Is This What Happens When You Get Old?

avatar for BabyDoc
Wayfaring Stranger
So I’ve been at this for well over forty years and I’d say I reached the professional level very early on. I’ve known hundreds and hundreds of girls over the years and while never have I gone out looking for sex I have to admit that it has found me an embarrassing number of times. Fortunately for me I learned the game early on and those times that I did get schooled were mostly painless and often amusing. I attribute much of this to having never (or almost never) lowered my standards or compromised.

I say all that, not to boast but to give context to my current situation.

She is everything that I know to avoid. Former dancer, now waitress in a club. Past her prime having entered her thirties or what some call a leftover. Single mom of a year-old baby boy, as well as two more all by different absentee fathers. One large tattoo on her leg which of course screams red flag. The sex isn’t even that great, just kind of fair to midland. And forever broke as a depression era hobo.

But WTF kind of spell has she cast over me? How did she become my GF? Every time I think I’m out, she drags me back in.

Somebody please throw me a lifeline. LOLOLOLOL


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avatar for funonthaside
5 months ago
You never know when a connection will appear. Logic says stay the fuck away....but other factors reel you in.

Hang on and enjoy the ride.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
Sorry, BabyDoc, you might have to learn that lesson the hard way.
A vampiress who will drain your time, energy, and especially your wallet.
Come to think of that, a lot of civvies do that too.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 months ago
@Puddy Tat "Come to think of that, a lot of civvies do that too."

Yes, yes they do. Women, you can't live with them, something, something, blah blah blah.
avatar for drewcareypnw
5 months ago
If you step back and think about it: the whole SC experience hinges on the unquantifiable magic of “hotness” and an ass rubbing your dick. If hormones and neurons in your brain weren’t screaming “yes yes yes” you would never even enter an SC, let alone blow thousands over a lifetime.

So I guess it doesn’t seem too surprising when these same murky operators in your brain compel you to love a woman that is obviously the wrong choice.

Live, laugh, love (whores) !
avatar for BabyDoc
5 months ago
"to LOVE a woman"

Now hold on there. That was totally uncalled for. lolololol
avatar for wallanon
5 months ago
There's a baby mom I know (and bang) running away from a problem who's dropping hints she wants to date me. 4 kids but only 2 dads. Yes, I wrote only lol.

I'm telling the story out of context so it sounds even more ridiculous than it already is...but the hobby has a way of normalizing the utter ridiculousness of it all.
avatar for shadowcat
5 months ago
" When is this old enough to know better supposed to kick in?"
avatar for twentyfive
5 months ago
^ Old enough to know better is just an old wives tale.
avatar for misterorange
5 months ago
^^ Agreed
avatar for CJKent_band
5 months ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions.

Q: Is This What Happens When You Get Old?
A: No, not necessarily age it just life.

Q: WTF kind of spell has she cast over me?
A: She provides you with something, a small part of your relationship, that gives you some “joy” in the middle of a relationship with a lot of behaviors that are mostly bad.

But because you are chasing that small part you get the whole package.

Q: How did she become my GF? Every time I think I’m out, she drags me back in.
A: I would say that she became your GF because something about her is ”familiar” to you in your life experience.

It’s because of that familiarity, m n and women tend to choose from the environment that which is familiar more than that which is good, but unfamiliar

If you really want to get out you have to find another GF that is not as “familiar” in your unconscious and conscious mind, but a better choice for your own body and mind.

Remember the proverb "one nail drives out another" means that a new idea, belief, or interest tends to replace an older one.

A new (hopefully better for you) GF will displace or supersede your current GF that now holds your attention or devotion.

The idea is that your mind and attention span is limited, and as new GF relationships come into play, they push aside or override the old GF

The proverb conveys the idea that, hopefully in your case, the new and novel tend to push out the old and familiar over time.

Let’s be careful out there.

And remember:

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for BabyDoc
5 months ago
@wallanon. Not to out do you but I must. I fucked a girl (another waitress in a club it turns out) who had seven kids. Yes SEVEN!!! No twins. No husbands.

Being a smart-ass, I asked her “How did that happen?” Her straight up deadpan reply “I like to fuck.”

We fucked on two more occasions when I threw in the towel after she kept pushing for me to meet her children. To her and my credit the sex was some of the best I’ve had. Practice makes perfect.
avatar for drewcareypnw
5 months ago
@babydoc…. Ok ok I over assumed. =). Maybe we should replace “love” with “repeatedly fuck and give money to”. Hahahahahahah!
avatar for gammanu95
5 months ago
Sorry, babydoc, cannot relate. The only time I was taken in by the voodoo punani was because the sex and her body were phenomenal. Thankfully, destiny intervened in the form of Hurricane Katrina and wiped out Chalmette and sent her to Houston and then LA. I wish her well.
avatar for mogul1985
5 months ago
You might to consider a psychologist who specializes in this sort of thing. 1) I wouldn’t allow myself to get like this; 2) gotta several limits. This screams RUN AWAY.
avatar for shailynn
5 months ago
I can relate. I “dated” a stripper. She didn’t do drugs and rarely drank, but every time she had to make a decision she ALWAYS made the wrong one. It was very frustrating. Sex with her was average. She was hot but not heads and tales above other women I had been involved with. What sucked me in was how she made me feel when I was with her. She would just gaze at me and always have her hands all over me. Every guy she dated/married (multiple marriages) was a convict and I think I was the first “normal” guy in her life, or at least for a long time. I think that was my appeal to her, I treated her with respect and kept my cool when she would do something stupid.

Eventually it was just too much of a pain in the ass to keep meeting and we drifted apart.

All good things come to an end, and it’s probably up to you to end this one.
avatar for funonthaside
5 months ago
Plus the reality is that "normal" guys are boring for many of the thug-obsessed girls.
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
5 months ago
I think after a certain age its normal to expect a potential partner to have kids.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 months ago
It is perhaps a function of age, but also of changing tastes and priorities. As we age, we tend to want more stability and consistency. There's comfort in those things, which is fine. If it's what you want right now, then roll with it.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
5 months ago
It's hilarious that he's been a PL for 40+ years but she just entered her 30s and is therefore 'past her prime' 😂

I myself enjoy a good milf stripper in her 30s/40s. One asked if I could take her and her kid to a water park. Another told me she wanted to go out on a date after giving me a bj in vip. I definitely just keep it to the extras though. Dating one sounds like a headache! Good luck...
avatar for Mate27
5 months ago
Some women who grow up with drama only know how to create drama. And some guys like many feel the need to engage with drama. Clubbing is addictive toward drama/thrill seekers. Swim 🏊‍♀️ in better waters maybe?
avatar for skibum609
5 months ago
^well said.
avatar for iknowbetter
5 months ago
Baby D-
How long has this relationship been going on? I’ll be interested to hear how this end up. You might be the one to beat the odds and actually have a decent, meaningful relationship, and I really hope you do. But more likely you’ll get sucked into a world of drama and bad choices that you’ll need to extract yourself from. Keep us all posted.
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