If You Work With GoldmongerATL…

They never tell you what you need to know.
Due to unforeseen circumstances management had to give GoldmongerATL an ultimatum.
Due to unforeseen circumstances management had to give GoldmongerATL an ultimatum.
last comment🚦 $ $ $ I Would Be Sooooo Happy Workin' There With Dem' Strippers Dat' I Could Easily Still Hold It For Home, Even If I Couldn't Get Da' Fringe Benefit Workin' @ Da' Club! 👽
Not sure I follow the reference.
Did you zoom in enough to read the sign taped to the wall? 😂
🤠 Strip Club Fringe Benefits Would Have Ta' Be Luvly. Dat' Said, I Wonder Why Anybody Would Perform What's In Dat' Pic. Da' Question Is Weather Or Not You Can Make It All Da' Way With Da' Strippers & What You Can Get Away With As An Employee. ⭐
Classy workplace. Unfortunately, given the lack of care and punctuation, this could easily have been some hack on social media to get clicks. Otherwise, I would like to know the backstory for it.
Showed up randomly on my Twitter feed. I’m guessing it’s probably a joke but you never know these days.
As for calling out Goldmonger, i figured he was doing this everyday at work since Follies closed several years ago! lol
Really gamma ape? You want to know the backstory, if it is real?
Here’s the backstory: some weirdo pervert was obsessively jackin’ it in an unlocked restroom. You don’t post that kind of sign unless it has happened a lot. The real question is this: which TUSCL poster caused the sign to be posted? I don’t think it is Goldmonger. My vote: this is in a courthouse and the villain is Skifredo. ROAR!!!