
Should we make it official?

avatar for ilbbaicnl

Should we declare nicespice to be the official TUSCL PL House Mom?


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avatar for BubbleYum
1 yr ago

She would be the best house mom, too.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

She's perfect. In your mind's eye, when you read any of her posts, you can see her eye roll. Yet, she hangs around. Seems like she's got some grudging affection for us. Like a salty house mom. It's easy to imagine her carrying a ruler around in the club, whacking misbehaving PLs in knuckles.

avatar for EastCoaster
1 yr ago

nicespice as TUSCL House Mom? As they say on America's Got Talent, "That's a 'Yes' from me."

I've met her, and she's the real deal -- smart, funny, and experienced. Being the no-nonsense person she is, she's able to deliver a metaphorical punch when needed. And let's face it, there are some TUSCLers who need that from time to time.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Looks like she made it to Stage 5

16 years ago

The life cycle of strippers posting actually follows a very predictable 10 Stage course:

Stage 1 - Toe-Dipping: Tentative initial posts. Nothing earthshaking. Only indirectly identifies herself as a stripper.
Stage 2 - Gaining Traction: Posts something that sounds "refreshing" from stripper perspective, gets positive feedback and begins to gain confidence.
Stage 3 - Basking in the Attention: PLs trip over each other to enter into dialog with a real, live online stripper. (Ooh!) Pepper her with questions, sing her praises for deigning to answer.
Stage 4 - Payoff: Discloses where she works. PLs on pilgramage report back how she's every bit as wonderful in person.
Stage 5 - Holding Court: Now a board celebrity, she attains full princess status. Threads are titled after her. Every word receives gushing praise.
Stage 6 - Backlash: Some cynics get sick of all the fawning, and the princess gets bored with both the cynics and the ass-kissers. Big ugly turmoil ensues.
Stage 7 - Rehab: Every life cycle should have this stage. Not sure what happens here.
Stage 8 - Diminishing Returns: Begins to realize the first wave of pilgrims are as good a payoff as she's ever gonna see for all her slumming with the boys.
Stage 9 - Fade Out: Only posts you see for a while are occasional "I'm still here" reminders, then nothing.
Stage 10 - Beatification: After some time, we notice she's not around anymore. Then, it's, "Remember Princess? She was wonderful. How come we never get dancers like her to post here anymore.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
1 yr ago

^^^Dang thats pretty good. Last 1 was ninabambina 🤣🤣

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

I’ve had plenty of backlash on here 🤷🏻‍♀️ Stage 5 was probably back when more people would actually visit me at a club. That got way reduced after Covid

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

Stage 8 it is.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

Once all the bread sticks are gone, she’s not going to hang around for free.

avatar for whodey
1 yr ago

I usually see house moms around here as former dancers that have reached the age that they can no longer make enough money from their looks to get by so they move into that role instead. Unless nicespice has gone downhill quickly since the last time she was able to post a pic of herself on here I doubt that has happened.

I suppose there are probably some girls that just get so fed up with the BS from us PLs that they want to quit dancing and move into more of a managemnt/training role as a house mom instead of leaving the business all together and I'm sure nicespice would do well in that scenario.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

^ well I think she hung out with crazyjoe once so the downhill part may be plausible.

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

—>“I suppose there are probably some girls that just get so fed up with the BS from us PLs that they want to quit dancing and move into more of a managemnt/training role as a house mom instead of leaving the business all together and I'm sure nicespice would do well in that scenario.”

So that I have to do stuff like yell at girls things only one can be in a bathroom stall at a time? (Prevent them from hogging up the space with their snorting) Snitch on whatever I see to management? Listen to somebody if they are having an emotional breakdown? In some clubs, may have to be part of auditions and enforce the club’s stupid racial quotas?

No thanks 😭

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Yeah I said PL house mom. Other strippers would elect her shop steward.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
1 yr ago

Am I stage 9 or 10?


avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

PSD is a 10 😁

…oh wait, are we still talking about what some dude said 16 years ago?

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
1 yr ago

I think that’s what this whole site is lol??

avatar for FishHawk
1 yr ago

I dont want a house mom. I want a double with nicespice and PSD 😜❤️❤️

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

The nicespice Lifecyle only has one stage:

Stage 1. Jane Goodall: Embed with an isolated group of primates, seeking insights into their behaviors.

avatar for steve3000
1 yr ago

Remember Duomaxwell? She was wonderful. How come we never get dancers like her to post here anymore.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^probably because of them not knowing that founder finally kicked out the most offensive people. I DMed with a few of our other great gals and they all said the same things about getting creepy messages from the same people over and over.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

To me, the big failing of social media is, I generally find it very boring when people aren't genuine. Duo was often genuine about a lot of things. Liking pork belly sandwiches and Richmond, VA. That, when she got old, her whole sex life might just be wanking to Abercrombie models.

I can't remember any time when nicespice didn't seem genuine, which is impressive.

avatar for Huntsman
1 yr ago

Fishawk, I’d like a triple with The Spicester, PSD and BY. I’d nominate all 3 for Beatification. At least it’s fun to see all 3 chime in on the same thread.

avatar for NinaBambina
1 yr ago

"^^^Dang thats pretty good. Last 1 was ninabambina 🤣🤣"

When did this take place? I've never been a universally liked "Princess" on this board. In fact, the only reason I ever came to this website was because a girl from SW gave me a heads up that people were talking shit about me here even though they did not know me, so I made an account and joined in. I had haters before I even joined this site. Lol.

I don't mind being polarizing though. 😎

avatar for ilbbaicnl
1 yr ago

Yeah Nina's like Megan Markle, she stepped back from her royal duties as princess because of all the haters.

I guess we could say Nina, BY, PSD and nice are the TUSCL Squad. On the old site with pictures, they were all very pole-arising, if ya know wuddamean.

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