I love this for the ladies

avatar for Heaven-sent
I talk with the girls a lot. I’m genuinely interested in the hustle. At my favorite club the girls have something called a “free day”. It’s what you would imagine. Everything they make that shift goes in their pocket. They declare it before the start the shift and they earn them by winning some type of contest or by keeping so many scheduled shifts in a row. I could see how these could be very addictive.


last comment
At the now closed Platinum Plus in Columbia the girls earned a free tip out day for every Champagne Room that they sold. The house cost for1 hour in the Champagne room started at about $300.
avatar for Sgtsnowman
a year ago
Now that is definitely a manager who understands people.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
Many dancers are not business savvy but if they were, they'd give regular customers a freebie VIP every 10 or 15 visits. Think of the loyalty that would create with many customers. You spend say $3k with them in VIP over the course of a few months, and you drop in one day, and they say "it's on me today baby" .. you telling me most guys wouldn't come back and spend another few grand?
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