Campus Protests part 2

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Last night, the NYPD were finally allowed to enter Columbia U campus to disperse the protestors and arrest the people who had broken into and barricaded the campus admin building. Most of the students involved will be suspended, with those involved in the burglary being expelled. These academic repercussions should be the least severe they face, but it is not my call.

Many of the people spoken to by reporters on scene last night complained that their first amendment rights to protest were being taken away. This is not so. They still have the right to assemble and to petition for government to address their grievances. When people set up camp and disrupted normal campus operations, especially if the reports of people being harassed for their religion was true, common sense would have been for the true protestors to disperse and allow for the agitators and activists to be removed before they resumed exercising their constitutional rights. Your first amendment rights do not trump other people rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Any non-student actors, especially anyone already known to police, should be arrested and charged with terrorism. The charges can always be dropped or revised, but it would allow the authorities to hold these people long enough for a thorough investigation. I believe they could find people who had travelled to or from Gaza, Iran, and Lebanon and received money from groups known to be connected to international terror financing. Of course, this is the liberal, democrat NY Attorney's office. They would not want to cause their friends (Soros, Biden, et al) any trouble. They are too busy cooking up more bogus charges to keep their political opponents off of the electoral ballots.


  • PAWG_Patrol
    6 months ago
    April 30, 1968 - NYPD bust of Hamilton Hall protestors at Columbia University.

    April 30, 2024 - NYPD bust of Hamilton Hall protestors at Columbia University.

    History repeats itself.
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    Que the angry SkiDumb trivial bullshit in response to student arrests ….

    Que the “I know what’s best for every situation” posts from 2-bits…..
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    These clowns are cosplaying at revolutionaries. You see the he/she/they freak who talked about killing Zionists? If he had the courage of his convictions, he'd head to the Middle East and pick up a rifle. Instead, he knows that Hamas themselves would push him off a 10 story building if he acted gay there.

    Even Ilhan Omar's daughter acted shocked and shaken to find out there are consequences for her actions.
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Typical impotent whining from AyeMatey. Never been to strip club and is upset that her career as clerk 1t 7/11 has not brought the promised riches.
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    The irony is these so called protesters/activists claim to be so liberal, yet they’re supporting the terrorist group that is the opposite of liberal. They support a repressive organization that goes against liberal ideals, smh. Something you’d find out of a page from skidumb’s life.
  • Muddy
    6 months ago
    Jeez wtf does it take to get thrown out of school now adays?
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    I mostly agree with the original post. The first amendment must be protected, even if you don’t like what the protesters are saying. They have a constitutional right to say it. Camp on the lawn. Who cares. Break into the building? Now we have a problem. Those people should be (and were) arrested and charged.

    Mayor Adams spoke this morning and said that there were a large number of non-student agitators who used the protest to advance their own radical agenda. They are working through the investigation to separate those agitators from student protesters. Not sure if they’ll be charged with terrorism, but the mayor intends to charge them with more than trespassing. It sounded like he was going to leave the student discipline to the school.

    They’ll be outlier cases but it strikes me as about the correct balance.
  • rattdog
    6 months ago
    just got an idea...

    these protestors - i hear some of them get paid to larp and do damage. i always wondered how much does a pro-hamas or a pro blm paid protestor receive a week. just where and how do i sign up? this shit could be used to pay for my club trips.

    if there is a protestor that's a thick pawg who needs the extra money then she can blow me or take it up her ass during an actual protest. this kind of activity would make me want to go to school everyday, and hope would never close for any kind of recess.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    I don't see this as a first amendment, to me it seems like a violation of the rights of students to get an education, by disrupting the university’s curriculum , too me it seems like a bunch of outside influences disrupting classes and students that are going along for the ride to avoid taking final exams.
    These protesters are eitherignorant of the actual history or have their own agenda and it has no business interfering with the operations of the colleges,
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Americans have a Constitutional right to freedom of movement. Protesting is not a superior right and those protesting lose their First Amendment right to do so when they violate the rights of others. Further, calling for death and destruction is not protected speech to "river to the sea" coined by Hamas to mean a Jew fee Israel, is unprotected speech. Breaking windows and occupying buildings are not protected speech either. The day I can stand on public or private land with a bullhorn shouting Allah is a pig, Mohammed a pedophile and all Muslims must be removed from America or eradicated, with the full support of the liberal press, progressives and educators, I will feel different. The protestors are modern day Nazis, who were socialists then and are socialists now.
  • WiseToo
    6 months ago
    The campus demonstrations are a protest against genocide. And in addition to US aid that includes the universities supporting or working with Israel in order to advance its genocidal military and starvation campaign in Gaza. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) pointed out that 70% of the death /casualties in Gaza are women and children.

