
Increddible! Twelve-year-old Dancing Nude at Diamond's Cabaret!

No, this is NOT an April Fools Day joke!



  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    She forgot her birthday??? The manager is an idiot!!!
    I wonder how many guys that frequented that club are freakin out.
  • bostonarea
    16 years ago
    Yes this is incredible, but I bet it happens more than we think. Maybe not a lot of 12 year olds, but I bet there's a lot of 14, 15, 16 year old girls with fake ID's dancing out there.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "She's 12, but she's got the body of a 20-year-old." I'm surprised they didn't try & go the whole nine yards and have her get fake boobs while they were at it...sounds like someone is going to jail for a loooong while...ut oh...
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    I've seen some young cuties out there (about ten of them). I only got a lapdance from a couple of them in San Antonio (unsatisfying). My ATF told me that me from time to time 15 and 16 year olds have danced at her club.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I guess one of my points above was...what 12 year-old girl actually has "the body of a 20-year old"? All of the 12 year-olds that I knew when I was in sixth grade had the bodies of 10 year-old boys...ewwwww... Heck, I was still only a few inches taller back then than wondergrl is right now...lol... I could see if the girl was in her mid-teens or later how she might be able to pass for older, but I think the dudes at this club were probably just child pervs.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    "She's 12, but she's got the body of a 20-year-old. All they were thinking about was the money she could bring in."

    Me too ... yeah, that's what I'm thinking of. :(

    Mom needs to reconsider feeding her children all that growth hormone which they put in the meat that ends up in Wendy's and McDonald's burgers.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Likely, I would assume, "child pervs" would prefer, "She's 20, but she's got the body of a 12-year-old" as opposed to, "She's 12, but she's got the body of a 20-year-old". Any pervs care to comment? :)
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    LOL...I just don't believe that most 12-year-olds have "the body of a 20-year-old" is all...oh well...
    16 years ago
    Many years ago I used to coach girls sports teams. Until I had a 12 yo girl on my team who was one of the best looking girls I've ever seen anywhere, and yes she did have the body of a 20 yo and could easily have gotten a job dancing at any club there is. And would have been one of their most successful girls. I quit coaching girls teams after that. The name Lolita comes to mind. Way too dangerous. Girls seem to mature physically at a much earlier age than they did when I was 12. Or maybe I just never noticed.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    One of my friends from back home had a similar experience when coaching a high school girl's tennis team. The girls at one point were making a habit of wearing guy's boxer shorts to practice again and again, which my friend apparently didn't like for some strange reason. One day, he decided to "lay down the law" and tell them that they were only allowed to wear shorts, a skirt, or whatever the school team uniform was to practice. A few weeks later, one of the girls on the team decided to push the envelope a little, and she started to wear boys boxers again.

    My friend let it slide for a while, then one day...he pulled her aside after practice and said, "Didn't I tell you not to wear underwear to practice anymore?!"

    Well, the shocked look on the girl's face gave my friend pause to rewind what he had just said to her, and then he stammered something like, "Ummm...let's forget that this conversation ever happened..."

    He had visions of being in the principal's office the next day...with the cops and some lawyers in tow. He quit coaching soon afterwards... ;)
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I've coached a few 14-and-under girls' teams, and I recognize the symptoms. Usually they're so danged brainless they don't interest me at that age despite the perfect little bodies on some of 'em. But then you come across one of those "really together" 16-y.o. -- maybe she's had to grow up too fast, take care of her sick uncle or lost a pet or something, or maybe she's just a balanced happy person -- and you realize she's more interesting to you than some vapid 24-y.o. who's obsessed with Paris Hilton and her Pug-a-poo cell phone ...
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Holy shit
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