[OT]: How to get better at Chess?

avatar for motorhead
I play a lot on chess.com. At this point, I only play the Bots, not real people.

I’ve gotten to the point I consistently beat the best beginning level player (700). And I have managed to beat every intermediate player at least once. (Best is 1300)

But whenever I player an advanced bot (1500+) they wipe the floor with me and I’m beat quickly.

Keeping it on topic, has anyone played with any strippers? Not something you typically see at the club - only pool. But I think it might be fun to see their intellectual side


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avatar for mogul1985
3 months ago
I haven't played chess in many many years. I was once quite active with just friends. Never played a computer.

If you had the right stripper to play with and she had good conversation skills, it'd be fun. She could strip something off each time you took down something other than a pawn, and if you win 1 free LD, if you lose, you pay and do a 15 min VIP.
avatar for NinaBambina
3 months ago
Play against someone who's spent years in prison. I'm serious.

I've been playing chess since my dad taught me and my twin when we were 5 or 6. My dad has not been to prison, but to used to be very intellectual and his brain can figure out analytics very easily. So he had a fancy chess set. My sister and I would frequently play each other when we were young. My mom is good at chess too, and was surprised when I beat her in my early 20s. She's been playing chess for decades and played some chess in prison, but she was only in prison for less than a year so she's not an expert, just better than average.

Then when I was like 25, my sister had a drug dealer who had just finished a 10+ years prison sentence. I considered myself a pretty good player at that time. The drug dealer guy sat down and finished me within two minutes (that's what she said). Played him again, same thing. Again, same thing. I got tired of getting my ass kicked so I stopped playing him.

Then I downloaded the chess app and would breeze through until I leveled up so much that I was playing some really tough people. I'd ask my ex (boyfriend at the time) to look at the board on my screen and help me play. He's been in and out of prison since he was 18. He'd just tell me exactly what moves to make and I would beat EVERYONE I played on that app. And my ex wasn't some genius, he had above average intelligence in some areas, but when it came to chess, it was as if his mind was programmed into the board.

So that's my advice. People who've spent years in prison and played chess there have an extreme advantage over most of us law abiding folk.
avatar for clubdude
3 months ago
It's been years (maybe decades) since I last played. I would always sacrifice my queen to take theirs. Back then, few players seemed to be able to play without a queen.
avatar for rattdog
3 months ago
if you can wind up with an end result of stalemate against a real good player consider that a win. the ones that are minimum bordering pro level are very cautious. they'll jam up a lot of the lane on the board to avoid losing.

check out this youtuber below. great stuff to watch and learn if you're serious about elevating your game.

avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
I was on the football team and the chess team in High School. Imo if you really want to see great chess in a cool atmosphere I recommend Central Park. Additionally, it makes sense that a long-term prisoner, interested in chess, could become great. A decent mind, a willingness and interest in learning and time to practice makes it probable. Practice and playing is important. I used to be really good but haven't played in 25 years. I like to gamble so it was replaced by pitch and cribbage.
avatar for jaybud999
3 months ago
I play 10+ games a day live on chess.com. I will also play live games when I find them on the street (usually for small "donations").

You can approach it two different ways: 1) you can start playing people on chess.com, as they will match you with players of your rating. Start watching how people are whipping your ass/seeing what patterns work for you in certain scenarios, or 2) start studying games that have already been played/do chess puzzles.

Otherwise, you'll need to take a class?
avatar for CJKent₋band
3 months ago
I point a gun at his balls under the table and tell him it's either the game or his nutsack. I win every time, and then take some dick pics.
avatar for gothamyte
3 months ago
small world, I'm on chess.com too. I can only play the entry simple bot level. Everything else wipes the floor with me.
avatar for gammanu95
3 months ago
There are chess history and strategy books you can buy or rent from libraries. I did this to improve my game while I was on the chess team in college and my rank really improved as I understood more, learned more options, and was better able to recognize what my opponents were attempting.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
^ LOLOL you’re an weirdo idiot LOLOL
Dopey little boy
avatar for Pussylicker2
3 months ago
Simple! Stop playing bad players. Only play +1500 players. Playing bad players makes your game sloppy. This is true of lots of things besides chess.
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