Website for real affairs

Peeps, I've been in a rutt in my marriage, it went from multiple times a week to once or none. We're in our 30s. I've contemplated joining a site that is truly for affairs or hook ups. We live in a small town - no clubs, no strips, no nothing. Thanks!
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Learn to use your imagination and jerk off for free! Then eat your emotions with yummy delicacies…,
In you 30s it should be easy. Get a job that has you traveling out of state once or twice a month. Go to bars or on tinder when you travel. The sluts will be plentiful.
Divorce your wife before you get yourself entangled in extramarital affairs. Then, fuck who you want, when you want, however you want, and whenever you want.
Ashley Madison may be a sensitive subject, as I suspect some of us who frequent this site got doxxed when all the Ashley Madison customer info was made public.
Anyway, the scandal revealed a well kept secret. There were about 50 men for every one woman on the site looking to have an affair. So the website had to hire people to impersonate horny women to keep all the men subscribing.
Women just aren't as interested in affairs as men are. Many women think this make men disgusting. I think it shows nature has played a trick on us. We can't help it, it's how we are programmed.
I have thought about this a lot, and will probably post something like an article about it. Even though nobody probably gives a fuck what I think. Testosterone is a harsh master. I believe it is why we die younger than women, even though they bear the physical burden of pregnancy.
Sex workers are less likely to be a threat to your marriage. If you nonetheless prefer an affair, many you don't really want to be married. I suppose an affair could be less $. Safer if she's married too. But, not unlikely for an affair to cause a double divorce.
I was on Ashley Madison but shut it down as nothing popped up in our area. My job don't do much traveling, so that doesn't do much. I've gone to Jacksonville and sometimes get lucky with some extras. ATL is closest to us but not much there. I figured everything on Alligator is fake so no point. I never did Tinder since I thought your FB was tied to it... I appreciate the feedback.
Do want an affair, or simply some side action?
I'd be fine with side action - I'm close to ATL and Jax FL