New UN Resolution annouced today:

Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
"On May 24th, 2024 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide America's former Indigenous mandate into American and indigenous states in July 2024 when the American mandate was scheduled to end."…

Things in common:
1. Historical foundation on land.
2. Persecution and genocide.

For all you fuck tards that can't wrap your heads around why Hamas/terrorist activities exist. If the UN decided that you are going to go live "over there," what the fuck do you think you are going to do? The same tards stating that Israel is justified in the type of operation they are conducting....are the same dudes that have plenty of guns. But now you have to give up your arms, and you fuck heads certainly won't do that.....and when you fight're the terrorist.

Get some fucking perspective numbnuts.

And no, I don't support Ham-ass nor Nut-in-your-mom-who.


  • Puddy Tat
    5 months ago
    LOL. I think you were a few more cuss words from making your nonsense into a point.

    1. The UN is a joke, full of corruption and graft. Dubya going into Iraq proved how impotent they are.

    2. I don't think you know what a "genocide" is. Since the "nakba," the Palestinian population has grown eightfold, and faster than Israel.

    3. Half of history is groups taking over, enslaving, and killing others. Which indigenous get the land? Only the ones the white man killed? Or the natives who killed the natives before them? Somehow only western civilization gets held accountable for historical wrongs.

    4. The Jews go back 4,000 years on that land, well before Arabs or Islam. They are the "indigenous" to Israel.

    5. Terrorist activities exist because Palestinians pimped themselves out to everyone for terrorist activities (including Iran which hates the Arabs), and their international aid goes to building rockets and terror tunnels. Their culture of death is one of the worst on earth. Israel doesn't want to rule them. According to the most reliable polling, the Palestinians approve of Hamas and 10/7. If they were to un-fuck themselves and act civilized, they would be treated as such. Until then, I shed no tears.

    6. They could end Israel's operation right now if they were to release the hostages. But they won't.

    7. No, before you knock down a straw man, this doesn't mean I support everything Israel does. The building of settlements in the West Bank has to stop, and it won't as long as Netanyahu needs the far right to form a coalition. That's a problem.
  • mogul1985
    5 months ago
    ^ Man or man PuddyTat - you took the words out of my mouth. Most don't realize the First Crusades started with Islam in late 800AD, and the Christian Crusades responded like 250 years later to take back Jerusalem after Muslims took over North Africa and Southern Europe.
  • gammanu95
    5 months ago
    You justify Hamas's violence against Israel, deny Americans' second amendment right to deend themselves, and the claim to be ambivalent on the issue of Palestine v Israel, and you did all of that in the least coherent fashion possible. Congratulations?
  • Book Guy
    5 months ago
    The problem is how you define "indigenous" (and other related concepts). If a family owned and lived in house for two thousand years but a buncha UN-sponsored people arrived (with guns) to demand the land because they had been there four thousand years ago, who gets priority? Which time period is the "right" one to re-establish? (I'm not personally trying to support either side, BTW; I remain agnostic like the OP above.) Zealots on both sides tend to holler a lot about their "right" to be here or there on the basis of temporal precedence without really addressing the fact that every tribe has moved about from its homeland in every location on our planet at every age. If not, then, well, I hereby claim that I own the entire nation of Mali, or at least most of Timbuktu, since that's near where Y-chromosomal Adam is supposed to have resided and, after all, I'm descended from him.

    That's a temporal question. There are similar geographic problems, f.e. how small or large must a group be, in order for it to be defined as a single coherent ethnic group? In the Balkans it's a consistent question -- the Serbs were in charge over everyone else up to about 1480 AD, the Turks at other times, sometimes groups adopted and cooperated with the power over them, sometimes groups disliked that power but were forced to cooperate, sometimes they actively rebelled. Which group and which location and which time period is the right one to define as "where our people are from"?

  • 5footguy
    5 months ago
    If history has taught us anything, it's that no one owns land. We're all just leasing it until the next country overthrows ours.
  • wallanon
    5 months ago
    "For all you fuck tards that can't wrap your heads around why Hamas/terrorist activities exist."

    Actually this could be interesting. Why do you think Hamas started a fight that it knew it couldn't possibly win and risk the ruin and removal of the territories its people lived in?
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    ^ This was most likely done at the behest of the Russians to distract attention from their war in Ukraine, bear in mind , Iran is a Russian client that acts as a proxy, along with Syria, in the Middle East, all of those Iranian proxies are armed with Russian weapons and funded with money provided through Iran by Vladimir Putin.
  • Puddy Tat
    5 months ago
    @Book Guy - you raise an interesting point about the indigenous. I mention it because it's the left's woody for "decolonization" that puts the word on our national consciousness.

    For me, there is no time worth trying to system restore the world to. Arabs seem to think we need to clock the world back to 1948, that the region was all living in peace like the natives in Avatar. So the one time that matters is NOW.