    Netanyahu has said Israeli forces were expected to eventually invade Rafah, with or without US support, despite repeated warnings against doing so from Biden and other White House officials. There are around 1.4 million civilians estimated to be seeking refuge in Rafah after following direction from Israel to leave their homes in northern Gaza.

    An Israeli airstrike killed six workers with the World Central Kitchen and their Palestinian driver as they were leaving a warehouse in central Gaza. The group has just delivered about 100 tons of food aid and was driving in armored cars labeled with World Central Kitchen logos when the strike hit.

    Biden issued his sharpest criticism of Netanyahu after the attack, warning U.S. policy on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza would now be determined by “immediate” steps Israel needs to take to reduce an “unacceptable” humanitarian situation. The conversation marked a notable change from Biden and his team since the war broke out last October.

  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^All n of your casualty numbers are from Hamas, and are therefore invalid.

    Hamas, like most terrorosts, hide behind civilians s human shields. The civilian deaths are caused by hamas, not the IDF. Furthermore, these save civilians cheered the deaths of Israeli civilians on 10/7, and hailed the attachers as heroes. Fuck 'em. IDF has just cause for total war.
  • shailynn
    6 months ago
    Interesting article on how Brown and Northwestern both came to an agreement with protesters. I think some of their responses to protesters demands are just lip service but it seems to be working.

    Check out this article from USA TODAY:

    Northwestern, Brown University reach deals with student demonstrators to curb protests.…
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    ^ Did those deals come with a jar of Vaseline? The message is that it pays to threaten Jews, and the administration will acquiesce.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    Free speech seems to be the most free, when it's hate speech against Jews.
  • RonJax2
    6 months ago
    > They would not want to cause their friends (Soros, Biden, et al) any trouble.

    This is the most inane thing I've read all week. Newflash: GAZA PROTESTORS ARE PROTESTING THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION.

    They're weakening Biden, amplifying voter apathy on the left, and creating fodder for 24/7 coverage by Fox, OANN and other right-wing propaganda outlets. Just like communist agitators on German campuses in the Wiemar republic, the impact these protests will have will not be to encourage more leftist policy on the Israel-Gaza conflict, it will be to potentially help elect a far right government that will overthrow our republic.

    The idea that Biden or establishment democratic donors like Soros would be behind this is infantile. What would Biden possibly have to gain from all this chaos on our campuses?

    > I believe they could find people who had traveled to or from Gaza, Iran, and Lebanon and received money from groups known to be connected to international terror financing.

    I don't think this idea is that far fetched. These protests have all the hallmarks of being marred by outside agitators. I also wouldn't be shocked if some of the online or even in person protests have been amplified by the Chinese or Russia disinformation machines, as Gaza-Israel is exactly the kind of fractious issue that totalitarian propaganda machines love to throw kerosene on.

  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Its time to decide if we are going to be Americans or Progressives/foreigners. I look at how the protestors dress, their signs, their masks and I don't see Americans. I see fucking Beirut. I see the pigsty called Tehran. I see the people who murdered my friend. I look at the pro -Israel protestors and I see no masks, just American and Israeli flags. I support them without reservation. The only mistake Israel made was letting this drag out. Should have firebombed the entire area and flooded the tunnels with seawater. In 3 weeks, this would have been over and the land would not be habitable by anyone, ever again.
  • Book Guy
    6 months ago
    A. I'm generally politically Progressive. B. I'm a citizen of the USA so I call myself an "American." There's no contradiction in these two.

    I do disagree with much of the protesters' platform(s) (in so far as there actually is one) but I also disagree with mass-scale attacks which cause innocent civilian deaths in Gaza. Personally, I don't merely "look at how the protesters dress ... (etc.)" to determine their political positions and I certainly don't condone mass killings on either side.
  • iknowbetter
    6 months ago
    I can only view this through the lens of a parent with two kids currently attending college. Thank god their semesters are over and they are both home for the summer.
    All I’m thinking is these asshole protestors had better be gone by football season because they’re taking up prime tailgating real estate. Fuck your 1st Amendment. This is the SEC.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    1) Quit the Jewish "woe is me" bullshit. Your victimhood is pathetic.

    2) Soros and the democrat machine are 100% behind the protests. If Biden were to speak out against the protests, he would risk 50% of his base. The squad would mobilize against him and Kamala.

