Strip club attire advice/where to get pants?

avatar for DownBadD
What types of pants do you wear? where do you purchase them at? Specific stores, brands, type, material and any links are appreciated.

Fairly new to visiting strip clubs and I've seen a few reddit threads that discourage wearing jeans because its not as comfortable for the dancer or the patron. I've been wearing jeans and hadn't thought much about it because I've still gotten decent mileage on my dances. I've only been to clubs in ATL (Vivide, Pinups, Blue Flame) and Philly (Sin City) and never thought it was an issue. I know some clubs have dress codes and won't let you in with certain attire (ie. sweatpants, shorts) so I don't want that to be an issue but also want to maximize the experience mutually going forward.


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avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Google “tuscl pants” and “tuscl shorts”. Until Founder restores the search function, that should take you to about 100 threads on the subject. You’ll get way more info and more quickly.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
basically you want something slick and smooth to the touch. polyester or silk if you want.
avatar for azdd
a year ago
Just picked up a new pair of Greg Norman golf shorts at Costco. Thin, smooth poly material, and has a zippered pocket on the thigh where you can put your key fob, mints, etc. Black is the color of choice if you have to do the walk of shame. Wear great commando too!
avatar for stainglass
a year ago
This question has been asked and answered, and you can even find great articles. Do some research, please.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
Without a search function, browsing the discussion and articles is not feasible.

Golf shorts are the way to go. Fila, UA, Greg Norman. Remember that belts and buckles can be painful for the dancer, so look for a proper fit.
avatar for Longball300
a year ago
Again? Ugh..... Haggar Cool 18's; cum in shorts and slacks; take your pick.

avatar for iknowbetter
a year ago
@azdd - I have those same Costco shorts, and yes, the thin lightweight material is great for lap dances. However, black is not a good color since it shows dried snail tracks and dried LDK overspray. Gotta go with the tan or khaki.
avatar for JamesSD
a year ago
Literally anywhere that sells men's clothing will have soft to the touch pants. Some guys prefer slacks to avoid being "basketball shorts guy", others are fine sending a clear message
avatar for drewcareypnw
a year ago
This is pretty much the same capability as the search that was on the site:…
avatar for 59
a year ago
@longball, they're my go to. In black, of course.
avatar for ArtCollege
a year ago
It was a cold day when I saw a guy walk in to a club wearing shorts. I chuckled and told the dancer in my lap. She said he's a regular; he changes into shorts in his car when he gets to the club's parking lot. Good thing no valet, I guess. When the weather suits, I wear shorts. Nice ones, like khaki dockers, and loose. I don't want the dancers to have difficulty finding out if I'm turned on.
avatar for mahatmakanejeeves
a year ago
I once wore TWO pairs of slacks into a club I visited 5-10 times a year when traveling there. The lap dance area was a communal bench in the back with small dividers between them. It would be generous to call it "semi-private."

I went into the back with a favorite dancer who was in on my plan. At one point I took off the outer slacks and continued the dances. We left the extra pair of slacks on the VIP bench. She told me later that the managers was pissed off at the bouncers, "How could you not notice someone walk out without pants!?!"
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
I like Columbia dark, lightweight cargo/hiking cargo pants for strip clubbing - pockets are good to secure stuff and the are a tad loose too. Plus, I use these for most days as they are more comfortable than jeans, and I don't have to sit on my wallet.
avatar for Longball300
a year ago
@59 - It's all I club in whether in shorts or slacks; the expando waist is especially nice; no belt needed. Cums in Handy....

They are bulletproof and machine wash no iron needed. The ladies love the smooth feel.... while they're on....
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
Dark color is best. Tan/khaki clearly shows LDK aftermath.
avatar for DrStab
a year ago
I’m usually a slacks/khaki guy (or shorts during golf season), but I got a pair of those “jogger” golf pants (love them on the course, BTW). They were slick to the touch, and zippers on all the pockets.

But I knew that basically I was “track suit guy” although they looked OK. And for some reason, I couldn’t get any attention at the club when I wore them. Maybe I was giving off that vibe.
avatar for funonthaside
a year ago
No correlation between being known as a track suit guy vs slacks guy. More likely distinctions between no-tip guy and tipping guy, or a'hole guy vs nice guy.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
It's not a fashion contest. I wear for sexcess. They know what I want and if the are up for it they come to me. If not they stay away.
avatar for shanny72
a year ago
Walmart golf shorts, can't remember the brand but they are the "nice" ones at Walmart
$15 or so
Very soft, many colors, easy for commandos, up the leg access is easy, one size to big and they slip down letting jr peak out the top if you wear soft draws

If you nut in them or on them, just throw them away..
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
How do you avoid soak-through if you're commando?
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