There are Four Categories of Dancers

avatar for Manuellabore
1. The ones who, after you’ve had all the fun in VIP, give you a hug and a peck and a “Buh Bye”, disappear in the dressing room, and you don’t see them again until the next time you’re in the club;
2. The ones who, after you’ve had all the fun in VIP, say they’d like to share a post-coital drink, but first disappear into the dressing room to tidy things up;
3. The ones who, after you’ve had all the fun in VIP, say they’d like to share a post-coital drink, but are right at your elbow as you stride up to the bar from VIP; and
4. All the rest.

All other things being equal, which do you prefer?

Since I’m usually pressed for time, Categories 1, 2 or 3 can usually serve the purpose adequately. But, my preference would be Category 3. That’s because all other things aren’t equal. A woman who is willing to defer taking care of business to keep the party going a little longer lacks some inhibitions. which should correlate to the intensity of her performance in VIP. Seems like it works out that way.


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avatar for booty_lover92
4 months ago
I'd prefer number 3 as well. It carries out the fantasy that the chick is into you and not just giving you attention for the money. I have a lot of CF's who do number 1 and if it weren't for the good dances I wouldn't return to see them.
avatar for shailynn
4 months ago
#3s are the best, but damn they are rare.
avatar for FoCoChronic
4 months ago
#3, obviously. I like it when I feel a dancer is laying claim to me or is willing to just hang out. Like booty_lover said, it extends the fantasy. One time, I took a little break from the VIP to get me and my dancer a drink. I was stopped at the bar by another stripper and we were chatting a bit while I was in line. My gal came up from behind me, threw her arms around me and nuzzled my neck. I close my eyes, lean my head back into hers and when I return my focus to the bar, the other chick has her back turned to me. She got told to step the fuck off. I know she’s only laying claim to my wallet, but I appreciated the gesture. It’s the little things
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 months ago
It depends.

There have been dancers that I took to VIP solely based on their looks and willingness to have a wide range of fun, but frankly trying to have a chat with them was a real chore.

In those instances, it was always better for both of us to part ways quickly after we both got what we wanted.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
A truly great CR requires a #2, and it takes up more of their time, so I am not sure #3, which is fine, is better, or shows anything better.
avatar for Dolfan
4 months ago
Chalk me up for it depends too. For basically the same reason as CMI.

Also, I pretty much always hit the restroom after doing a room. I might swing by the bar to drop off my drink and re-establish my seat, but after a trip to a room I need to at the very least wash my hands. And I tend to prefer girls who aren't germaphobes but are compelled to wash up frequently. That usually puts me in #2. If it matters, the definition of a drink can vary considerably from literally having a single drink to not leaving my side till I leave the club.

But, like CMI said, sometimes I really have no interest in talking to her but she's still hot enough for me to want to fuck. In those cases, I prefer a perfunctory hug & kiss, followed by going our separate ways.
avatar for 59
4 months ago
#1. Any chatting is pregame foreplay.

I often hit the exit after the VIP.

It's transactional for me. I know she's not into me. There's been exceptions but less than a handful in nearly 40 years of clubbing.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
If a young, sexy, beautiful dancer is truly into me, then I would have to stop going and avoid her, because insane people might be dangerous.
avatar for WiseToo
4 months ago
#3 is the best and then part ways. #2 wants to tidy things up, but all she's really doing is making herself ready for the next VIP and then using me for another drink while she waits for her next customer.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
^ Agreed, but that's fine by me as a cocktail with a pretty lady is always nice.
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
#3 is the best. She gets extra credit for walking all the way to the bar and then using a cocktail napkin to wipe the jizz off her face.
avatar for sfrsox
4 months ago
@misterorange, why isn't she swallowing?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
When I pick a dentist or a car mechanic, the prospects of us becoming pals or drinking buddies are not a consideration. Sex workers charge a lot, and fill a specific need. I have enjoyed getting to know several strippers over the years. But, I'll always prefer the one who provides the most sexual pleasure. Even if she doesn't want to converse with me at all.
avatar for Mrsuntan
4 months ago
Number 1 all the way. I'm not there to make a friend, and I'm certainly not there for the conversation.
avatar for FoCoChronic
4 months ago
Just curious, you can obviously do whatever you want, but do you care to have any kind of rapport? Or do you want a woman to just get nasty right away? I prefer to chat a little bit, but that’s just me
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
no chat; no fuckee/suckee.
avatar for Mrsuntan
4 months ago
I typically don't have a ton of time to sit around after a VIP. Manners, politeness, and attitude all matter, but beyond that I'm not looking for any sort of connection beyond what happens in the VIP, like, at all.
avatar for misterorange
4 months ago
What do we get for ten dollars? Evryting you wan. Everything? Evryting.
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
3 but its pretty much the norm
avatar for LecherousMonk
4 months ago
You've had fun in ViP?
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