
Full service

What chances to find a dancer available for full service?


  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    Hmm, a lot of first-time posters here asking about names connected to extras.
    Ask the boys at the local precinct, officer (or Channel 4 News reporter).
  • funonthaside
    2 months ago
    About the same as when I fucked your sister on her college graduation night, JPaul.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    2 months ago
    JPaul68 man shut the fuck up
  • Mr Monger
    2 months ago
    Very high bro lol
  • Jascoi
    2 months ago
    the older and ugly girls are usually easier and cheaper. (but not allways.)
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 months ago
    Note that the only activity for the OPs handle is starting this discussion, and LE seems to have a hard-on for Vivide all of a sudden. Maybe somebody with pull wants the club closed down.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    2 months ago
    Clearly there is an operation. I don’t think some of the locals want the clubs there
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