The Outerspace Club
328 N 54th St Philadelphia, PA 19139


Avatar for Sammy63

Anybody have any itel on a dancer named Taj? I saw her recently at LP and she looked pretty hot. But I couldn't tell if she is extras friendly from the mild dances she gave me. Any intel would be greatly appreciated.


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Avatar for funonthaside

She works at Outer Space. Do you really need to ask that question?

Avatar for ww

^^^ Glad someone said it.

Dudes should just ask any chick directly about any extras vice a post for intel about her activities.

If she ain’t pushing extras at you but you find out from someone else that she indeed does extra, what’s the next step?

Will you approach her about how you heard she does extra, so why ain’t she doing it with you?

If you’re ballsy enough to do that, you should be ballsy enough to simply broach the subject in the first place.

And all dancers don’t do all things with all dudes.

Avatar for rawhide2

see faq don't ask again or founder will remove you

Avatar for chimera422

###. And all dancers don’t do all things with all dudes.

Definitely been a few instances of dancers at OSC/ LP being completely unable to see my middle aged white self.

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