. He missed the tag, he missed the tag!" Bob's commercials and Johnny Carson appearance were priceless.
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