Impending Vegas Trip
North Dakota
I'll be in Vegas in a couple weeks and wanted to hit some of the strip clubs around the Strip, but -- damn -- they all seem just crazy expensive now. And from what I've seen in the reviews, the ones not on the Strip (except for probably Chicas) sound, well, sad dancer-wise.
Any suggestions for a lone, non-drinking geek on foot?
Any suggestions for a lone, non-drinking geek on foot?
I know you said you don't drink, but do you smoke? Because I'd take a Vegas dispensary over a Vegas club any day.
Perhaps someone can explain the logic behind clubs providing "free" (well, not really free, as it's appropriate to tip the driver) admission for limo use, when the limo operation costs the club money. Why would the club charge a $60 cover charge as penalty for not taking limo?
Are the clubs getting kickbacks from taxi companies that return you to hotel?
I don’t know exactly why they stopped waiving the cover and offering the free limo rides. I can guess that since it’s a post covid change that it’s due to a combination of labor shortage and Vegas increasing fees on everything, including strip club fees.
Around 2010 casinos started popping up in a state near you, online gambling and sports betting is now legal in most states, and then COVID wiped a year off the books for Vegas. I really thought it was done.
What do they do? Finally finish and start more huge casino projects. They have the most cutting edge concert venue in North America if not the entire world. They just became the #1 destination for any NHL, WNBA and NFL fan that wants to go watch their favorite team on the road, AND they've charged at least double for everything since the doors reopened from COVID and people are STILL lining up to give them their money.