I'm spoiled.

I lurk on the Louisville, Lexington, and Cincinnati boards on USASG, and let me tell you, the women that some of these guys call "beauties" are prime examples of the ugliest, nastiest, "rode hard and put up wet" women I've ever seen. Some of them make the ugliest stripper in town look like Raquel Welch in her prime in comparison.
Yes, streetwalkers and escorts tend to be cheaper than most dancers, but many people, including myself, have posted numerous times that the difference is worth it in terms of both looks and experience.
Yes, there are escorts who are at least on par with dancers in the looks department, but they charge $400, 500, 600 or more per hour. For reference, $5-600 per hour is about the max I've seen actually have willingly paid here in the Louisville market. I'm perfectly aware that's chump change when compared to some other places, but that's the market here. I've never sprung for one of those "high end" types, but I've seen the patron's comments about how good those experiences are, but they don't seem all that different than what I get from my sugar baby, and not too dissimilar to most of the other strippers I've seen. And for a lot less.
So, I'm spoiled.
last commentI’d like to try the high end escorts - but all security clearance hoops you seem to have to go thru have kept we away. Just no way in hell I’m giving them my work information or LinkedIn page
And on the flip side, I refuse to settle for the low end “Skip the Games” girls. I don’t need “any hole to put in”.
@motorhead: Yeah, some of them want photos of an unobscured driver's licence and an employer phone number. In addition to being a hard NO FUCKING WAY for me, they are completely ineffective as a means of actual verification. They don't seem to realize that the cops and the driver license bureau both work for the same guys and would have no problem producing a fake ID and creating a dedicated phone number. That's even worse than the whole "cops can't lie" nonsense.
Yeah I agree completely. I’d rather just save the money and have fun every blue moon to make the $$$ side work then do some kind of weekly thing with street walkers
I agree with the OP. Sex in the car with a streetwalker seems unappealing on many levels. Nowhere to get comfortable, pimps lurking, cops lurking, even the young ones look rough... and it's probably unfair but I associated them with stds. For me, I'd rather go to a nice quiet SC, get a private room, and enjoy a tasty young delight.
Remember, one man’s trash is another man’s queen. I’ve seen simps/losers call a 3 a 10. It’s definitely a phenomenon in the mid west.
USASG is a cesspool.
@gmd escort verification is mostly about making sure the customer can't commit crimes against them and remain anonymous. They avoid arrest by only selling you their time, not sexual acts.
Escorts (and assume street walkers) will give you experiences that men can generally only get if they have groupies. Your dick can be in her mouth within 2 minutes of hello. If seeing someone reminds you of uniquely good experiences, they naturally look better to you than they would otherwise.
@GMD: Most of us posting on this discussion board are spoiled compared to the average dude posting on USASG. It's inevitable that standards need to adjust sharply downward for guys seeking 3-hole service for $100 or less.
GMD maybe your looks play a role in the level of women you’re getting, it may not just be about money. Being older doesnt automatically mean ugly or out of shape or bald.
Youre saying the hot strippers are “a lot less” than $500 an hour? How? From my understanding they will still want 500 bucks but theyll just give you more than an hour for it. Yet an escort if she doesnt have clients waiting on her could also possibly give you more than an hour for the $500.
“$5-600 per hour is about the max I've seen actually have willingly paid here in the Louisville market”
I don’t understand that line. Are you saying $500 to $600 is the most youve witnessed someone else pay for an escort?
Btw there are some high end escorts in the $400+ range who will only ask for your name and age and a face photo of you, or even some who will only ask for a picture of you. Not sure if that means theyre more likely to be pimped? But there are many who only ask for pictures. I think the ones who need customers more badly will be more likely to accept just a picture. Its often the famous ig models pornstars who can get away with requiring drivers licenses and still getting a lot of clients.
Supposedly the famous people who want to use escorts actually have an assistant of theirs go through the entire verification and photo ID process and then they both show up to the appointment to explain the booking was actually for the celebrity
The verification process isnt for them to verify whether or not youre a cop its so they can come after you for any crimes you do like ilbaicln stated, but unfortunately it can also be so they can blackmail you for more money via threatening to contact your employer or the cops etc.
If the USASG and skt girls could make money as dancers, they would be dancing. They advertise online because they cannot advertise in a sc. There are exception clubs out there. When Babe's first re-opened post Ian as Allure, the girls were old, ugly, and repulsive enough to have been hired straight off the budget and clearance sections of skt and usasg.
