Lawsuits/Settlements in America today

avatar for Muddy
This is some of the dumbest stuff I've ever seen. How is it sustainable?…

So let me get this right, if you failed the test in the 1990's, your getting paid as if you worked 20 years. The real suckers are the ones who passed, became teachers and went to work everyday.…

And now it pays to riot and fuck shit apparently.

Stupid, stupid, stupid shit.


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avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
It isn’t sustainable but the decay will be a la Rome, on a time scale that goes unnoticed by most.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
"Under an agreement ironed out in November 2021 during then-Mayor Bill de Blasio’s final weeks in office, the city agreed to set aside more than $1.8 billion in funds to pay off the plaintiffs through 2028."

De Blasio's final Fuck You to the city.
avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
I'd like to know if some of these wanna-be teachers failed the test, then went on to more lucrative careers in a different kind of job, do they still qualify for the payout?
avatar for minnow
2 years ago
A good chunk of that $1.8B is going to the lawyers. The last I checked, the USA lawyer population outnumbers the engineers. So some of the plaintiffs became sub teachers ? I wonder what reviews submitted by students/parents looked like ?

If you're going in for an operation, do you want a doctor who is competent, or one who "passed" a watered down exam just to satisfy someones DEI whims ?
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
And I saw McDonald’s is forced to pay $800,000 because of poor parenting. Some welfare mom gave her kid a hot chicken nugget and it allegedly burned the kid’s leg

Soon we are going to get cold food at the drive thru and will have to take it home to heat up
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Thanks democrats .
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Seattle needs to up it’s crazy game. We are really not keeping up with nyc.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
I'm waiting for my reverse reperations for having white guilt from being associated with slavers being forced on me even though neither I nor anyone in my family history has ever had a slave or even known anyone who has.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled race based admissions to colleges are discriminatory and illegal, there will be some massive class action lawsuits. Every Asian American who was denied admission to the Ivy League over the last 20 years could reasonably demand millions. Harvard alone could find potential liabilities in the billions.
avatar for Estafador
2 years ago
so I actually sat there and read the article.
1) according to the images, there were more white people there than black people? It's weird how your lambasting your own people because they're protesting for a black guy? NO smpathy for your own folk? That's messed up dawg.

2) BASED ON THE ARTICLE it seems that to feign embarrasement for their overt and unncessary brutality, they paid each person $10K. That's something depending on your lifestyle, but definetely not enough to ruin your day over Muddy. You expect the protesters to simply go home after unnecessarily being abused, by officers of the law and smile about it? THat's not how protests work pal, gotta reread your history books friend.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
The idea the blm terrorists got paid is pathetic. Paying off criminals never works, just encourages more crimes. No one was protesting for George Floyd, who put his own death in motion by being a lifelong criminal, they were out committing mob violence on society, encouraged by those called "progressives". Amazes me that CHOP is ok to the same people whining about January 6. Both are right, or both are wrong, and neither is a bit different from the other.
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