
When it's too good to be true...

Avatar for ilbbaicnl


(For those into Woke Commie Colleges rants, consider this my late X-mas gift.)


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Avatar for georgmicrodong

Hope those "kids" get when they deserve, a good flogging. I suspect I'll be disappointed.

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

"Pedo-baiting" has been around for at least 20 years. But if the profile said she was 18, why is it pedo?

In Mass, the age of consent is 16 normally, but 18 if they're a virgin (weird, I know).
Some cases suggest that it's 16 for vaginal sex, but 18 for anal and oral.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

I believe the premise was that she’s 17, but entitled kids on a rampage don’t really care about the law, for example the one against assault and battery 😂

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

There's always fucked up people who will be violent just for the thrill of it. They often try to find some pretense for their violence. So, they just assume a guy who responds to a profile for an 18 year old would really prefer a younger girl.

Avatar for JamesSD

If she says she's 18, she's 15. If she says she's 19, she's 31.

Yes, apparently no women exist online between 16-30. It's crazy!

Avatar for groundball

the guy was 22, and the "jailbait" girl was 18 (and she said she was 18 on the app). these were just kids who decided they wanted to catch a few felony charges for no reason

Avatar for Icey

The whole catch a predator influencers try to ruin lives for social media clout. Amd none of it can be used in court anyways.

Avatar for Dolfan

There's a not a lot of things I detest more than pedo's and rapists, but people who make false accusations about those things are on that list.

Fuck those kids, I hope they get real jail time.

Avatar for gammanu95

As I read it, the girl was 18, she said she was 18, he went to meet an 18 year-old. A 22 year-old with an 18 year-old is not illegal or inappropriate. When I was 22, I wanted a girl I could go out drinking with, but I made exceptions. She led/lured him indoors where a group lay in wait -planned and premeditated- to knowingly and falsely claim she was 17 as a pretense to assault him for online social media cred.

I agree with Dolfan that they should get real, hard time in prison and be prohibited from social media.

Avatar for sfrsox

Hope that cu*t gets jail time

Avatar for Studme53

When I was 22, I dated 18 and 19 yos. In fact, I married one. The world is fucking crazy today.
When I was 18, I dated (unknowingly) a 15 year old. She claimed to be 18 and she looked and acted like she was 21. She and her hot sister, who actually was 19, had a summer rental (on their own) on the Jersey shore and would go to nightclubs where the bouncers wouldn’t even card them. The dressed very well and sexy and looked and acted very mature.
I found out after the summer, after we went our separate ways, that she was 15 and in high school. Luckily we never had intercourse but she gave me many a HJ and Bj. I was extremely embarrassed and never saw her again. I’m not proud about it, but I guess I was somewhat inexperienced then and it never entered my mind that she wasn’t at least my age.

Avatar for Studme53

Phew…as an 18 yo I was covered by the “close in age” exception.

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