Honestly just bring back the mafia
Bring back the God damn mafia. Our neighborhoods were so much safer. My grandmother has been in the Bronx since the fucking 30’s we are now trying to get her the hell out of there. It’s a shame. We have to literally escort her to shop on Arthur Avenue now a days because you got elderly folks in NYC getting FUCKED UP day in and day out by these fucking asshole crooks who for some reason are not allowed to go to jail.
If you ask me who would I rather have running the show, the Genovese, Gambino etc. crime family or these crook loving progressives, and I’m no fan of the mob but in comparison the decision is easy and very clear. Very obvious. You put Lucky Luciano on the ballot today, he’d have my vote. Our senior citizens would at least be able to walk the streets again, holy fucking shit.
If you ask me who would I rather have running the show, the Genovese, Gambino etc. crime family or these crook loving progressives, and I’m no fan of the mob but in comparison the decision is easy and very clear. Very obvious. You put Lucky Luciano on the ballot today, he’d have my vote. Our senior citizens would at least be able to walk the streets again, holy fucking shit.
sure they provide some positive value - entertainment wise. i get lots of hard laughs here and there whenever i would watch those franzese or sammy youtube podcasts. and of course those sopranos brief clips. the comments section below each of those clips are comedic gold!!!
yeah sure the old people would be protected by the mob, but only if they were considered "one of their own." if not considered as such then they would be fucked.
if you were a kid or young adult before say 1995 and was walking around in those mafia areas (e.g bath ave, 86th st as prime brooklyn examples) and one the mob members or young wannabes had you targeted for whatever stupid reason (the way you look, the way you spoke, etc) they would fuck you up. even if you lived there it would not matter.
but yeah definitely get you grandma outta da bronx-75% of that area is just pure shit. and if you live in the part of the 25% area you have to pass through a lot of shit areas just to get home. dude one of the bronx train stations is named gun hill road!!!
I recall reading about "protection" being a popular business for the mafia. Small shop owners would pay a small amount each week to keep their store safe at night. Who knows when someone might throw a rock through the front window or worse. The mafia kept the small shops safe.
The Gun Hill Rd station is in an area that was considered one of the better parts of Da Bronx in my day.
if you say it was ok back in your day i'll take your word for it. but i passed by there by subway once to see an old fave at a bronx club. after that visit i told her from now on i'll meet you at any other club but not that one.
par for the course
If you have any actual evidence to back up the idea that crime is under-reported right now, in NYC or elsewhere in the US, I'd love to see it.
BTW Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and others stopped reporting to the FBI their crime stats in recent years. We really just don't know. We don't have that data.
An opinion, which no one in this thread has provided evidence to support.
> Only reliable stat is murder.
Which is down, we agree.
I think NYC, LA, and San Fran are all great cities, and much safer now than they were 20 years ago. I've been to all 3 recently and they're all wonderful places to visit, except for the lack of good strip club options. I grew up in NYC and without a doubt every part of that city is much safer now than when I lived there.
I think honestly, you're just watching too much Fox New Muddy. Like maybe cut back just a tiny bit.
Yes, these were once great cities, keyword=ONCE.
Bring in 3rd World people, you become a 3rd world country.
The difference in crime now imo is simply the random viciousness of it all. In the 70s and 80s the statistic say life was more violent, and it was...but......the drug wars of the 80s killed people in the drug trade, the gang wars of the 70s killed people in criminal gangs. Crime today kills randomly, the school kid, the person sitting in the wrong place during a drive-by. When I went to high school in Florida there would be hundreds of guns on racks in the parking lot. Every pickup truck had a gunrack. No one got shot. School shootings didn't happen. Gangs killed those who wouldn't get with the neighborhood program, not a mother and kids for $30.00 like today.
I feel bad for anyone under 40, because their future is bleak and will be short.