Looking for a LV unicorn probably....

avatar for Smegma Jones
Smegma Jones
Headed to LV for the first time in years and want to hit a club (or 2). Where I'm coming from(LV experience wise) is someone who used to almost only go to OG. $20 floor dances with good mileage and a nice assortment of girls. But OG is closed, so that is off the table.

I'll have my kid with me for his 21st BD (a few weeks before), and wanted to take him to a club. As he's not very 'experienced' with the opposite sex....like 0.0%....I'm looking for a place that is topless where you can get a decent lap with at least 1 way touching/grind, but not necessarily implied 'extras' as I don't want him(or me) to get fleeced....or worse...actually close the deal. I mean I'm a perv, but getting boobs in face and your '1st time' are 2 very different things. Plus...for that, I'd drive him out an hour in the desert and not a club.

No where that pushes their bottle service or funny money scams. I'm ok with spreading some cash around, but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck either. Some place with $20-$30 floor dances probably...maybe the whole $150 VIP thing. Neither of us will be dropping $1000+ for fees and tips....so Rhino, Sapphire, etc... are probably out. So far, looking at reviews, Deja Vu and Minks look like candidates but the reviews are hit and miss and some reviews are back from Covid or prior.

Any recent info or suggestion is appreciated. Thanks in advance


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avatar for Cruz_LV
a year ago
Come to palomino!
avatar for JackKash
a year ago
My favorites have been Crazy Horse III and Treasures. If you want to have a meal too, nice steakhouse at Treasures. I have had mixed results at Treasures though dance wise over the years, good nights and bad, run ins with some ROBs from time to time. Big on the upsell there. Been a while since I've been back so take it with what it's worth. After the latest reviews, agree that Rhino and Sapphire are 2 to avoid. They are a mill anyway and you wouldn't necessarily get the attention you want. On another note. Good luck with the boy. I would have never wanted my father to take me to my first strip club but that's me. (Yeah, I won't be taking my son to his first SC either when he comes of age).
avatar for Local Hick
Local Hick
a year ago
Chicas Bonitas. Best bang for the buck.
avatar for Mate27
a year ago
I agree with JacKash, but no judgement here, as I don’t know how your relationship is with regards to your son. I have difficulty going to clubs with grown men my age let along thinking about leasing my son down that clubbing path. Chica’s Bonitas might scare him straight to avoid the clubs, since it’s a little dirty to be flirty. For the price of travel yiu could give him a hell of a time in Phoenix for just a few hundred bucks. Girls actually travel down here from vegas since the Phx clubs always have guys willing to spend. Vegas prices out a lot of people with expensive cover, dances, and drinks. I avoid high hustle joints which you find in Vegas. It’s BS.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
I agree with Jack.
avatar for JackKash
a year ago
I'm going to rescind my recommendations and it makes me really sad to do so. These places had some good times for me bus as I said, I haven't been back there since before the COVID and when I read the newest reviews it seems that all these places have just gone super greedy from the cover charges on in. Maybe they are trying to make up for lost revenue. Anyway, good luck. Chicas Bonitas seemed to be getting good reviews lately and maybe Mate27 suggestion about going to PHX instead might be helpful.
avatar for Smegma Jones
Smegma Jones
a year ago
Thanks for the suggestions, but yeah CH3 seems (from reviews) to be very greedy now. Had some fun at the old CH, but again...it's been a long time since being there (I think that was even further back than my last trip). If I were going by myself, I'd bee line for Chica's, as that's more my speed as a PL....but I was looking to just get my kid some boobs in the face, maybe a bit of a grind and not go straight for the hard core monger lifestyle. Treasures did look good, but again...a lot of the reviews skewed to 'too expensive', so probably not.

I doubt PHX is in the cards as we will be with a group of people so boogying out for many hours is probably not going to happen. I've been to PHX and yeah...good time to be had there. Just not this trip.

As far as getting along with my kid, he's been talking up the 'hookers and blow' aspect of the trip, but that might just be talk. I've asked several times that if he didn't want to go to a club we don't have to, and every time he says...'What?...of course we will go'. Hopefully it won't be awkward...but if it is...we'll hit 1 club...do some stage tipping, have some drinks and head out. I've also downplayed my experience so he doesn't know whatever we end up doing...it will be less than I would do if I were solo. Maybe the next night I'll sneak out and head to Chica's.

But no input on Deja or Mink? Reviews seem fine....and I've been to Deja's before....they are mostly ok and nothing I'd call 'high end'.

Sigh....I miss the old OG. Had some good fun there. But the same can probably be said for the whole town now.
avatar for jaybud999
a year ago
Try Palomino, they have 150/15 in some nice booths. Not sure if they still let you do 20's downstairs to get a test drive though.

Peppermint Hippo might be alright.

Other than that....you have Chica's one end, and Spearmint/Sapphire on the other.....
avatar for Smegma Jones
Smegma Jones
a year ago
Quick update post trip. Deja Vu was temporarily closed, so we went to Minks. Not sure why Deja is closed, but tried calling for thier pickup service and was told they were not currently open. Review is up for Minks now.

Did get a run (or 2) out to Chicas as well going solo. 100% NOT the place I'd bring a 1st timer or anyone you'd want to ever look directly into the eyes of again. Review is also up for Chicas.

I was going to go to Hippo, but they don't do the free limo thing and the best I could find was a $50 ride that included admission and 2 drinks. Also, return trip was NOT guaranteed, so I didn't want to worry about having to find alternate transport back or be at the mercy of whatever they wanted to charge for a ride. Went with Minks for the lower admit and availability to leave when I wanted.
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