    3) STFU. You're a liberal.
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    We won't need to worry about encampments next semester because it gets cold around here at night. Anyone notice these left wing assholes only show up when the weather is good?
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 months ago
    It's interesting how nobody protests that Egypt won't let the Gazan civilians temporarily take refuge in the Sinai. Egypt is also a major recipient of US aid. I think the main reason there wasn't as high a rate of civilian casualties in Fallujah was because most civilians evacuated before the battle.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    "Hold the line."- CHP preparing to clear out protests at UCLA
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    The saddest part of this whole protest movement is that every group at every protest includes "amnesty" in their demands. This generation of zoomers (and many millenials) is demanding to be allowed to not be held accountable for their actions. They don't want any skin in the game. They want to riot, destroy, injure, mock, and hurt, but not to sacrifice anything for it. This is how far our society has fallen from "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    Sooooo was I right about cueing up the angry SkiDumb trivial responses to the arrests, or was I way off base? I think we know old Father Time has his grip and will never release him into the depths of happiness ever again. Easy call to make, as everyone could see it coming. Fat, dumb, and angry is no way to go through life for you aspiring happy people out there!
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ as usual mate has nothing relevant to add here, fat hillbilly is nothing but an attention seeking idiot
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^as usual 25 has nothing relevant to add here, fat, demented, old man pretending like he knows best but wrong as always
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ Way to go gamma, showing the board that you are a bigoted little fool with a big mouth, you're another jerk keep running your big mouth from behind a keyboard, everyone here laughs at you.
    What a fugazy you are!
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    Fun fact - Fox News, MSNBC and CNN had basically identical coverage this morning supporting the police actions and condemning the agitators. That won’t happen again for a millennium. Good to see I could still pop in here and see that cats are still fighting with dogs otherwise I’d believe the end of the world was coming.
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Gam you might want to stop fawning over Mate. It makes you look like a fucking homo. Mate is a faggot and a pussy and you're known by the company you keep. Would love to meet Mate27 and see if she is man enough to open her mouth. I'm old according to her so why would she urinate down her leg?
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    Skifredo, you might want to stop fawning over 25. It makes you look like a fucking homo. 25 is a faggot and a pussy and you're known by the company you keep. Would love to meet 25 and see if she is man enough to open her mouth (he hides behind elder abuse laws , like a bitch). I'm a child according to her so why would she urinate down her leg?
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^^^Way to go 25, showing the board that you are a demented old fool with a big mouth, you're another jerk keep running your big mouth from behind a keyboard, everyone here laughs at you.
    What a fugazy you are!
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ haven’t got an original thought in your pea sized brain, let’s fuck up your thread like you do to everyone else.
  • Book Guy
    6 months ago
    ROFL @iknowbetter "All I’m thinking is these asshole protestors had better be gone by football season because they’re taking up prime tailgating real estate. Fuck your 1st Amendment. This is the SEC."

  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    It’s great seeing most of the board ignoring the repetitive crap 2-bits and SkiDumb rant on and on about. I mean looking back on their posting history tells you they have nothing but time to waste, posting nonsense all day long about anything other than titties. Why? Cuz they’re homos obsessed with what other dudes think about them. Their whole identity centers around trying to be the cool kids on the playground, when in all actuality the rest of us tuscl members take them by their feet, spread their legs apart and ram them crotch first into the football field’s goal posts while they scream for more….on a daily basis. SkiDumb and 2-bits are two sick homos who can’t enough abuse, cuz they got nothing else filling the empty void in their lives. 24/7 all day long they suck tuscl cock, non stop!
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ yet you’re the guy starting shit with folks that don’t pay you no nevermind, all of your posts are way off topic and you and your fat fellow Hillbilly are the only ones consistently starting flame wars and obsessing about homosexuality. Like ski said meeting with either one of you would be fun, what are you afraid of we’re both old men, but you’ll be instantly recognizable by the piss stain on your pants.
    BTW what a pussy
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^ as I said, you are the problem.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ let’s play fuck up your thread
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    I would love to see 25 beat the shit out of your skinny little take it up the ass from your fellow Nazis Gam. You are the biggest pussy on earth and simply afraid of men. Mate is your bottom, making her even more pathetic than you, who masturbates to the thought of Trump's cock up your ass bitch. Young men are men in the same way a bowl of feces is fine dining.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^Aw, look, the two lovebirds filched and made up. Did you two bond over your shared failure to walk away from TUSCL? Lack of principle is your commin quality. BTW, you can't "fuck up my thread". I have real life, off-line, with people and things that really matter. This digital stuff is just a fun distraction. Enjoy your "retirement" as a bitter, broke-ass loser harassing people online.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ Losers keep losing
    You never learn do you, nobody cares what you think, everyone here knows your a shit for brains bigoted little punk, not even a man, just a punk assed kid, if you ever stepped to me I’d just smack you a few times and you run off crying for your momma.
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    Talking tough on the internet is sooooo 1990s.

