AI will change your life

avatar for mark94

AI is going to disrupt all our lives within 2 or 3 years. It will make anyone who is willing to use it much more productive in their jobs. By a factor of 10. Young people already know this.

This video is mostly used to explain how education will change, but it also gives real world examples from the business world. Doing 3 days of work in an hour.

Any knowledge worker, or manager, who isn't willing to embrace AI, is putting their ability to keep or find a job at risk.


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avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

What are some real world examples of AI uses?

avatar for minnow
1 yr ago

Can I have 15 minutes of my life back ? I stopped watching this at 15 minutes. I basically got that a couple of college professors are still trying to figure out how to use it, and that a bunch of 11 - 18 yo's are playing with it.

There's a lot of buzz about it with a lot of buzz words/talking points (increased productivity, efficiency, etc) but no practical example on how it works. GIGO comes to mind- garbage in, garbage out. C-GPT requires a gigantic data base that may not always be current or accurate, it will spit out a report based on that flawed data.

In the wrong hands, could have detrimental effect on society. A government or other entity could control just how much electricity your residence uses, or how many miles you drive your car. (oops, you should only drive X miles per year, sorry, you've already driven it, can't go to grandmothers house for Christmas). Do we really want that ?

Besides figuring out wtf AI is and htf to use it, the question of how much we should use it needs to be determined. Ultimate solution might be humans are going to die anyway, why not just let them die, and let earth revolve around the sun devoid of any human life. Do we really want that ?

avatar for OG12346
1 yr ago

60 minutes did some good segments about it.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

No human being "uses" AI; AI uses them. Stupidest idea .....ever. Makes the self-driving car seem useful.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

Makes going off the grid more appealing. Then have your offspring show you how AI is affecting their lives to see any benefits to it. By the way, anyone who’s on social media or even YouTube (app) can see how AI shapes what content is being fed to them, so at least yiu got that going for ya.

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

One of the biggest conundrums is: should government regulate AI? Do we want more bureaucracy interfering with cutting edge technology? They couldn't get the vaccine or the truth on COVID right. They couldn't get healthcare right. They can't secure the border. But private industry cannot be trusted to do what is right before profits. Just like hostile nations. Russia, China, Iran and othe rogue nations will let their AI programs run unchecked. Once an AI is loosed on the internet, the whole world is at risk. It would be a technological equivalent of COVID, but thousands of times more dangerous. Maybe WW3 will be fought with AI. WW4 will still be fought with sticks and stones.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ silly little boy

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

^It is a waste of time and energy to interact with twentyfive. He is a narcissist; lacking any self-awareness, shame, or regret.

Do not be mislead by twentyfive's jealousy and resentment. He is a demented child, frightened and confused by the world. He tempts us to treat him with scorn and contempt, but really deserves only pity and neglect.

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

reminds me of this schmuck who got locked out of his twat alexa voiced home smartass home:

note: he chose all this. red on another article that after that happened he said he MIGHT stop using those amazon features? MIGHT?

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

I work very closely with AI projects at a big software company, on both ML and LLM. Believe me when I tell you this shit is way way overblown. LLM or large language models are the thing that everyone is banging on about at the moment. LLMs don’t know anything, and they don’t “think” anything. They’re essentially very fancy forms of autocomplete, calculating the next word they will write based on context, algorithms, and training data. Think of those shitty chat bots every 1/2 assed company has on their webpage. Basically the same thing, just applied to many more subjects. The people who need to worry about AI are the call the center reps who will be replaced by it, and the customers trying to get help who will be annoyed by it. I should add that it is mostly ok at regurgitating well known answers to simplistic programming questions while being very very expensive. It’s this year’s moral panic. The tech world will be onto a new fad in 18 months.

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

The message I got from the video is AI is a good tool for doing the grunt work on many jobs. It can gather information and organize it in a reasonable first draft. For a lot of jobs, that’s 80% of the effort.

It isn’t going to replace humans in the job, but it’s going to make proficient AI users 5x as productive. Which means the 4 other humans are no longer needed.

avatar for mark94
1 yr ago

One profession that may be threatened is radiologist. Once you train the computer with millions of XRays and MRIs, it should be straightforward to feed scans into AI and it will recognize patterns from past data and report on them.

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

There are two sides of networked information consumption: server and client. Client can be your phone, laptop, iPad. Server can range from a small pc in someone’s house to mega server complexes(farms) found with Google, Facebook, big data center operators. The network between the client and server carries, in effect, a Morse type code of simple low voltage electrical pulses, radio waves or bursts of light. These pulses and bursts are nearly an infinite amount per second. Never forget what you receive is just pulses and bursts. And never doubt the machines will expand their part in the process by efficient reorganizing of the pulses and bursts in such a way that humans will want to consume it. Whether it is AI or some other name, it’s coming and it is 100% inevitable.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Well, AI has already changed this rick’s life. One of the most enjoyable parts of being a rick is the drunk drivin’. But I have always worried that I would hurt a cub or apeling.

Solution: this rick found a nerd and said “hey nerd, Imma go all wildebeest on your ass unless you reprogram my Tesla’s autopilot to drive like a wasted rick”. Amazing success. This way I can do some two fisted drinkin’ while my Tesla weaves to and fro across the road, hairless apes bouncin’ off my hood.. AI is amazing! ROAR!!!

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

This rick also wants to use AI to write songs for my forthcoming band, which I plan to call “the lion sleeps with your daughter tonight”. Still debating exactly what will be most amusing. My original vision was to stand on stage roaring while the bassist plays a 30 minute solo. Not that I like that kinda shit, but I suspect it’ll be amusing to watch the audience.

But let’s get real. Surely any AI can write songs that are at least as good as the Mothley Crue or the Whitesnake. And I have it on good authority that the Whitenake did not have a snaky member. Nor did the Crue have a moth member. It was all drugged out apes. That’s some weak tea. ROAR!!!

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