Penny wise/pound foolish

avatar for skibum609
In Desires a very attractive dancer, whom I had never seen, came over, introduced herself and sat down. Bought her a cocktail and later water for her friend and when she asked if I wanted a couple of dances, I said sure, 2 topless. Had she been less attractive, or less impressed with herself, I would have gone for a room, but something about her made me choose the two dances. Stood in front of the $25.00 per dance sign and paid the man $10.00 for 2 dances. The dancer keeps the rest. She starts a third of the way through a song, so I know I am being short-changed on a song, even though it took her almost the rest of the song to remove her top. After 2 ok songs, she asks how many more I want, and I say all set. having paid $10 of the $50 already I give her $45 and for the first time ever a dancer says its $50, you only gave me $45. I say, fifty like on the sign where you pay the bouncer? She responds you owe me fifty. I don't fight over money so I grab another 5 and she says you can also tip me $10.00. My response to this demand is always the same: "no thank you". It's a puzzling response, but it kills the conversation 100% of the time.
So she got me for $10.00, with the hope of screwing me out of $20.00. Penny wise. An hour prior I had 4 jacks at the casino when someone bluffed me with an all in lol. If her dances were better, or if she wanted a new customer and was fair, she was looking at $200+. Pound foolish and on my do not dance list forever, despite being a truly awesome spinner.


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avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
You dodged a bullet.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
She was so fucking hot I am crushed by disappointment.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
a year ago
There's always another hot one. And another hot one who's actually about money and not her weird ego
avatar for crosscheck
a year ago
I'm guessing you had the 4 jacks at Bally's/Twin River if you hit up Desire shortly afterwards. I used to play there almost every weekend before Encore opened. Haven't been in years.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
I love the "no thank you" or "sorry" when someone is trying to strongarm me. Puts them in a weird spot.

Oh, and dancers aren't known for their long-term planning abilities. Hence why some brag about making $2,000 in a night, then still beg you to pay the cell phone bill at the end of the month.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
I use the same "no thank you" when I'm not going to tip, and you're right, it confused them many times.
avatar for WiseToo
a year ago
Sometimes dancers will act that way when they are just passing through. They don't expect to be at a club more than a few nights, perhaps a week. So they think very short term and are satisfied with a quick $10 or $20.

I had a similar experience at another club. I was at a table with a dancer and we ordered some drinks. I didn't recognize the waitress. She demanded a tip before she returned to the bar and placed the drink order. The dancer knew the scam and said that $1 a drink tip would be good. O.K., I gave the waitress $2. The waitress got the drinks and I paid her for them. The waitress then waited and expected me to tip her again. I said, "no thanks. I already tipped you." The dancer just smiled. The waitress would have received much more than a $2 tip had she not pulled this BS. Apparently, this was her last week working and thought she could make a few extra dollars.
avatar for fenwayfav
a year ago
Ski - what was her name?
avatar for RTP
a year ago
Ski, despite being hot, she was a stripper. Intelligence is not usually a trait where they excel.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I think your story is a common & relatable one. I've had similar experiences quite a few times. My response is pretty similar. I'm not gonna fuss over 10-20 discrepancy on what I owe, be it due to a miscount or some other issue. I'm also not gonna stop a girl from starting mid-song and counting it. Any my response to a request for a tip is usually that same "no thanks"

But I don't mess with that girl again. Usually those girls don't stick around long anyway.
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
I'm not usually rude when that sort of thing happens, but I remember one time I said "that half song you didn't do is your tip."

*That* fired her up.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
The tip should be "Do better dances if you want to make more money".
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Maybe we need a separate "news for newbs" forum. You don't have to go to strip clubs very long to encounter situations similar to this. If ski turned on his usual charm, maybe she wasn't interested in more dances with him anyway. Or, maybe he met his match in stripperski.

Most strippers find the work to be emotionally draining to some degree. Few if any feel like every dollar from every PL is worth getting. Nobody but her can know if we're worth it to her as an individual. If you expect the club to force her think we're worth it, sorry, 13th Amendment.

Ski may have a valid point about getting ripped off. It's not very clear. I've never been in a club where you are supposed to make the split between the dancer and club out of the cost of a dance. You pay her, she pays the club, or you pay the club, they pay her. If you pay both, then what you pay the club is usually a couch room fee, on top of the dance cost.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Yeah that sucks. Hot and awesome, well they never seem to get available now do they
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