    But beyond that is the fact that Palestinians cannot play well in the sandbox with anyone. I'm pro Israel because I'll support the best democracy in that area, but not Jewish so I don't have a dog in the fight. I'd love to see the Palestinians get their own state but only if it just won't be used as a launch pad for more rockets and pogroms. And right now that's what I think it would be.
  • ilbbaicnl
    5 months ago
    A lot of the people in prison were horribly abused as children. But should we forgive what they have done to others, and release them to victimize yet more people? The same reasoning applies to Hamas. It's not practical to accept that everyone has the right to bloody revenge for wrongs done to them or their ancestors. And if you ever seek revenge against someone's innocent children, you have degenerated to something less than human.
  • gammanu95
    5 months ago
    Liberals think Russia is behind everything, lol. It's the red scare all over again!

    Hamas is tied to Iran, not Russia. Russia is so weakened by Ukraine that they depend on Iran and China for money, food, arms, and energy. Forget Russia.

    Iran has been looking to extend its regional influence and do so by destabilizing everything it can. Why indeed would Hamas make such a huge gamble? Who could have predicted such a groundswell of public support for Hamas terrorists in the US and abroad? Noone, unless it was all planned ahead. Who planned it? Not Putin, maybe Xi, certainly the Ayatollah, and the Palestinians' longtime allies in the leftist globalists. Maybe even American sympathizers who could sway policy. We'll never know, but it's fun to conjecture.
  • shailynn
    5 months ago
    “Forget Russia”

    Eh not so fast, they have a few nuclear bombs laying around. I’m still kinda surprised one of those hasn’t gotten into the wrong hands yet (that we know of).
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    True conservatives and centrists are in agreement, with most patriotic Americans that the Russians are not our friends, and seeking to undermine us in any way they can, from trying to interfere in our elections, to interfering in the domestic politics of our allies, to aiding our enemies by proxy, even directly in some cases. Ignoring the threat Moscow poses is not only foolish, it's actually damn dangerous and anyone that doesn't believe this has their head in the sand.
  • Puddy Tat
    5 months ago
    @25 - wish I could click a like. I remember at the Charlottesville rally some of the alt right folks said Russia is our friend. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. I don't think they're half the threat China is but I'm sure they're cooperating with them as well as Iran, NK etc
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    ^ I agree with that as well, China is a much more dangerous adversary, but although we compete in many arenas with the Chinese, they have their own unique culture, their agenda is more diverse then the Russians and will co-operate, when it’s in their interest.
  • gammanu95
    5 months ago
    To say that Hamas cooperates with Russia flies in the face of all known facts and logic, and demonstrates a stunning ignorance of world events. To say that Hamas cooperates China is equally as ignorant. Russia and China each have a long history of attacking and suppressing their own Muslim minorites (Chechens and Uighurs, most recently). Hamas and Hezbollah are in league with Iran. Russia and China are not belligerents in the Israel-Hamas conflict as it relates to the 10/7 attack. Yes, Russia has nuclear arms and a powerful cyberwar program, but forget about them as it relates to the current Israel-Hamas conflict. I cannot understand how you managed to misinterpret that, except for the willfully ignorant, demented, old dick. He is easy to understand.

    I would also disagree that China's agenda is so different from Russia's. Both seek to reclaim lost/independent territories, compete regionally and globally with the US, redefine to an Eastern-led world order, steal and subvert our technologies, wage massive gray cyberwars against us, accelerate their weapons systems such as doomsday nuclear torpedoes and hypersonic weapons, become energy exporters to wield the exported energy as a diplomatic and coercive tool, etc.

    Finally, never trust the opinion of a liberal about true conservatives, centrists, and patriots. They only know how to use those words to manipulate and disparage. Our libs are dyed-in-the-wool Commies, and he in particular is an avowed, woke, SJW, CRT, bastard.
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    ^ you’re not just a clown, you’re a dumb as a bag of rocks clown
  • wld4tatas
    5 months ago
    I find it plausible that Iran influenced the Hamas attack on Israel at the behest of or at least encouragement of Russia.

    Not only does it create a distraction from Ukraine, it helps boost the narrative to influence the 2024 election "Things were great under Trump, no wars, etc. and now look at the world under Biden." Putin knows that a vote for Trump is a vote for Russia.
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    ^ don’t forget these pseudo conservatives are just echoing Tucker Carlson and it’s common knowledge that Carlson is a Russia apologist, and has received millions of dollars from Russian media.
  • twentyfive
    5 months ago
    ^ P. S. Don’t forget the first hostage released by Hamas was a man with dual Russian/Isreali citizenship at the direct behest of Vladimir Putin on or about November 26 less than six weeks after the initial attack on October 7.
  • Puddy Tat
    5 months ago
    @gammanu - you're deluding yourself if you think it's about Russia and China and Islam. Russia believes itself the messenger of the true Christianity via the Orthodox Church (whom Putin has used to keep power). Palestinians (Sunni) and Iranians (Shia) aren't big fans of each other's religions. We supported the mujahideen even knowing about their malignant strain of Islam. These fuckers care about power above all, not religion. That's for the little guy.
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