If they are operating as a brothel, why re you advertising it so openly on a public site? Are you trying to get them shut down by local law enforcement? Are you trying to get the dancers and other employees arrested for prostitution charges?
Because people can't just be content to enjoy what they have? Lots of places with off the books stuff are known, but that doesn't mean you need to go hopping up and down about it. Hard to look the other way when people keep demanding something be seen lol.
1. Lets stop the ideology that police and LE dont know the clubs where extras occur. Delilahs keeps a low profile. You cant hear the music until you open the door and the cost of extras ensures that the clientele who comes here wants to get in and out unseen
2. The original poster is just puffing his chest as if outside the club action is some sort of new thing. Newsflash, if you carry yourself well, arent crazy, and most importantly have money in your pocket most women will sleep with you. Its not rocket science. You can go to any club in NJ and if you make it worth thier while a girl will happily meet you at a hotel or your place. And if think showboating on a forum will make it easier think again. News travels fast and she will deduce who has loose lips. But some guys have to learn it the hard way...
This is true at many clubs, including those that aren't known as extras friendly.
I sort of hope that this is trolling. Because if it's sincere, then this guy just did the equivalent of bursting into a busy seafood market to announce "Hey guys! Fish swim in WATER!"
last comment2. The original poster is just puffing his chest as if outside the club action is some sort of new thing. Newsflash, if you carry yourself well, arent crazy, and most importantly have money in your pocket most women will sleep with you. Its not rocket science. You can go to any club in NJ and if you make it worth thier while a girl will happily meet you at a hotel or your place. And if think showboating on a forum will make it easier think again. News travels fast and she will deduce who has loose lips. But some guys have to learn it the hard way...
I sort of hope that this is trolling. Because if it's sincere, then this guy just did the equivalent of bursting into a busy seafood market to announce "Hey guys! Fish swim in WATER!"