I have thought the high end escorts would be making more than dancers if they charge $500 an hour
@ilbbaicnl: "escort verification is mostly about making sure the customer can't commit crimes against them and remain anonymous. They avoid arrest by only selling you their time, not sexual acts."
Given that LEO doesn't seem to care much about entrapment anymore, and when they do, they employ a variety of tricks, one of which is lying in court, to avoid claims of entrapment, and the courts seem to be giving them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't entrap the victim, the "I'm charging for time, not sex" defense is about as stupid as anything I've ever come across.
"If seeing someone reminds you of uniquely good experiences, they naturally look better to you than they would otherwise."
I can understand that, but if one considers a sometimes smelly, meth scrawny, track scar scabby, incoherent woman giving a blowjob to be a "uniquely good" experience, I really don't understand that. I can't imagine ever being that desperate. I guess I should consider myself lucky.
Entrapment isnt a moral issue to begin with. They arent forcing someone to commit a crime theyre just observing if they will do it. But the bigger issue is the illegality of certain things that shouldn’t be illegal.
The meth scrawny, track scar scabby woman is a stereotype of the street walking prostitutes… its not accurate even with many street walkers but has almost no relevance to an online escort charging $300+ an hour. In some cities the eros and tryst girls smoke any of the local dancers boy…
Anyway the charging for time is the reason why escorting is a legal gray area. And many escorts are strict about not discussing specific acts on text or even in person. Youre expected to hand over the money based on the time alone. If she starts sucking you off 20 minutes into your visit, technically speaking thats simply because shes just that horny and slutty and likes you that much. The money was paid for her time alone so she didnt legally have to give you anything besides companionship and sitting with you for an hour.
But this is in fact how some escorts can get away with scamming because they dont legally or technically have to give you anything besides their time and attention. So you may pay up front and they could decide to just do nothing besides talk for that hour or massage you. Technically you still got the time you paid for. Of course the more well reviewed escorts, or the ones who want customers coming back, will likely do much more than just talk to you.
"I'm charging for time, not sex" defense is about as stupid as anything I've ever come across.
It's about as stupid as a store trying to sell booze claiming, "I'm selling the container for its collectible value and not the contents which is free."
WiseToo, funny enough that is actually exactly how some farms/companies sell raw cows milk and other unpasteurized milk products in states where it is illegal to sell those things. They charge like $6.00 for a half gallon glass bottle, and the milks in there for free apparently.
In states where it is illegal they will sell it via the method you described, or sell it as pets milk, so technically its rated for pet consumption only, but anyone can buy it. Or the most complex method they use is a herdshare program where you pay a monthly fee to own a % of stock in an actual cow, which then gives you free milk from the cow every week or month. That would be like paying for stock in a wine company or facility and then getting free wine… it seems like it does work because its what many of these raw milk suppliers are doing. And they can openly advertise that on websites without being shut down.
Although maybe the reason it can work with milk is because milk is so cheap, that you can legally get away with arguing that you paid $6.00 for a glass bottle. But with wine bottles, they would have to make a really fancy looking bottle if they were to try to sell alcohol worth hundreds of dollars whilst claiming its being sold for the containers value.
But the real problem is things like raw milk or escorting or prostitution shouldn’t be illegal or regulated in the first place… the loopholes at least allow them to openly advertise without getting their websites taken down
@Wise you can't give away booze without a liquor license.
I only knew one escort who got arrested by an undercover cop. But he arrested her for not having a Georgia entertainer's license, not for prostitution. US courts are actually pretty principled about entrapment. Most of the abuse of defendants comes in the form of forcing them to take a plea, because pre-trial detention will ruin their lives anyway. Escorts tend to have savings, they can make bail.
Yea the issues with alcohol are its treated like a drug with the age restrictions. With milk its not illegal to drink raw milk, not illegal to give it away for free, only illegal to sell it in some states and even then some states have it legal to sell for pet consumption. The escorting thing is very similar where its not illegal to give sex away for free, only to sell it directly for money.
I wonder how crazy things would get if they fully legalized prostitution to where you could openly propose someone on the street, gym, grocery store etc? Imo it would completely change everything, people would be getting openly solicited at malls grocery stores and it would likely make women a lot richer and shrink the wealth gap probably.
In countries where prostitution is legal, it just goes on in the background and it's not a big deal. It's not really noticeable until you go to one of the hot spots like Zona Norte in TJ or the red light district in Amsterdam.
Lol 👽