
You should be able to pull your own reviews

Avatar for Alfredo_Darke

So I just wrote a review of Mons Venus - but I was comparing it to OZ, and I mistakenly submitted it under OZ. Not surprisingly, several reviewers rejected it, with the idea I could re-submit it under Mons. Which I did. But it already has two approvals, and it might be published under the wrong club! I know it says you can't edit reviews after submitting, but we all make mistakes, you should be able to pull reviews if you need to.


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Avatar for loper

Just send an email to founder and ask him to switch it.

Avatar for Electronman

I agree. Curious..... how do you see the number of approvals BEFORE the review has been published?

Avatar for Icey

No. You get free VIP for each review. Thats basically like payment. After that its the sites property

Avatar for Alfredo_Darke

Icey - You do have a point there, but still, maybe a 24 hour window, or make it non-editable after it's published.

Avatar for Alfredo_Darke

Electronman - If you go to "My Reviews", you'll see it there with the current thumbs up/down.

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