    Kind of like these student protesters who talk tough about killing Zionists but if confronted by an off duty IDF soldier, would offer to eat their asshole to avoid the beat down coming.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ It’s actually so 1965 times were better back then, you didn’t have shit for brains bigots starting trouble with their betters.
    You are aware that if he’d learn to keep his mouth shut I’d not pay him no nevermind, I’ve actually tried that several times and he probably needs a good whipping, because that little punk hasn’t got the good sense to leave me alone.
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    Seriously 2-bits and skidumb need to get hobbies to occupy their retired fat asses with too much time on their hands, wasting away the days debating about nothing they control in these topics they gripe about. The only time I comment is if there is something useful, like pointing out the high frequency of stupid shit you guys post about on nothing, in hopes you’d shut the fuck up. Knowing you fags love drama with an empty void in your life, it becomes cheap entertainment for the rest of us. The reason why you guys got fat is because you have no impulse control and can’t govern your own emotions. Try doing something useful in your lives. Posting nonstop every day on several threads is just showing you like to throw shit against the wall to watch what remains. If either of you get out west (the best) you’ll be too intimidated to meet any tuscl members, as I couldn’t fathom wasting a second of my life pounding you into a pulp. There’s no gain in it, no challenge, just cameras showing how I left your mouth full of bloody chiclets for the police to file a report.

    Of course with the lack of self control from either of you it would be easy to spin you up in a tizzy, therefore causing me to defend myself against the uncontrollable rage of 2 old fat asses, 2-bits and SkiDumb. Both fading away fast to irrelevancy! Lmfao….
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    @25 - I wasn't alive in 1965 but I imagine people weren't talking shit on the internet that they'd never say to someone's face.

    I wasn't referring to you as I know you've met members in real life.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    I know there was no internet back then, don’t forget that old adage, to screw up is human, to really screw things up you need a computer
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    ^ you have got to be really old, stupid, toothless old fogie to think that joke is funny. Fucking change your depends and go to bed, old man. Pathetic.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    Keep on going punk, it’s your thread, sounds like you’ve been bitch slapped before, we’re sure you’ll get bitch slapped again.
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Gam had to have someone who could use a computer look up 25's joke and it took him so long to understand it she is having a hissy fit.
    So MatesWith27Gerbils thinks I am retired and fat? Other than that being your masturbatory fantasy I cannot image where that came from. I still work 40-60 hours a week and if fat is 46-inch chest and 32-inch waist, then yup I am a fatso. You lose, again, like you do every day, and which is why you're a total failure and jealous of your elders and betters. Just like Gam; hence the love affair between 2 "modern men" i.e. effeminate.
    Puddy - 1965 was a great year. We went to the world's fair which started in 1964 and ran into 1965. If you notice 25 and I beef a lot on this site. We've also had beers together. Older guys are like that. Younger men still feel they have something to prove, especially to people who don't care.
    To be fair young people are very weak and so their abject fear of getting older is very understandable. Also, they have no future and they know it so they are filled with anger and viciousness, but given their weakness they can only express it on line so they can be "safe" and work on their "mental health".
  • misterorange
    6 months ago
    I saw on the news where the CHP was preparing to restore order at UCLA. Then all day I couldn't get that damn CHiPs theme out of my head. Da da d'dat daaa...
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ LOL perfect metaphor
  • Mate27
    6 months ago
    Lmfao, SkiDumb is probably only 5’-6”” or 5’-8” spouting those 46-32 inch #s. You know he’s full of shit when telling us he works 40-60 hours weekly, whenever he blows hours daily each day being our resident foghorn leghorn blowhard. We all know the reputation lawyers have for lying, so why would anybody on tuscl believe someone whose survived his profession lying to clients for 40 years? Probably weighs 230 pounds at 5 foot 8”, lol! Fucking figures lie and liars figure, SkiDumb!
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    ^ "You know he’s full of shit when telling us he works 40-60 hours weekly, whenever he blows hours daily each day being our resident foghorn leghorn blowhard."

    Uh, you trolled 25 and Skibum out of the blue here to start shit...
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    I can make Mateswithaidsinfectedmen respond to anything I post and react to anything I want. I make the little bitch dance. Typical "man" of today but would have been a little girl 25 years ago. Yup, just that manly.
  • Mate27
    5 months ago
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    Husband, Son, Sibling, Friend, Skier, Gambler, Swinger, Golfer, Foodie, Traveller, but most of all I smoke Ghost Train Haze.

    Notice he doesn’t mention he’s a father? Praise the lord for keeping his dna out of the gene pool for future generations to deal with. Probably the most important contribution(or non-contribution$ skibum has ever done for society!
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