
Fraysexual TUSCLers?

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Saturday, August 19, 2023 4:19 PM
[view link] I know it’s HuffPost, so not newsworthy. It does the job of labeling a lot of us, maybe. Do you often find that when you’re attracted to someone, they are a stranger to you and the more you get to know somebody, the less attracted you are to them, even if they haven’t done anything in particular to make you feel that way? You could be what’s known as, ‘Fraysexual.’ Fraysexuality is often described as being the opposite of demisexuality. Demisexual people can only get aroused with people who they have a deep connection with. Both demisexual and fraysexual sexualities fall onto the asexual spectrum. Dr. Edward Ratush, Board Certified Psychiatrist, sex therapist, and co-founder of SOHOMD, explained that fraysexuality “falls under the umbrella of the asexual spectrum because of the specific aversion a fraysexual individual will have toward sexual contact with their most intimate partner. Simply stated, the more a fraysexual person is emotionally connected with their intimate partner the less they are inclined to have overt sexual desire for this partner.” Though, it is important to note that fraysexual people don’t always necessarily identify as asexual and the term asexual is used as an umbrella one that fraysexual falls under. Signs that you may be fraysexual According to Dr Ratush, you might be fraysexual if: You lose sexual interest with a long-term partner You find yourself craving romantic stability and connection with a partner, despite the decline in sexual attraction You have a high interest in new experiences  Your sexualinterest is unstable You find maintaining sexual desire challenging There is a disconnect between emotional and physical attraction


  • gSteph
    a year ago
    Not me Happily married 🙂
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    It seems massively dumb to say a man being sexually attracted to hot women they don't know "falls under the umbrella of the asexual spectrum."
  • JC2003
    a year ago
    "Familiarity breeds contempt" is an old saying. [view link]
  • jaybud999
    a year ago
    Hmmmph. I just figured I love chicks, but don't want to pull the trigger on a bigger "mistake" (that's a personal choice, not some cheap shot to the rest of you extra;s clowns). And when I bang my wife, it's pretty good......but it's like going to your favorite place for a rib-eye, it's fucking delicious.....but you aren't going to eat that all the time, you want variety......like sides and stuff. I call that being a man in America. Or any country I figure!
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    We are approaching the maximum number of categories we can divide people into. I can’t keep straight what category is what; I don’t give a rat’s ass! I know what I like, and a lot of running thru the cats is nuts. I like girl next door type, smart, funny, attractive (not over-done at all) but not “model” types, and down to earth. Let’s see one of these “categorizing genius “ define me.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    Yes,, and no. Obviously (for anyone who's familiar with my posting here, anyway) I'm not averse to, and actively enjoy, the comfort of a long term partner. My wife, my ATF, and my current SB are all long term, and I can't see my sexual attraction to them ever waning. Of course, my ATF is no longer around, but if she were, I can't imagine not lusting after her. At the same time, I have no desire to have anything *more* than a sexual attraction to the vast majority of the dancers with whom I've had sex. I suspect that's because neither of us has anything *more* than sexual/financial attraction to offer. I understand completely that they are there for the money, and not the dubious advantages of fucking a creepy old fat guy with a little dick.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    Men have been on the lookout for multiple women since the guy after Adam. I still love sex with my wife, but to pretend I haven't been attracted to others the whole time would be a lie.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    @skibum609: "Men have been on the lookout for multiple women since the guy after Adam." Even Adam wasn't satisfied with his first choice. Remember, he rejected Lilith because she wanted to get on top. Apparently he wasn't happy that *she* wanted to enjoy it as well.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    Some academic desperate to write yet another paper will come up with a name for literally anything. I’m going to start introducing myself as a lapper-sexual. Please don’t discriminate against me, buying dirty handjobs in dirty strip clubs is MY SEXUALITY.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    ^ Haha good one
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    My head hurts reading all this.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Agree with comments downplaying the article. It’s Huff so you know it’s a step away from gossip journalism. I had to laugh that they made up a term for mongerers being “fraysexual”. Anyway who jumps in porn Hub could be labeled that, too. Typical yellow journalism always spinning a divisive rhetoric for their gain. Divide and conquer is being used upon us in the majority of media. There’s no profit in delivering just the facts. Fact is, I like looking at pretty women and will pay to play, and then go away.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    "I like looking at pretty women and will pay to play, and then go away." that sums me up.
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